Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 424: Lay a position!

Xu Ruofei found that he was negligent, and he ignored this important matter.

Waking up at the seventh sister, Xu Ruofei suddenly thought of it.

That is the problem exposed in mystery and treasure hunt.

You should know that when Sister Seven added her friend, she said she saw herself on the mysterious leaderboard. In other words, you are likely to have attracted the attention of some sensitive people in the burst rate.

For example, the official website.

Because he was lucky to be worth 999, although he didn't understand what was going on, Xu Ruofei guessed that it must be related to this ring. I actually overlooked such an important thing.

Then according to this rhythm, it is likely that people on the official website will find themselves and test themselves. Whether to hang. Of course, if it can be detected, Xu Ruofei has no bottom.

But it must be coming.

Fortunately, Seven Sisters woke themselves up, at least they can prepare themselves, not at a passive level. It seems this is the biggest crisis.

Xu Ruofei continued the team fight.

At the same time, Xu Ruofei thought quickly, and probably had a solution to this in his heart. Of course, specifically, it will be almost when we meet.

"Mad, why are there so many people helping me with this rise? TM, who is on the rise side?" Chase looked somber and thought to abuse the rise. Now it feels like a feeling of being suppressed by the rise.

And when did this group have such a big influence?

Is anyone helping?

Chasing the wind is also playing games for many years, and instantly understand what everyone is going to do!

He knows that the next step is definitely to fix his position in the 25th regiment. Damn, someone wants to disrupt this pattern.

Herd is also in a team battle, and at the same time find an empire player with an ID of black man in the friend bar. You know, among friends, you can ignore the faction. Federation can add Empire friends, Empire can also add Federal friends. With the exception of some maps, most federal players can see Empire players.

Certain mercenary regiments in the Confederacy are also actually linked to the Empire. Even secret alliances.

The other party replied: What happened? Suddenly looking for me again?

Zhui Feng said: Some people want the rising dynasty to stand firm in the 25th regiment.

The other party responded: stand firm and stand firm, is there any big problem?

Chasing the wind for a while said: You are still good for fighting, not good for thinking. It's not just a 25-level resource, it's about uniting the entire federation. Once united by that time, it may be difficult for the empire to completely occupy Taff. And Odin's Hammer will certainly be affected.

The man in black didn't reply, it took a while to start: ... no. Unite the leaders of many regiments? It should not exist. This is too difficult. At first, I lost my mind and wanted to rule the entire 25th regiment. This is too difficult. You should be in a team fight now, should I ask players from level 25 of the Empire and the Bible to support me?

Chasing the wind hesitantly said: Don't. You will be even worse. Tell you the head and let him prepare.

Then chase the wind to close the chat window.

Due to the blessing of the Divine Shield, it is difficult for the wind to suppress Xu Ruofei's Seraphim.

Team battles continue.

The entire federal 25th regiment has evolved into 25 mercenary regiments fighting 27 mercenary regiments.

The size of more than fifty mercenary regiments!

The voice of the player seems to be inferior to the people in the novice village.

The fighting continued for more than an hour before it was finally over.

This time, Xu Ruofei's rising dynasty turned out to be a victory!

The moment the system declared victory, it seemed as if it were still. All players hold their breath because everyone can estimate the end of the team battle.

The news of the victory suggests that only the mercenary regiments at war started to know. That is, you can see the independence of the moon and the rise, as well as the lost Junjie. The rest could not know. You can only see it if you check the team record.

"Who won?" Someone asked.

"I am not sure as well."


Herd took a deep breath: "Go!"

The members looked frustrated, and everyone looked at the situation and immediately knew who had won.

Sa Dingding said, "You want to go now? Are you trying to escape?"

Chasing wind was hazy, pretending not to know: "What you say, I don't understand. After the team fight, we leave. It's that simple"

Drunk and clear wind also came over: "Don't pretend. I think you know the significance of this teamfight. It's not just ordinary teamfights. An old regiment can launch an attack on a new regiment, and it can't win. Then this new regiment It has an influence comparable to ours. "

Arian Hurd slowly walked around, standing beside Xu Ruofei, with a smile on his mouth: "I think it is necessary for everyone to talk. Everyone is gone. The cadres and deputy heads of each regiment stay. We have something to discuss. "

Someone originally wanted to say what Arian Hurd was, but when he saw that Arian Hurd was an expensive governor's fashion and was Junjie's deputy head, everyone did not dare to speak directly to offend.

Many players looked at each other and eventually left.

There was a smile on the corner of Xu Ruofei's mouth, but in fact he had begun to understand that the original Seven Sisters had this idea. There are many resources in the middle and lower reaches of the game, and many players need to improve their strength. These all need equipment materials to cooperate with other things ~ www.readwn.com ~ Since this is the most popular game in the world, the demand is very large. The BOSS burst far from the market demand. Then everyone will have more demand for these equipment, so none of them are very popular in the market and the price is also high. The empire and the federation were not in the same camp, but the players in each camp were not the same.

Coupled with the empire's greater unity than the Confederacy, Taft lost more times.

Although the Federation has won, it has lost more times. They need a collar-sleeve, and they are the most suitable person for this collar-sleeve. The reason is simple, that is, this game has a high burst rate.

As long as you go through the next crisis, even in the 25th regiment, even Xiaohe, Nangong and Yuedu are hard to match their influence.

Take the rise directly to the top of level 25!


Everyone has discussed resources. According to the original rules, many participation rights have also been divided into the rise, and all rises have many new rights. It also represents that the rising dynasty officially became one of the 25 strong mercenary regiments from this day!

The welfare of the members also has the effect of sharing benefits in the Taff BOSS.

This battle can be said to have established Xu Ruofei's mercenary regiment in the 25th regiment! Herd is a bit reluctant, but has to admit that this is the case.

After all this was done, Xu Ruofei was offline.

Xu Ruofei waited at home, he knew the official would definitely come to visit. Nothing else, will definitely come! Before the official staff came, Xu Ruofei updated his novel.


The knock sounded.

There was a radian in the corner of Xu Ruofei's mouth: "Finally here ..."

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