Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 434: Misty butterfly

This situation made Lu Shu speechless.

Lu Shu even wondered why he had no such luck. But then again, there are people with special skills. A few days ago I also saw the news that the child pulled the car forward, which is something an adult cannot do.

But how do you explain this?

Are you born with divine power?

Another example is those who have the ability to magnetize their bodies. No one can really explain why. Fortunately, such people are strange things and usually appear in the news. I did not expect that my old classmate Xu Ruofei actually met a stranger and taught him a good way.

"I guess that boss Li you said is finished." Xu Ruofei said.

Lu Shu shook his head, his face hazy: "It's not going to be finished. With his ability, this group of people must have chosen to carry their own bag. There will be no problem with the surname of Li. But I believe that some things are too much. Someone will clean him up. It's not that they don't report. But the hour is not here. "

Xu Ruofei hehe, "Do you believe this too? But the things left by the ancestors are too mysterious. There are many things that cannot be explained."

After a period of recovery, the entire hotel resumed as usual.

Xu Ruofei actually had some tiredness. After all, these skills are also used by spending money. The blue amount needs rest to slowly replenish. After eating, Xu Ruofei left.

Did not continue to manage Lu Shu.

Being able to reach this level, Xu Ruofei would not find Lu Shu simple.

When Xu Ruofei left, a smile hanged in the corner of Lu Shu's mouth, "Old classmate, you are terrific ...

"Waiter, pay." Lu Shu snapped his fingers.


Xu Ruofei felt that his current strength was indeed very strong. But this is a society ruled by law, and no matter how strong it is, it is also an individual. No one can compete against the entire world alone. What can be done is either forced by the world or a pitted head.

Enjoying life is king.

Drink a bottle of Wang Laoji, lie on the bed, twist the ring into the game world.


Player "Seraph" is online.

"How is the second gear group now?" After Xu Ruofei went online, he was still more concerned about the pattern of second gear.

Ye never said defeatlessly: "The empire and the federation are currently competing, fifty-five, or four or five. The number of federal losses has gradually decreased. Tiramisu's influence in the empire has declined."

"Good. Let's go. The second gear is almost fixed. We should go to Nasha Wetland."

Because it has long been determined that the card is not stuck, Xu Ruofei and others naturally move toward the third gear.

And the second gear thing is almost fixed. The rest is some level 25 people in the group to participate in it. Divide according to the original negotiated rules.

Xu Ruofei really did it!

Who doesn't know the king!

In the second gear group, the six-wing prestigious earthquake!

Not only did he rely on strategy for the first time to break the surprise attack of the empire, but he also fought with the empire many times in the follow-up, although he did not say that he was 100% win. But the number of wins is relatively large.

Xu Ruofei formed two teams.

Everyone went to Nasha Wetland.

The first team consisted of five people with Xu Ruofei as the captain. The other team is composed of Arian Hurd. There are also five people.

The two teams totaled ten people.

"Let's go. Let's go to Nasha Wetland."

There is no doubt that this is where the game really starts. Second gear has left the prestige of the Seraphim. Now go to the third gear of the world. The game is divided into first gear, second gear, third gear, and fourth gear.

Generally speaking, levels 1 to 16 belong to level 1, and levels 16 to 25 belong to level 2. 25 to 35 belong to the mixed stage of 2nd gear and 3rd gear. Level 36 belongs to the third gear. Until the 55th level is the fourth gear.

Now Xu Ruofei and others are all 30 levels, but the experience can already improve several levels.

So head to Nasha Wetland.

The map of Nasha Wetland has begun, and empire players have begun to enter this map, which means that they will even encounter players from enemy camps during the mission.

In the middle of this map is the small town of Nasha, also known as the NPC square commonly known by players.

Both teams headed here together.

The mayor of Nasha stood in the middle of the square and looked at everyone with a smile, very intelligent: "Welcome you to the Nasha Wetland. I am the mayor here. Accepting tasks here will give you a lot of experience and crystal Coin. At the same time you can get crystal tokens. "

"Crystal token?" Xu Ruofei asked.

The mayor nodded: "Yes, crystal tokens. Collecting certain crystal tokens can be exchanged for soul stones. Soul stones can be used anywhere. After use, a boss will be summoned randomly to appear next to the user. Killing the boss has A certain probability of getting high additional equipment or three-hole equipment. "

Xu Ruofei thought that the mayor was too intelligent. "You're awesome. You're like a real person."

The mayor was silent for a while: "I have always been bullish."

"..." Xu Ruofei was dumbfounded.

You can answer everything, designer, you are great.

There is indeed no difference between a third gear and a fourth gear. The only difference is that it is inserted in the enhanced set. There is a watershed between second and third gear, not just the difference in manufacturing equipment attributes. Starting from the third gear, the equipment that everyone contends for is not only additional attributes, motherboards, and upgraded equipment ~ www.readwn.com ~ At the same time, there are more card slots and three holes.

The second gear can only be equipped with two gems, and the third gear can be equipped with three gems once the motherboard is combined into a three-hole gear. Attributes have been further improved. The card slot can be inlaid with some cards to add extra capacity.

For example, equipped with left and right clamps to activate one set, then when attacking, there is a 5% chance to cause additional damage to the sand king for several seconds. The dragon battle slot is to increase the base 200 defense while standing, and increase 60 base when moving.

Different cards have different effects.

So the world behind is more exciting.

Far from the card second gear can enjoy.

"Do you have any tasks here?" Xu Ruofei asked, looking at the mayor.

The other people also asked the mayor together.

Ding! The mayor issued a mission: head to the Hidden Fog Forest (levels 26-27) in the Nasha Wetland and kill 20 foggy butterflies and 20 long-tongued spine beasts.


Everyone answered.

Because everyone has a bit of experience before, they are already level 30. So it is not difficult to hit these 26-27 level creatures. So let's all go together towards the map.

The misty butterfly is a half-human butterfly with colorful wings. Its means of attack is to spray smoke on the player, causing continuous damage. It will also attack physically.

Because everyone's equipment is not too bad, the misty butterflies attack Xu Ruofei and other talents every time they deduct more than ten blood.

However, Xu Ruofei picked up his sword and slashed at it.

Although it looks good, it doesn't look good, this is a game monster and must be cut!



-111 (Crit!)

Killing everyone together is more efficient.

However, at this time, the misty butterflies began to change!

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