Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 458: Box from Egypt

Xu Ruofei didn't care about the eyes of the people around him.

Anyway, I am just a soy sauce, and have a half dime relationship with myself.

Song Jiangran fell to the ground softly, uncomfortable in his heart.

He didn't even understand what was going on. But the young man in front of him gently put his hand on the center of his eyebrow, and his whole body lost his strength.

Is this the strange rumor of the group?

But I don't seem to have this ability.

"You wait for me!" Song Jiangran gritted his teeth and said these two words.

Xu Ruofei turned and glanced at him: "The ants."


"Grandmaster cannot be humiliated!"

"I Chen Beixuan acted all my life, why should I explain to you!"

Seven sister chuckled, this line was too familiar to her. This is a line from a classic urban rebirth book.

Do n’t pretend to be better friends than us.

Of course, these pretends are summed up more than sentences, that is ... Lao Tzu is very willful, I just do whatever I want. Everyone is garbage.

Song Jiangran usually reads novels, and when he hears these words, his face turns green.

This Xu Ruofei didn't put himself in his eyes at all, it was so annoying.

There are many people who like to read novels, and they laughed when they heard this sentence. Of course, some people do not understand these words. However, they could see that Xu Ruofei didn't care about Song Jiangran at all.

If you think about it, the two have not done anything.

Seven sister looked at Xu Ruofei: "What trick did you just use? It's amazing."

Xu Ruofei's mouth chuckled a smile: "I followed those people in the folks to learn some strange ways. So it will be a little bit."

Seven sister nodded: "That's the case. I also want to learn, can you teach?"

"..." Xu Ruofei twitched his lips and paused. "Well, this is a bit difficult. This thing depends on talent. I looked at it, you are not suitable for training. I guess it will not work."

In fact, Xu Ruofei didn't want to teach, but he couldn't teach.

Because of this thing, it is the skills brought back by the game world. If I was known, I'm afraid he would be speechless. Then, then, I was locked up somewhere, forcing me to ask why, and then ... the whole person was haha.

So Xu Ruofei is very secretive and will not tell anyone this secret.

This is a protection for oneself and a protection for others.

Just at this time!

"The auction has begun!"

Someone said.

There are also some people who support the soft Song Jiangran: "Song Song, are you okay?"

"It's okay. It just feels like I have no energy." Song Shao gave Xu Ruofei a vicious look.

Xu Ruofei took a panoramic view of all this, but he didn't want to bother these people at all. They can skill, and they can't help themselves. There really was a day of hands-on, although Xu Ruofei would not do anything illegal.

But getting him into game mode is easy.

This is Xu Ruofei's understanding of this ring. This is not a simple holographic ring, it is not just something that can be brought back from the game world. Even the skill book of the game world can be brought back.

If so many heroes of Super God Hero Island have learned it, I am afraid that the world will be invincible.

"First, a box from Egypt we auctioned!"

A charming woman in a red cheongsam walked forward, holding a box in her hand. The box is weird red with some Egyptian mummy painted around it. Then portray some weird text.

Yan woman: "This is not an ordinary box found in Egypt. For identification, you can see the identification information on the projector. It really comes from the Egyptian era. Did you see the words on this box. After identification and expert confirmation. This Egyptian box has several names written on it. The name is written on ten people. "

"Ten people, weird titles written around."

"Six-winged angel, Kisala, For whom to find love, Little Fish Skeleton, Ice Spirit Cher, Arian Hurd, Secret of Speed, MJ Xuan, Undead Swordsman, Lord never fails."

"For this group of translations, our experts are puzzled. What it means is very difficult to confirm."

Xu Ruofei was shocked when she heard the names of these beautiful women!

No one else knows what these names are all about!

But Xu Ruofei knew exactly what was going on.

Isn't this just those players who have played well on Super Hero Island.

But why did these names appear in Egypt thousands of years ago?

What is the reason for this?

Xu Ruofei glanced at Seven Sisters: "Did you know in advance?"

Because Xu Ruofei remembered that Seven Sister said that she would be interested when she went to the auction.

Now she's completely aroused her curiosity.

Why did these game IDs appear in Egypt thousands of years ago. And from the identification information displayed on the projector, it is indeed found in Egypt and has a history of thousands of years.

What the **** happened?

Suddenly everything felt very mysterious.

Is it something similar to the Maya prophecy? Or maybe it's not prophecy at all. But what happened in Egypt, and then recorded these names?

Just when Xu Ruofei was very confused, the beautiful young woman in the front of the crowd made a fish tank.

The fish tank is not large, and there are two dead goldfish in it.

Already floating above the water ~ www.readwn.com ~ I emphasize again. This auction is not an ordinary box. As you can see, this is a goldfish tank with two goldfish that have turned belly. "Beauty woman put the box and gently put it into the water.

The beauty woman said, "I'm optimistic."


A magical scene appeared!

As soon as the box entered the water, the two goldfish instantly became alive and rejuvenated.

The scene in front of me shocked many people.

The beauty woman knows that this is not enough: "I know that some of you may not believe this thing. I think I may have done something in the fish tank. But I tell you with conscience that there is nothing to do.


It took two shots.

I saw a man coming with a monkey.

The monkey was clearly dead, because there was no movement at all, and there were many cuts on his body.

"You can see if this monkey has any problems."

The beauty woman walked the monkey a few times among the crowd.

Many people have repeatedly confirmed that this is a dead monkey.

"A dead monkey indeed."

"But what are you going to do with this monkey?"

"Did you tell me that this box can be brought back to life?"

The beauty woman shook her head: "It's not going to happen. It will happen. This thing will not be in our hands. It must have been turned in. But look carefully!"

At this moment!

Glamourous young woman puts the box on the monkey's head.

霎 That room!

Some green light appeared on the monkey, like the light of the tree of life.

Suddenly, the wound on the monkey recovered quickly at a speed that was visible to the naked eye!

Everyone froze!

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