Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 464: Not afraid of a god-like opponent, but a pig-like teammate

After the sidewalk was cleared, everyone gathered towards the middle.

"Let's go!" Hell said to the crowd.

The middle road is the valley, going around, and the tree demon rotten road. But this is not a big problem for them.

It took about ten minutes to complete the entire middle.

"I'm going ~ The designer's design path is not scientific." Hell complained.

Xu Ruofei smiled and said nothing.

Roar! !!

A huge centaur appeared in front of the crowd, twice the size of the centaur seen before.

On top of the centaur boss's head was written physics, magic, and gunpowder. In other words, it has three series capabilities.

"You're finally here." The centaur sneered.

Xiao Xuan glanced at the boss: "This special effect is a bit better. It would be nice if you can interact with some NPCs."

"Ai? As you say, can I still make NPCs?" The **** of the messenger's eyes brightened.

Xu Ruofei: "..."

Xiaoxuan patted his head: "I'm not afraid of opponents like God, but teammates like Pig. What do you think?"

"I think you are more like a pig-mate." Hell said.

Xu Ruofei stopped two upcoming tear-to-force wars: "It's important to kill the boss."

"Old rules, I'm here to bear the damage. You are responsible for exporting at the back. Open a safe distance. This is the third system." Xu Ruofei ordered everyone.

Bingling Xueer said OK, and did as the head said.

Xu Ruofei rushed up, using the blade and the division. It is ready to switch the blade to the shield at any time. The blade is mainly to use a skill to force the boss to attack himself and better absorb damage.

Centaur boss suddenly jumped: "Powder attack!"


A pit was smashed within the radius!

"Oh! Back!" Hell led.

"Mage, keep up!" Xu Ruofei.

"Okay! I zoomed in. Hell walk away!" Bingling Xueer found that the position of the totem he had summoned was just beside Hell.


Hell leads to a change of face!

"Sister Miss. You've trapped me in the middle of your skills!" Hell dulled his face.

Bingling Xueer spit out his tongue: "I'm sorry. I didn't expect you would be trapped in the middle of a poisonous snake and couldn't move."

When Xu Ruofei saw the situation, he had to switch the Cavaliers hero: "You hold on first, I change the Cavaliers and give you blood."

The Centaur boss changed physical attack this time, an axe appeared in his hand, and he suddenly cut it!

-600 Critical Strike!

For everyone, 600 is hurting.

Hell drew a look on the cup: "Then I will use the Holy Fruit to persist. My mother drop. This copy is the most bumpy I have ever experienced."

"Do you have holy fruit? How many groups?" Xiao exclusive asked.

Hell said, "Less than a group. It was the last time I saw a roaming fat dragon, and then it exploded after killing. That's a dozen."

The group of Holy Fruits is 100.

Each Holy Fruit can add 2000 blood instantly. And there is no cooling time.

The Holy Fruit consumes one.

Hold on for a while.

Consume one more.

"Alright!" Xu Ruofei changed.

Xu Ruofei's knight directly added blood to Hell. At the same time summon the hellstone man to attack the boss.

The mage's occupation is a strong output, causing considerable damage.

Under the powerful output of Ice Spirit Cher and Strawberry, the boss's blood volume has decreased sharply.

The attacks caused by **** are also wave after wave, and the small exclusive damage is slightly missing. Because there is no big move, the small exclusive attack seems to be a bit stretched.

Constantly grinding boss blood.

"Residual blood!" Xu Ruofei reminded everyone to pay attention to the boss's counterattack.

In this game, many bosses will explode. There will be some counterattack skills before death.


The boss roared!


Summoned a large group of tree monsters!

The tree demon attack power is very low, but it is very troublesome.

The spit net tied the crowd.

For a while, the player becomes a boss slaughtered by the boss.


For all this.

In fact, they all know.

It is not the first time for some people to participate in the third ring.

So I'm already familiar with boss tricks.

"Resist this wave! I have a big move!" Xu Ruofei said.

next moment!

Xu Ruofei's knight's big move started.


Instantly, some greens fluttered in the air beside everyone, just like the water of life spring irrigation. At this time, everyone's blood is constantly recovering!

Also at this moment of persistence, with the cooperation of the poisonous snake and highly toxic, the boss was successfully resolved.

"Hoo ~"

The crowd was finally relieved.

It could have been easier, it was just a small exclusive that had no skill elements. Roughly no big move, the overall difficulty is a lot more difficult.

"Sorry." Xiaoxuan bowed her head.

Xu Ruofei waved his hand: "It's all right. The game is good. It's just negligence. After going out this time, let's take a look at your blue medicine, red medicine and skills.

"it is good."

Small exclusive response.

"By the way, you seem to have a pet. Why didn't you bring it?" When looking at Xu Ruofei's panel, Xiaozhuan clicked the pet panel by the way.

There is actually a fallen angel.

Xu Ruofei said, "I don't see you guys, I didn't."

The little dumb mute said: "Um. I am mainly because pets have a short life span. Besides the death of pets, if they appear outside for a long time, they will lose their life. I now have 3 lifespans out of 100 lifespan ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ Hell leads: "My pet is too low-level. So I won't take it out. "

Icy Xueer muttered, "I'm reluctant to let the little bunny go to fight. What if it hurts?"

The crowd almost fainted.

Holographic games! !!

Gosh! !!

Where do you take this! !! !!

Xu Ruofei said: "Well. Then my last link, bring my pet. Life expectancy can be increased with Ganoderma."

Xiaozhuan said: "Yes. It is true. But now Ganoderma is monopolized by the tribal mercenary regiment. It is difficult to buy outside. It was not very expensive and has turned many times. Although it can afford this price, I always feel Too bad. I haven't bought it. "

Xu Ruofei thoughtfully: "Tribe Mercenary Regiment?"

"Forget it. Let's go to Sanhuan. This time everyone is ready and we will start." Xu Ruofei said.

Leaving the second ring, ready to enter the last ring.

That is the third ring.

This time all the people were checked and they chose to teleport without oversight.

The third ring is actually a labyrinth. On the ground of the labyrinth, a column of flames will appear at intervals. Each burn deducts 1000 blood. As for the exit of the maze, everyone is very clear.

This is not the first time to play this game.

And avoiding the pillar of flame is entirely based on position and judgment.

The moment the flame column appears, the ground will change slightly, and players should pay more attention to it.

If you use a combination of knights and war spirits, you can force the pillar of flames without evasion. But this is based on the premise of good equipment.

And Xu Ruofei avoided the flame column, very relaxed.

This move was easy for him.

Xu Ruofei's mouth slightly lifted: "This dodge is not difficult."

However, seeing the team members, Xu Ruofei froze.

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