Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 475: battlefield

The Emperor looked puzzled at this time.


next moment!

Xu Ruofei's LV9's seven-star Lu Bu suddenly waved Fang Tianhua's halberd, and he directly cut off the Emperor's LV5 six-star Lu Bu.

The Emperor was stunned.

"Two Lubbs !?"

Di Ba shouted immediately: "Run!"

LV5's Lu Bu turned and fled.

Another LV9 Lu Bu leapt forward: "Little thief! Where to go!"


A muffled sound!

Kill directly!

Di Ba's eyes were dull and he couldn't speak.

Xu Ruofei embraced both hands and led Lu Bu over to him: "There is only one Lu Bu now. It seems that the probability of this same hero is very low. There is an introduction in the tavern. Unfortunately, you do n’t know how to lift.

According to Xu Ruofei's understanding, what do the two Lu Bu mean? That is to say, a military general is similar to a pet, and it is possible to repeat it. Fortunately, there are many characters in the Three Kingdoms, so the probability of players appearing the same hero is very low.

If Diba develops well, it may be possible to cultivate a good general. However, it is a pity now. He has no such opportunity.

For the Three Kingdoms, Xu Ruofei remembers it well. There are Guan Yu, who has cut off five levels and six generals, Zhao Zilong, who is in and out of seven, and Wolong Zhuge, who borrows arrows from straw boats. Herd of horses chasing horses. Looks like Tianxian Diao Chan and so on.


If you can get these generals, it will be cool.

Xu Ruofei is already at YY,

"You have been expelled. Now, please leave this city. Don't say you doubled it, ten times won't let you stay here again."

Xu Ruofei snorted coldly: "Go!"

Dozens of LV10 infantrymen grasped the Emperor and forced him out.

The rest of the players have anxiety, and the city is better developed than the chaotic battlefield outside.

Xu Ruofei went to Shen Bing and said, "I'm going out to expand the city. You go to level. Try to keep your advantage."

Shen Bin and Qijie nodded.

Seven sister said: "This is a military token that I and my cousin have discussed together. Since you are going to develop, you definitely need a unit to mix up outside. These military tokens are for you."

Click the transaction button and select the transaction Xu Ruofei.

Xu Ruofei did not refuse. He did need troops, but at the moment when he saw the trading panel, there were still some changes: "There are too many tokens. There are almost 5,000. You also need to summon a lot of troops to protect you and attack the enemy . "

"It's okay, you take it. Since there are the first players here, there must be follow-up players to enter this place. Besides, you are more dangerous than us. Need to open up wasteland. No strength can not do it." Seven sister said.

Shen Bing laughed: "That's right. Take it. My cousin and I are here to guard the city. There is no cousin when there is a cousin."

Hearing that Xu Ruofei was unambiguous and accepted it directly.

The military token is still a little different from what Xu Ruofei imagined. After using some strength tokens, increase the strength by 10. Some increase by 100. In other words, the range of increase in strength is currently 1 to 100 tokens. It all depends on the luck of the player.

Xu Ruofei quickly click to use.

【drop! Congratulations on your use of the power token, which increases your power by 10. Maximum current summoned force 1010]

【drop! Congratulations on your use of the power token, which increases your power by 1. Current Summoned Cap 1011]

【drop! Congratulations on your use of the strength token, the strength is increased by 50. The current summoned strength is 1061]

【drop! congratulations......】


Xu Ruofei brushed all the time and brushed well.

Looking at the ever-increasing calling limit, Xu Ruofei felt more and more happy.

Finally stopped at the value of 20050.

"A little more than 20,000." Xu Ruofei's eyes narrowed slightly, this is already a fighting force that cannot be overlooked.

After slamming Shen Bing with Seven Sisters, Xu Ruofei left the gate with a thousand LV10 cavalry.

See the Emperor squatting in the grass on the battlefield.

Xu Ruofei didn't bother, so he rushed.

The entire battlefield is huge, and vaguely visible troops can be seen on the battlefield. Some wrote the East Wu Kingdom, some wrote the West Wu Kingdom, and some wrote Wei Kingdom.

"If I cross this battlefield, I will definitely be hanged. I must detour!" Xu Ruofei took a decisive decision and rode a horse to speed his horse.

Di Ba watched Xu Ruofei with a thousand cavalry and shouted, "Take me out!"

Xu Ruofei drew a corner of his mouth: "Wave your sister! Wave yourself!"

The emperor saw this, and his heart was overwhelmed: Mader, expelled my tyrant player from the city without taking my waves. You have kind. Fuck you!

Immediately, the Emperor stood up and shouted, "Come on! There is a Shucheng Cavalry here!"

NPC is very intelligent in this mode. And Xu Ruofei is not sure if it is in other countries, and there are players who belong to the predator just like himself.

"This guy is really in trouble!" Xu Ruofei sneered.

The emperor smiled arrogantly: "Hahaha. Anyway, I'm all about to die, one more is one. There is no loss in blood."

"Lu Bu! Kill me, this player!" Xu Ruofei ordered.

Lu Bu nodded: "Observe! Lord!"

Swing Fang Tianhua halberd to attack the emperor!

The Emperor doesn't have any equipment on his body, not to mention the generals in the tavern.

one move!


Xu Ruofei frowned: "Trouble!"

Because of the words of the Emperor before his death, he attracted the attention of many troops. An artillery team wearing a silver armor, aimed at Xu Ruofei's team with a cannon ~ www.readwn.com ~ I need troops to fight back! "

Xu Ruofei immediately summoned the troops!


There are hundreds or hundreds of summons.

There are constant troops, with Xu Ruofei's call.

Army from 1,000 people.


It became 2000.

It becomes 4000 again.

Becomes 5000 again.

[Hey! caveat! The player's energy value is currently 0 and cannot be summoned. 】

【drop! The energy value will recover by itself according to the player level every hour. 】

【drop! Each summon requires energy and MP. The current MP value is 0

"No blue?" Xu Ruofei didn't notice this thing. There are five things in the character panel.

One is HP health, one MP magic, one EXP experience, one EP energy, and one EN rage.

"That is to say, I need to consume blue and energy value." Xu Ruofei looked at it, the army of 5,000 people must be surrounded by highlights. It should be barely okay, but the loss is a little big.

Fortunately, these calls are endless.

As long as Lan has energy, he can summon at will.

"Lu Bu and I retreated towards the southwest. Two hundred cavalrymen followed me. The rest of the troops rushed towards the surrounding forces."

Xu Ruofei kicked his horse: "Drive! Attack!"

Lu Bu answered, "Observe the Lord!"

Also at this moment!

Xu Ruofei's Hei Jiajun rushed out and hacked at the opponent's artillery. The other side showed no weakness, and a large group of troops rushed over. The two sides launched a fierce fight!

At this time Xu Ruofei saw a player standing on top of a war elephant with a red cloth on his body, and the elephant wrote Nanman City!

"Predator !?" Xu Ruofei was startled!

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