Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 466: Girl? 3 years?

With Xu Ruofei's reminder, Bingling Xueer looked a little dazed.

"what happened!?"

next moment!

Yan dog sprays smoke!

A cloud of smoke appeared around Ice Spirit.

"It's an assassin's magic banning skill!"

Small exclusive step forward.

I want to take damage.


White light is here!

-5000 Critical Strike!

Half of the blood is instantly deducted.

Then they knew what Xu Ruofei said about flashing!

It turned out that he had already predicted that the boss would zoom in.

Everyone took a breath.

Even the judgement has reached this level!

Xu Ruofei reminded to move six steps to the right and counterattack again!

"This boss is strong."

Xu Ruofei reminded.

Many people are surprised, this is the boss of the third ring of the third ring. When I saw Xu Ruofei alone killing so little blood, he seemed to just want to go up to help, but neglected the boss of the last link.

"Viper!" Xu Ruofei commanded!

Bingling Xueer released this big move.



【Ding! Congratulations to the players through the third ring (3/3)! Go to the NPC to claim your reward! 】

"Yeah! It's done!" Strawberry cheered.

Hell led to a smile: "Hey, the third ring is really surprisingly easy this time. Especially the third ring. Usually I and others form the third ring, it will take a long time. I didn't expect to team up with you so fast this time."

Xiaoxuan looked at Xu Ruofei: "The Six Wings are the Technology Party. I suddenly feel that the Technology Party is really a cow."

Hell said, "Add a friend. See you next time at the third ring. I heard that the post posted that the official website seems to be preparing for a competitive game. According to your ability, if the equipment is not bad, I think it ’s very good. May stand out. "

Xu Ruofei waved his hand: "It's okay. That's how fun I am."

Add friends to each other. Of course, adding friends does not mean that next time you will really team up and come to the third ring. It just means convenient contact. Right after the addition, everyone went to collect the reward.

【Ding! Congratulations to players for completing the third ring! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to players for completing the first ring, rewarding 1,000,000 experience and 100,000 crystal coins. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to players for completing the second ring, rewarding 1,000,000 experience and 100,000 crystal coins. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to players for completing the third ring, rewarding 1,000,000 experience, rewarding 100,000 crystal coins, rewarding third gear upgrade magic crystal * 15, and rewarding third gear synthetic magic crystal * 15. 】

"It's refreshing, this experience. Every time I get around the ring, I feel that the experience comes very quickly. Then I leave first." Hell said.

Xiaozhuan also waved goodbye: "I'm going to brush up my defensive experience. 88."

Player Strawberry said he was going to do a mission to swipe tokens.

"Leader. I will be offline first. I will be back tomorrow." Bingling Xueer said.

Xu Ruofei looked at the time, which is equivalent to the evening. Get off the line so early, that is, get up at zero?

"Er ... 88." Xu Ruofei didn't care much, after all, it wasn't his business.

She is staying one night at her cousin's house, and she just happened to go to her parents. Will not return the next day.

Xu Ruofei looked at the time and chose to fight against monsters.

Scrabbling is boring for many people, so everyone is chatting while chatting. And Xu Ruofei is completely practicing the wind ~ Sao moves.



The breeze blew in exchange for the trees rustling.

A car drove in the darkness, and two lights illuminated the road ahead.

A villa is ahead.

A cute young girl got out of the car: "Thank you, Master Li."

"It's okay. Miss Bing speaks heavily. Then I go back. Miss pays attention to safety at night." The driver waved his hand, manually controlled the gear, and nudged it a little. Step on the clutch throttle and leave quickly.

The girl looked at the villa and closed the door, so she left only some street lights.

"Hey, I don't know that my cousin saw me suddenly at home the next day, and was not surprised or surprised." The girl smiled.

Tiptoe, swipe the door with your fingerprint.

Use the key to open the door and walk into the villa.

The villa has no lights.

Holding a mobile flashlight, follow the road and slowly walk up the stairs.

Then quietly walked to his room.

When my parents came back today, I wanted to talk to myself about something. Then I stayed with me all day, and left at six o'clock. Shen Bing went to bed to play the holographic game, playing and playing, thinking about going back, to surprise his cousin early.

"Well? How does the quilt in my room tile?" Shen Bing's usual bed quilt and pillows were neatly folded when leaving.

Is it because my cousin is ready for me to sleep?

Shen Bing didn't think much.


Two compromises followed.

Fly into the shoe rack accurately.

This kung fu is a God operation that has been cultivated over the years.

It was dark and afraid of going to bed.

It seems that my cousin bought a doll on the bed.


Hold on!

Enter dreamland.

Soon after falling asleep.


After six hours.

A sharp voice broke the tranquility of the villa.

"Ah ~~~~~~~ !!!"


Xu Ruofei looked at the screaming girl aggressively.

"How did you crawl into my bed to sleep?" Xu Ruofei looked puzzled.

The girl said arrogantly: "You are! I haven't asked you yet, why did you climb to my bed? It must be a satyr! I told you, more than three years! Huh."

Xu Ruofei was aggressive.


What's wrong with this?

After hearing this exclamation, Seven Sister went upstairs and watched the two sitting on the bed with big eyes and small eyes.

"How are you here?" Seven sister looked at the girl in surprise and said clearly to go home.

The girl said, "I was going to surprise you. My parents went on a business trip again ~ www.readwn.com ~ I will be back. I went back to the room without turning on the lights at night. As a result ..."

Seven sisters glanced at the situation before realizing what was going on.

"Um ... nothing happened to you." Seven sister asked.

The girl glanced at Xu Ruofei: "Hum. If something happens, I will kick him out! But I slept in my bed, and it would be over if someone knew it."

Seven sister coughed and said, "Oh, in fact, I didn't think you would come back. And the sheets in other rooms have not been tanned, so it ’s not good for him to sleep. Then you went out again. Just happened to give him sleep. But I did not expect you to come back Now. You should know him. In the game. "

"Who?" Shen Bing said.

The seventh sister paused: "The head of your mercenary regiment."

"Seraph!" Shen Bing stunned!

Xu Ruofei stunned: "Uh ... you are Bingling Xueer ... I didn't expect us to meet for the first time, but actually met in this form."

This is so embarrassing.

Meet your own cadres for the first time.

It was in her bed.

Although nothing happened.


Forget it, it's all a misunderstanding.

"Uh ... forget it, nothing happened. Miss Ben forgive you." Bingling Xueer quickly got out of bed.

Put on slippers.

"Cousin. Where is my potato chip?" Shen Bing said.

Seven sister said, "It's still in the refrigerator."

Shen Bing looked at Xu Ruofei: "Yes, what are you doing here?"

Xu Ruofei explained: "Because there happened to be a writers exchange meeting, the editor asked me to go, so I came to the city.

"Otherwise, I'll go with you. I want to see it." Shen Bing said suddenly.

Xu Ruofei froze.

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