Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 473: Recruiting Tavern

Hearing that, Emperor Ba's face became iron-blue.

Xu Ruofei knew that he had shot Bing Ling just now, so he naturally saw it.

They can constantly level up, and they are at least in this city, controlled by themselves.

"This is ten gold coins. Take them." Di Ba gritted his teeth and passed the gold coins to Xu Ruofei.

The Emperor's eyes are not good, but people have to bow their heads under the roof. He didn't believe it, the game would be under the pressure of the opponent.


Xu Ruofei patted his palm, and ten LV9 cavalrymen stood beside Xu Ruofei: "I advise you not to be swayed. We are the city owners and you are novice players. Especially your emperor, I warn you. If you choose to attack .I will let you try what is called Destiny. Do you want to chase you with a large group of soldiers behind you all day? "

"If you want it, then just find a chance to kill me. But then, don't regret it!"

Xu Ruofei shook his sleeves and rode on a war horse.

Shen Bing and Seven Sisters also rode on the war horse: "People who pay gold coins can enter it, and you can also choose to pay military tokens. Follow your own."

When many players saw this, they chose to compromise.

Play holographic games immersively and face the temptation to master various magic skills. Upgrading can enhance a variety of attributes, and even light water rafting is a breeze.

【drop! The recruiting generals feature is unlocked. Attention all players. Recruiting generals requires the use of military tokens and gold coins. 】

"General?" Xu Ruofei raised a smile in his mouth.

The rest of the players also received this reminder message, but recruitment is not possible. After all, the force token is not available for sale. And now the tokens have been levied by the three of them.

After collecting those players who were willing to pay gold coins, Xu Ruofei began to look for recruitment taverns in the city.

"It should be this pub." Xu Ruofei narrowed his eyes.

A shop junior stood in front of Xu Ruofei: "Guest, are you going to solicit generals?"

Xu Ruofei nodded: "Yes, I will recruit generals."

"You can choose advanced recruiting, consume a certain amount of gold coins and strength tokens. You can also choose to recruit for free.

After the introduction of the shop's Xiao Er, a transparent panel appeared in front of Xu Ruofei.

The above shows general recruitment and advanced recruitment.

[Advanced Recruitment (Charge): Randomly select generals. Quality Samsung to seven stars. 】

[General Recruitment (Free): Randomly draw generals. Quality one star to seven stars. 】

Xu Ruofei clicks for free recruitment.


【drop! Congratulations on recruiting "Zang Hong", one star quality. Whether to choose to recruit, the upper limit of recruitment is related to the protagonist's level. 】

"Forget it. This is not necessary." Xu Ruofei only had a little impression of the name. That was one of the three kingdoms. The son of the former **** Zang Pu, the main achievement was to defeat Dong Zhuo.

After thinking about it, choose to give up the extraction.

The transparent panel free extraction time is just like an ordinary online game, showing the remaining time.

[The next ordinary recruitment (free of charge) will open in 30 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, and 0 seconds. 】

"How many generals can I recruit now?" Xu Ruofei asked the shop junior.

Dian Xiaoer explained with a smile: "Player can unlock one each time he increases by level 10. Two can be unlocked at level 20. So players carefully choose to train generals."

"Well? Wasn't I 9th level just now? What happens if I choose to recruit?" Xu Ruofei felt that there was something wrong just now.

Xiaodian Er explained: "The tavern has a storage function. After the player successfully draws it, if it cannot be carried, it will be stored in the tavern. After the player meets the conditions, he can choose to officially recruit the drawn generals."

Xu Ruofei was shocked.

Randomly summoned some LV9 infantry, hacking.

Xu Ruofei then chose to attack the residual blood.

Ding! Congratulations on killing the LV9 infantry and gaining 1000 experience.

Ding! Congratulations on killing the LV9 infantry and gaining 10,000 experience.

Ding! Congratulations on your promotion to LV10.

"Cool. The function of this general suit is good." Xu Ruofei laughed.

The predator did a great job with this opportunity. I don't know if other predators will, like themselves, choose to kill the general within that hour. If not, you will not be able to enjoy this treatment. If so, it means there are other predator players.

Hey, this is very interesting.

This time Xu Ruofei chose the tavern to recruit again.

At the same time, Seven Sisters came on a horse, "Drive! Drive! Woo!"

"Did the generals be drawn?" Seven Sister asked.

Xu Ruofei nodded: "Yes."

"Will you recruit a good general?"

"Not for the time being. LV10 is required to carry it. I just smoked it, one star, not very good."

The two started to draw.

Xu Ruofei can now carry one and smoke it again and again.

"It's hard to pump." Xu Ruofei's eyes narrowed slightly, this recruiting generals was a pit. I have never recruited a general who can see me.

Ten consecutive draws!

Ten consecutive draws!

Ten consecutive draws!


【drop! Congratulations to players for recruiting general Lu Bu, with seven stars of quality! Whether to choose to call! 】

"Finally come to me with something good !!" Xu Ruofei's eyes brightened!

Role: Lu Bu

Quality: Seven stars

Level: Level 0

Loyalty: 85/100 (Loyalty below 50 has a risk of mutiny, and loyalty can be increased.)

Experience: 0/100

Force value: 1000 initial force value (determines physical damage)

Intelligence: 500 initial intelligence (determines damage to the mage)

Description: Lu Bu ~ www.readwn.com ~ Fengxian, native of Jiuyuan County, Wuyuan County. Originally Ding Yuan's general, he was instigated to kill Ding Yuan and attached to Dong Zhuo. He and Dong Zhuo were sworn as fathers and sons. Later, Situ Wang Yunzheng ordered and killed Dong Zhuo. Immediately was defeated by Dong Zhuo's former ministry [Què], and attached to Yuan Shao. He was also jealous of Yuan Shao and attached to Zhang Yang. In the three years of Jian'an (198 years), after Lü Bu defeated Liu Bei and Xia Houyi [dūn], Cao Cao personally went out to conquer Lü Bu, and the water was flooded. Lü Bu was rebelled by his men, captured and executed. In history, Lu Bu was famous for his bravery and martial arts.

"Confirm the call!" Xu Ruofei smiled openly!

After pumping so many times, I almost drew blood, but I did not expect to draw Lu Bu!

After clicking OK.


A red light suddenly shot from the air!

A figure came down from the sky!

"I am flying Lu Bu! My eldest husband was born between heaven and earth, how can he live for a long time."

A burly body appeared in front of Xu Ruofei, holding Fang Tianhua in his hand, and appeared in front of Xu Ruofei in a squatting posture: "In Xia Lubu, I have seen the protagonist."

Xu Ruofei laughed wildly, aunt, laughed.

"Hahaha. No. I have to laugh for a while." Xu Ruofei squatted aside, laughing wildly.


It's the same as drawing a lottery.

After numerous failures, I won that one.

It's really cool.

And at this time, another light appeared next to Seven Sisters.

A woman in animal skin and a crown and feathers appeared next to her.

"I wish Mrs. Rong! I've seen the Lord!"

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