Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 427: Pattern (below)

Seven Sisters looked around the crowd, and then began to speak in a tone of superiors. At this moment, she seemed as if the queen had descended, and a powerful aura seemed to set off from her.

"You know, this game is hot all over the world. Nowadays, a large part of the players in the Empire actually help others secretly. Extend this influence to the world economic system. Do you know the butterfly effect? ​​Or the golden crocodile system. Let me change it In other words, when your assets reach a certain level, they can affect the economy of the entire world. "

"Now this superhero hero island is getting more and more popular. The assets gathered have reached a level of horror. In fact, many of the world's top 500 have opted to join this game. Even some studios have seen business opportunities. Expansion. There are players playing games throughout the day, so these people began to penetrate into various mercenary regiments. One of the largest groups is called Wansike Group, and their CEO is Wang Sicong. "

"You all know Wang Sicong's influence. And he set up a company directly and penetrated into the empire. You now see that most of the Empire mercenary regiments have their members. So the empire is surprisingly consistent. For my identity, many of you Everyone can guess it. Ryan Group's seven thousand gold. "

After the Seven Sisters spoke, they were all surprised!

Lying down!

Actually Ruian Group!

Some of them behaved calmly, apparently guessed long ago.

The Seven Sisters continued: "Originally, we Ruian Group planned to penetrate into it. But my move was opposed by the shareholders meeting of Ruian, and I suspect that Wanske Group reached into my family's Ruian Group. I am now trying to get rid of these people . But in the short term, it will be difficult for me to get the support of the group. So we need an ultimate player to lead the federation. To disintegrate Vanke ’s offensive. "

Xu Ruofei heard the thief irritating. The team battle actually went to the strategic height of the group.

I just want to play a game quietly.

Don't do so many things?

"Ahem. In fact, playing a game is just relaxing. But I don't care about the group, I just want to get my mercenary regiment right." Xu Ruofei said his thoughts directly.

At this time, Seven Sister smiled suddenly: "Actually, I was joking. All of the above are just jokes. I think you are so nervous to ease the atmosphere. But I am indeed the Qianjin of Shui On Group."

The people burst into tears.

It turns out that what you said earlier is false.

I almost believed it.

woo woo woo woo.

The money is really flickering.

Everyone: "..."

Seven Sisters only entered the theme this time: "Actually it is because our Federation is not united. Everyone chooses a person who can be convinced at level 25, and then directs the entire regiment to **** Taff. However, it is only a command to seize and must not interfere with each mercenary regiment Things. "

The crowd nodded one after another, and indeed gathered here.

"Everyone has no opinion on choosing a six-winged angel?" Qijie said.

Nangong nodded his head first: "Officially recognized lucky player, I have no opinion."

"I have no opinion," Sa Dingding said.

Elder brother Niu: "Um, I follow you. Anyway, the empire has been a bit arrogant recently. It's okay to suppress them."

Chasing the wind and crying: "I don't want to be accompanied by the moon alone. I don't like being directed by someone."

Xiaohe said, "I'm not accompanied. Go."

Nangong looked at the team of two people: "You can go. But in the future Taff, you look at it. You want Taff unless you cooperate with the empire, otherwise you don't want to continue to have Taff. Think about why your team members Gathering in your regiment, if you lose this reason, I am afraid that you will lose a lot. If you choose to cooperate with the empire, at least in the Federation will be cast aside. As a federal camp, but with hostile cooperation. It is a funny joke.

Xiaohe looked into the wind, Xiaohe hesitated.

And the pursuit of the wind has not changed, because it has already secretly met with some of the Empire's mercenary regiments.

Some people have this in mind. Everyone didn't break it, because occasionally the wind would also stand on the federal side.

In fact, the members of the monthly independent mercenary group can be said to be the mercenary group with the highest income in the second gear group. Because the Commonwealth won, he had a part in it and was paid. The Confederate lost, and the Empire secretly paid dividends.

To put it simply, this mercenary group is a wall grass.

Xiaohe is hesitant. If the mercenary group loses the Taff incentive, it will indeed lose many players. It's like going to work without paying.

It's strange not to leave.

Then this lost mercenary regiment will really be lost ...

"I also agree with Six Wings as the commander, but ..." Xiaohe paused, "but I remember that the Six Wings said he didn't have a rank. That means he will run to fourth gear in the future."

"So the question is coming, can the command only take a while? Then what?"

Xiaohe's words really stamped on what many players wanted most.

Because of his speciality, everyone admitted to let Seraphim be the second-level conductor. However, if you do n’t get a card level, you ca n’t enter the Taf map once you exceed level 30.

No one is on the map, and the command of the Seraphim naturally has no execution.

Xu Ruofei is listening carefully and thinking about the key points ~ www.readwn.com ~ Everyone has their own opinions.

Xu Ruofei said: "Actually you lack command? No. Let me come, but hope that a prestigious player appears. Obviously I have this condition."

"Since it's me to unite the second gear, as long as I'm still playing, no matter how many levels. I can also unite. And as the helm of the second gear, I will not treat everyone."

"Each month, which mercenary group has accumulated the last drop of blood **** bosses the most times. Ten full motherboards. But the rising dynasty has the right to buy at the same price as the auction of additional attributes.

Since Xu Ruofei wants to produce equipment every month, he will definitely not give up. Some privilege must be fought. Otherwise, what's the point of being a bare commander.

Mutual benefit and win-win, the five principles of peace.

Next we discussed some details and also created a qq group. Belongs to the head of the cadre group.

Herds face turned dark, and even Xiaohe's lost mercenary regiment chose the Commonwealth Faction Community to work together to kill the Empire.

As if to see that the Federal Tuff Regiment has no place for the Moon Independent Mercenary Regiment. Only the Empire barely cooperates.

Herd is not a boss, but an ordinary worker. As you make money in-game, taste the sweetness. Fire the boss directly and roll away.

In the game, the game is not only well-equipped, but in reality, I bought a car for the house. There is no package-raise-tender-mold.

Now Xu Ruofei promises to make ten motherboards every month. This is something that others dare not imagine. It's not that no local tyrant can do it in the game, but no one has a motherboard as high as Xu Ruofei, and the cost is not high.

Herd knows that the federation is about to change, and the federal structure will change dramatically in the future.

The federal landscape is about to change!

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