Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 481: Return to Super Hero Island

Xu Ruofei ignored the opponent directly.

Obviously this city is already its own, what use can they do to kill Meng Gao.

Obviously I don't believe it.

"Dead!" Changhe sang loudly.

When thousands of arrows were shot out, Meng Ga instantly felt like a thousand holes.

next moment!

The moment Meng was killed, his body glowed.


A player appeared in the eyes of everyone.

It was a girl in a school uniform, ponytailed, and looked at everyone with a smile: "Hee hee."

Long hate song, hate the sky, hate the ground, stay as a chicken.


Really a player.

And still a woman! ?

This is full of bad taste in life.

"Miss, have you made a mistake ~ This is how we three brothers!" Chang Henge looked at the female player.

The girl in the school uniform stood up: "Just a joke, don't mind me. It's nothing for me, I'm leaving."

"Stop!" Chang Henge said.

The girl did not dump him, turned and walked towards Xu Ruofei: "How did you find that I was a predator?"

Xu Ruofei said: "I feel that your Meng Gao is not very similar. There is a little doubt. I think your uniform is like my alma mater."

"Every man says that to me." Lolo, the uniform girl, smiled heartily.

Xu Ruofei glanced and said, "Jiang Teng High School. I'm right."

"Oh? You really are. How many classes do we have?" The girl asked.

Xu Ruofei took two steps, leaving his back: "General schools are 12 classes. Our school is special. 13 classes."

After speaking, leaving a handsome back.

Lu Bu followed Xu Ruofei.

The girl hesitated and ran towards Xu Ruofei again, completely ignoring the three brothers.

"What do you do with me?" Xu Ruofei said.

The school uniform girl said, "Are you not curious about my predator ability?"

"Curious. But I don't want to ask. Don't follow me, I have a lot of things to do." Xu Ruofei smiled.

She followed Xu Ruofei in this way, Xu Ruofei took a step, she took a step. Xu Ruofei stopped, she stopped.

"You have no end." Xu Ruofei held his forehead.

The uniform girl said, "Way, is it yours? Besides, this is the game world. Don't you allow me to go?"

"You can be in this city without being killed again by Amitabha. Don't follow me." Xu Ruofei was speechless.

Meng got dead, and she should die too. Just for some reason, Meng was dead and she appeared.

The girl followed, saying, "In fact, my predator ability is camouflage. There is a certain chance to invade the NPC, and then disguise as NPC. Have all the NPC capabilities. Hee hee, fun.

"I'm not interested. Don't influence me. I still have things to do. You won't plan to follow me all the way down?"

Xu Ruofei was really aggressive.

Where's the little funny pen.

Xu Ruofei knows that this game is "Super God World" on Super Hero Island. In fact, it is still in the beta phase of a test. Although retaining the advantages of the previous period, but after all, it is internal testing. Xu Ruofei is just playing around.

As a result, the world of Hero Island has not stood on top.

In the second place, this game is still in beta, and there is no need to worry.

The next time, Xu Ruofei asked the soldiers from Nanban City to come and kill each other.

After the residual blood, Xu Ruofei killed one by one.

"What are you doing?" The uniform girl asked.

"Brush level." Xu Ruofei was speechless.

The girl stood aside and kept looking at Xu Ruofei's brush.

Brush it.

Brush it.

Brush it.

Level 10.

Level 20.

30 levels.

"You haven't done enough?" The girl asked.

Xu Ruofei said: "Well. Brush to the offline. As if I remember correctly, today is the last day of the game. More brush levels, there are advantages in the later period. You think about it, don't talent 1 level. You are all 30 levels. Is there a gap of dozens of levels?

The girl in the uniform said with a smile: "I play the game just to play. But I caught many players and locked them in the cell."

"..." Xu Ruofei twitched the corner of his mouth and didn't speak.

Stand up and feel the wind blowing from the ancient battlefield. The girl in uniform looked at Xu Ruofei and smiled, "Do you play Hero Island? If you play, add my friend."

"What ID?" Xu Ruofei asked.

"Chou Qiangwei," said the uniform girl.

Xu Ruofei froze.

This girl is not the female apprentice she received from her super heroic island.

Changed the game world and didn't recognize it.


I go ~

"I'm a six-winged angel." Xu Ruofei said.

The girl in the uniform said with a smile: "Yeah. I recognized it as soon as you came to Nanban. You haven't noticed my ID yet."

"Uh, negligent." Xu Ruofei said.

【Ding! This concludes the test time. Please end the player. After the service is officially launched, an announcement will be made on the official website. For this game experience, players have any suggestions and feedback, please go to the official forum for unified feedback. After 10 seconds, all players go offline. Thank you for your support to Super God Hero Island. 】

"It's almost offline," said the uniform girl.

Xu Ruofei nodded.

【ten! 】

【nine! 】

【Fives! 】

【One! 】

[Offline! 】


The three opened their eyes from the bed!

"I didn't expect this to be the last day of experience." Seven sister got up from bed.

Xu Ruofei looked at the posture awkwardly.

"... You can come down." Xu Ruofei coughed.

The seventh sister looked stunned.


What the hell! ?

Imperceptibly changed to a strange posture.

Shy ...

To ease the atmosphere, Seven Sister said, "Well, how are you outside?"

Xu Ruofei said, "I got another city ~ www.readwn.com ~ but I didn't expect that city was my apprentice. It is a coincidence."

"Oh. Um ... when are you going back?" Qijie said.

Xu Ruofei got up, opened the curtains, and looked out the window: "Well, go back today. Continue my life."

"Otherwise, I'll drive you back." Qijie said.

Xu Ruofei waved his hand: "Forget it. It takes at least ten hours to drive. No need. I buy a ticket."

"Alright. Then I will take you to the airport." Seven sister said.

Xu Ruofei did not refuse.


Back home, it is already night.

It is very fast.

Ordered a copy of Wallace and lay down in bed after writing.


[Hero Island World, Super Hero Island, welcomes you. 】

【Ding! Player "Seraph" is welcome to enter the game. 】

【Ding! Seraph is online. 】

Xu Ruofei returned to the game world and felt that his life revolved around writing, playing, and enjoying these elements. But it's also quite interesting.

"Head! You are finally online!"

Once on the line, Xu Ruofei saw the message from the haste soldiers.

The rapid fighter is a cadre of Xu Ruofei's rising dynasty. The former cadres were all promoted to heads of divisions.

"What's wrong?" Xu Ruofei asked.

Rapid Warrior: Commander. o_O, why didn't you go online yesterday?

Seraph: Try another test game world on Super Hero Island yesterday. Feeling OK.

Hurricane Warrior: Defending love has brought us down.

Xu Ruofei frowned, it was the 65th level encountered in the last pull!

"Go! Take someone and follow me!" Xu Ruofei announced in the group!

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