Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 462: Pretend to master

Wanjia Hell also has a bad face: "Your sister! How much is left without seeing the blue medicine?"

"I remember the blue medicine I bought a few days ago. Why did it disappear so quickly." Xiao Zhuan also looked depressed.

Oh shit!

The third ring is bound to fail!

The gunpowder Shura hero originally consumes blue. Without blue, it is simply a waste, relying on general attack is completely useless. Little Exclusive is ready to give up.

Hell led the envoy and said, "Oh! What are you holding on to! General attacks must also be cut! Holographic world, don't give up with a glimmer of hope!"

Xiaoxuan sighed: "Yes, you have to play if you fail."

Just then!

Xu Ruofei's whole body looks like a flash of light, and a strong suction around him!

"It's a martial arts move! Command and conquer!" Xiao exclusive recognized this skill.

Forcibly sucked the surrounding creatures into a pile and stunned for a few seconds.

Xiaozhuan knows that this skill can only fight for a few seconds, the most powerful firepower output, without himself. It takes no more than a few seconds. But next moment!

Fall from the sky!

A **** stone man like a giant!


"Summon me!" Xu Ruofei quickly attacked these creatures.

When Xu Ruofei came in, he used martial arts and madmen. But when seeing the small exclusive can not move, see the MP value. I knew what was going on, so I immediately switched to a puppet master.

Xiao exclusive took a sip of cool air: "Look! You are the real big brother."

Hell also stunned him: "Six wings, you Master and Water Demon are new heroes recently. This cheat is very expensive!"

"I said why you don't wear fashion. You turned out to buy this cheat book." Xiao Xuan thought that Xu Ruofei bought all the money to buy a new hero, so he didn't wear fashion. The money for this cheat alone exceeds ordinary fashion.

Xu Ruofei shook his head: "No. I exploded this cheat book."

Little exclusive shock!

what! ?

You burst?


Forced talents since ancient costume!

It turns out that you are the master of pretending to be in the world!

Such a low-key look, gorgeous face? ?

Xu Ruofei: "No. I'm a soldier. I think you guys have enough output. I'll fill in the back. As a result, you have no blue. Then I have to go."

"Skill to keep up!" Xu Ruofei shouted.

Hell nodded, and the skills continued to connect.

Ice Ling Xueer could barely kill.

But Xu Ruofei is here because of the relationship between the three. The main thing is that there is no blue medicine for exclusive use.

Fortunately, Xu Ruofei summoned a puppet at the end of the puppet skill cooling.

Roar! !!

Two hell-stone giants waved their fists and smashed them hard!

Xu Ruofei cut another hero!


This hero class is a blood-increasing class, but the three skills are heavy on knights. Continuous blue buckle every second. Can also cause creatures to slow down.

Little exclusive is extremely surprised!

"Daddy's job can still be used like this !?" He didn't expect Daddy to play like this at all.

Xu Ruofei said: "There is no absolute strong and weak profession. As long as the players match well, it is fine. Physics is not necessarily weaker than other professions. As long as you play well, it is very strong!"

This is one of the reasons why Xu Ruofei decided to play physics.

"Hell, skills go!"

Three players, picking up weapons and constantly attacking these creatures.

There are 20 remaining.

10 left!

5 left!


Killed successfully!

After Xu Ruofei and everyone's efforts, they finally killed all these creatures, and the other side. Ice Ling Xueer also completed the kill.

"Hoo ~ Thank you." Xiao exclusive looked at Xu Ruofei.

Hell said: "Little exclusive has no blue medicine. If it were not for him, we might not have been able to figure out our way just now."

Bingling Xueer laughed at Xu Ruofei: "The commander is mighty."

Strawberry was surprised, Xu Ruofei's heroic career turned out to be a knight and a division.

Another hidden tyrant.


"BOSS is here! Everybody pay attention!" Xu Ruofei knew that after successfully holding two paths, BOSS would appear. Killing the boss is even complete.

BOSS is Biaofeng, which has two hands on each side. Just like a wind-formed person, directly attack everyone!


Xu Ruofei ordered!

Unconsciously, Xu Ruofei's dominance was gradually revealed.

The crowd also became a combat force centered on Xu Ruofei.

It's a bit difficult to play because of the lack of blue exclusive.

Xu Ruofei's eyes narrowed slightly: "I cut the hero. Hold on!"

All four are export occupations, and only Xu Ruofei is a physics occupation.

"What hero do you want to cut. This hero combination is ok. The knight can give us blood and let us have a longer output." Xiao exclusive said.

Player Strawberry nodded, she thought so.

Xu Ruofei said: "According to this combination, it is likely that our team will not be able to kill this BOSS!"

"Summon me!"

Xu Ruofei summoned a puppet to attack.


Hell Stone Giant already has four full!

Xu Ruofei found that the advantage of this skill is that the existence time of the **** stone giant is endless and there is no time limit. But there is a limitation, that is, if you enter other maps, you will disappear.

Does this mean that as long as the player pays enough time, one person is thousands of horses?

Of course, no one will do it like this ~ www.readwn.com ~ It takes so long to go to one of them, and then change the map or go offline and disappear.

What does toss this do?

But from the side, Yanshi is really strong.

Not to mention the puppets who call the whole map, as long as you give a certain amount of time, you can sweep around with a bunch of puppets.

Generally speaking, games have such a routine. A new hero is very strong, and then after a period of testing and feedback, it weakens. This game is used in many games.

As a result, new heroes were rare and expensive when they first came out.

Although this is the case, but players still enjoy it very much.

"What hero are you changing?" Hell asked.

Xu Ruofei's eyes narrowed slightly: "Holy Shield!"

Small exclusive heart shocked again!

"Slum! There is a shield and a shield! Tyrant! Is there a pendant on the thigh!" Xiao exclusive eyes brightened.

Xu Ruofei: "... well ... persevere!"

"it is good!"

Everyone's skills have hit the BOSS!

BOSS is constantly fighting back!

Hell Stone Man is also attacking while protecting Xu Ruofei.

"All right!"

Xu Ruofei finally cut the hero!

"I'm here to carry the damage, you guys are responsible for exporting! My soldiers are thick in blood."

"it is good!"

"My viper skills are good!"

"My viper is fine too."


At this time, Xu Ruofei started the Aegis tactics!

The whole body is shrouded by a huge golden aperture, like a huge protective shield!

At the same time, Aegis's other skills also follow!

"Come on! Kill it !!!"

At this moment, all players are playing with blood, accompanied by the attack of the Aegis!

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