Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 442: he is my friend

Chasing the wind looking at Xu Ruofei, looked a little weak.

It is obvious that it is not appropriate to please. He no longer wanted to return to the life he had before, facing a cold machine every day, busy with single, repetitive work, and holding that humble salary. Being squeezed by the director's anger. Feeling a bit breathless.

Because the life of chasing the wind has changed a lot since contacting the Super God Hero Island.

When I returned to my hometown last time, many people in the family also asked themselves how they came by car.

At that time, Chase said that he had done some business and made some money. The relatives at home said with a smile that they are much better now than they were before, not in the factory. much better.

The original words of praise were deeply stinging to chase the wind.

It turned out that working in a factory was so uncomfortable in the eyes of relatives.

The emergence of Xu Ruofei no longer made chasing the wind a two-sided food, and the entire mercenary regiment encountered crisis again and again.

"I ..... I ..." Zhuifeng hesitated, most still did not say.

At this time, Sa Dingding and Xiaohe came to his side: "The federation has always been the federation. If you have this meaning, we are willing to accept you again. As for whether you can get the approval of the Seraphim. It depends on your performance Now. "

In fact, Xiaohe and Sa Dingding even chased the wind. The three people are somewhat connected in reality. A little dating. They know a little bit about chasing the wind.

Xiaohe and Sa Dingding do business. Sa Dingding belongs to the second generation of Fu, but he is not a cross-brother. Since receiving childhood elite education, all aspects of knowledge have been involved. After graduating from the company. Well-organized.

Unlike the ordinary rich second generation, clothes come to reach out and rice comes to mouth. The pick-up girl is arrogant. Be a nice person.

Xiaohe is a little different. He comes from the countryside, but did n’t read it when he was in high school. At that time, the village said that Xiaohe was not a reading material, so stop reading. Waste of time and money. It's better to make money early in society.

When entering the college entrance examination, he was admitted to college.

The family thought at the time that it was better not to go to college to get an undergraduate degree.

Don't waste the hundreds of thousands of hard-earned money to read a broken college.

Therefore, Xiaohe did not study after graduating from high school, and set foot in society ever since.

A lot of costs have been paid for this, and many good jobs simply rejected his qualifications. Some excessive interviewers even said directly, keep your eyes open! What I want is a college graduate! The increase rate says that the requirements will be met, except that the qualifications do not meet. Encountered irony.

Xiaohe has been a security guard, a steel mill, a miner, and a garment factory.

All the way through, groaning, and finally have today. Opening a listed company is a painstaking effort.

The classmates who had not graduated from high school together were still in the grass-roots level and doing meaningless cheap work.

Because they are cheap labor in the city.

Xiaohe is a Phoenix man and started from scratch.

Therefore, the people who chase the wind and graduated from junior high school and started to be mixed are somewhat kind and sympathetic.

Therefore, in the game, Xiaohe's Lost Mercenary Regiment and Herd of Mercenary Mercenary Regiment were in second gear.

In fact, Sa Dingding and Xiaohe knew each other about the imperial confederation that was chasing the wind. There is no point in breaking this fact.

It wasn't until the emergence of the Seraphim that it broke the situation of the Federation losing more and winning less. As a result, the month's independent mercenary regiment changed.

During the first victory of the Yueli Mercenary Regiment and the rising dynasty, the rising dynasty was already showing its edge.

When the Seraphim became the core of the second gear, Chase chose to stand entirely in the Empire camp. Xiaohe actually persuaded her to follow the wind.

But chasing the wind was not appreciated. It is believed that the Seraphim cannot be stronger than Tiramisu.

As a result of several fights, it was found that Tiramisu opposite the Seraph was not without a fight.

It turns out that Seraph is also very strong.

This time, the appearance of the Red Army gave a clearer understanding of the pursuit of the wind.

Choosing a federal camp should focus on the federation. Empires can cooperate, but don't forget. Unless you are already strong, you will be isolated by the Federation.

Trust and cooperation are two different things. What you do is not cooperation at all.

Herd does not expect the Seraphim to accept herself. Because this is unrealistic. Oppose it three times and four times. Do you accept if you accept it?

At least you can't do it yourself, so you won't expect the Seraphim to accept it.

Chase the wind and regret it at the beginning, the game gave himself a rich life. Is everything going to be the same?

Chasing the wind is scared, afraid of the ridicule of relatives, afraid of the kind of eyes and apathy. The feeling was like sprinkling salt with a knife and stabbing it into the heart socket.

Blood flows into the river ...

Xiaohe patted her shoulder on the wind: "It's a good indication that you are in the federal camp. One day the Seraphim will accept you."

"Did you see the Seraph? I'm sure we will witness the growth of a legendary player. When I first saw the Seraph or mining. I had some like-minded partners gathered around him.

"Seraph, for whom to find love, Little Fish Skeleton, Lord Never Say Never, Ice Spirit Cher, Arian Hurd, Fast Fighter ..."

Followed the wind and looked over. In the woods, they talked and laughed, showing a smile of enjoyment. Maybe they are really enjoying the game life ...


After unanimous discussions, the rising dynasty took five copies of "Yanshi" and one "Water Demon", a total of six. One for each of the remaining mercenary regiments.

Everyone has no objection to this, after all, because there are no six-winged angels, these rewards are not possible ~ www.readwn.com ~ The head of the Red Army Corps is somewhat overjoyed, and he didn't expect to share a copy. Threatening to send a red envelope tonight.

Regarding heroic cheats, some people choose to sell, and some people choose to learn by themselves.

Overall, a bumper harvest for the federal camp! After the partition was completed, the Empire's Valley of the Wicked and the undefeated mythical mercenary group had just arrived.

"You came very late, only after the fight." Tiramisu said angrily.

Leng Hu, the head of the wicked valley: "This is not necessarily the case."

Tiramisu stunned: "What do you mean?"

"Look at Xiaohe, the head of the lost mercenary regiment!" The head of the villain valley pointed at Xiaohe.

Tiramisu saw it!

Xiaohe's ID shows red, red name!

Tiramisu then realized that this was the case.

"Someone in the Federation opened a PK just now," said the head of the villain Valley.

Tiramisu nodded.

When robbing the hundred-foot boss before, the Yuedu mercenary group started a forced PK, waiting for the empire to come.

Xiaohe also became the red name of the same camp at that time.

When Xiaohe saw the bad eyes of the empire players, he secretly screamed. They want to kill themselves and explode that "Master".

When a red-named player dies, he will not only go to jail, but also randomly drop unbound items in his backpack.

"Come on!"

Xiaohe quickly left with the members. The Federation has three maps, and the Empire is inaccessible. Just come and be safe.

The three maps are Coral Islands, Metzer City, and Sky City. And the closest to Nasha Wetland is the Coral Islands!

Xiaohe doesn't think that card 25 can win the villain valley of card 50!

"Stop getting lost!"

Valley of the Wicked is just getting ready to chase!

Herd took a deep breath and stopped the empire: "He ... is my friend!"

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