Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 477: Everlasting Regret 3 Brothers

Lu Bu catches the song of long hate.

Under his guidance, Xu Ruofei galloped all the way to Nanmancheng.

"Is there a blue medicine in Nanban City?" Xu Ruofei asked.

Chang Henge secretly said: I know and don't tell you, ya!

"Unclear. I'm not very familiar with Nanman." Chang Henge said seriously.

Xu Ruofei knew that this guy had a good heart, and he smiled, "It's up to you."

I glanced at my energy value and MP, and it seemed that recovery was a bit slow. Preliminary estimates now call for less than a hundred more. It is difficult for a two-hundred-member team to make a noise in a city.

Make up your mind and check Meng's level first. If the level is too high, consider brushing the level yourself first. If the level is not high, then some have played. On the way, Xu Ruofei wanted to put something useful in Changhege's mouth, but the guy always said something.

"Why is the constellation only Virgo, Virgo? No Virgo?" Chang hate brother once again pulled away what Xu Ruofei asked.

Xu Ruofei was silent for a while and said, "Why not? It was just called Sagittarius."



Long hate singing stuff.

Xu Ruofei Hehe, I also want to change the topic, I can't die you!

"Is there a garrison soldier in Nanman City? Is it a tribe or a city?" Xu Ruofei was still trying to ask.

Chang Henge looked up at the sky: "Well, the recent college entrance examination. Why do everyone gather around to discuss the composition of the college entrance examination, rather than mathematics or physics?" Xu Ruofei narrowed his eyes and said: "Because, this is the only thing we can understand now. "



The long hate song burst into tears, and it was difficult to change the subject.

Just shut up.


Finally arrived at the entrance to the Nanban City, Xu Ruofei did not act rashly because he did not set up useful information. Observe it before turning it over.

When I saw Nanban City, I confirmed that this was not a city I imagined. But something that looks more like a Mongolian sandbag. All military tents were on the side.

"There are a lot of soldiers." Xu Ruofei's eyes narrowed slightly, and it was certainly not easy to go straight in.

Long hate song chuckled: "If you can't get in, don't bother. You need an ID card. I just arrived in the city as a new player with good luck."

"Oh. I want an ID card," Xu Ruofei said suddenly.

After hearing that, 10,000 gliders flew in Chang Henge's heart, and she said that she had leaked.

Next, wait.

There are always people out of town.

For the characters in the game world, Xu Ruofei has no mercy. After playing a game, I ca n’t bear to blame the monster, so I can go back. It's really not suitable for playing games, just playing with small animals and caring.

Xu Ruofei sent Lu Bu to rush up and kill the other party directly.

Find the identity card from your body.


Worried about the long hate song, Xu Ruofei cut off the reins in half, and tied Chang Genge's mouth together. Then take a basket and cover your head directly. From the outside, I can't see my face at all.

Several cavalrymen also changed their clothes, and the rest were waiting outside for Xu Ruofei's order.

Xu Ruofei brought Lu Bu and other disguised people into the city.

"Stop!" The guard yelled.

Xu Ruofei laughed: "This is our avatar card, look at it."

The guard is very intelligent, looks around, and then locates the person who can't see his face in the basket. Looking from a distance, it is like covering your face with a bucket. Xu Ruofei disguised Changhege, but the boy's mouth was not strict, in case it was exposed. That would be bad.

So gag.

Gagging your mouth is skeptical, and you cover it with a bucket.

"Who is the one with the barrel on his head? Why wear the barrel?" The guard frowned.

Many guards looked around and clenched their weapons.

Xu Ruofei was very calm and laughed: "He is my ugly son, who is too ugly to see the light. He hopes to cover it. If you do n’t believe it, you can look at my ID card. It is indeed a person from Nanban . "

The guard suddenly realized: "It turned out to be ugly. It's all right, since you have an ID card, you can go in."

Long hate song burst into tears, where is ugly.

Obviously handsome.

Wouldn't it hurt your conscience to say such a big lie?

My heart.


Xu Ruofei said: "The NPC set in this game is very intelligent, and even the guards have certain anti-reconnaissance capabilities."

Everlasting hate song crow talk.

This game cannot go offline halfway, it can only leave within the stipulated time. Therefore, when entering this game, players must read the instructions and user agreement carefully. However, more players are looking at it, this thing is long and many, too lazy to look at it.

It's all swiped, just click to agree.

A group of people entered the southern city smoothly, and many of them stalled and drank.

"This Nanban City is quite lively, but why don't you see any players?" Xu Ruofei was puzzled.


Southern Barbarian City, Centurion Bedroom.

"Why isn't the third child back yet?" Hetian frowned.

"Did you go to the battlefield and kill someone else?" Said with a look of hatred.

Qi Tian shook his head: "This game must be online to play. So the three brothers came in together. The friend's bar of this third child shows the survival status ~ www.readwn.com ~ Because the flying pigeon book function is not activated, we only You can see that he is alive. There is no way to communicate. If you kill someone, he will definitely show death. "

"Is it? I haven't noticed. This game is still in the beta stage. The advantages obtained in the early stage will be retained after the official launch. Good multi-functional, we are still not clear." Hate.

The names of the three player IDs are very interesting.

Brother, hate the sky.

Brother, hate.

Third brother, long hate song.

Simple memory is a sentence, long hate song.

"Why don't we go to Meng Gao?" He said with a chin in his hand.

Guitian walked around the room, eyes turning: "I think this game has other predators in addition to us. We also guess that other predators may have different abilities than us. We The advantages and abilities that we have obtained now will maintain and inherit the current strength after the service is launched. If this is the case, other predators are likely to attack us. "

"Then what do we need to do now?" Hesitantly wondered.

Hentian groaned for a moment, took a few steps, and looked out the window: "The soldiers are divided into two ways. You send someone to the battlefield to find the figure of the third child. I take someone to look for it in the city. If it is not outside the city, it is in the city. We are divided in two Look for. Although the guards are intelligent, they are not perfect people after all. You need to give them some orders. "

"Whether or not you kill someone in the city by accident, you can take it to our house as long as you find it strange. By the way, tell the centurion to take care of those who are imprisoned. If anyone escapes, don't blame me. Now, this centurion's intelligence is no less than us. "

Laughing resentfully, "I'm still the eldest brother! I'll do it!"

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