Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 498: Can you really figure it out?

Inside the table.

Everyone looked at Liu San incredibly!

"You're out? Take care of yourself! Just your salary, it's good to have a few hundred a month. Give you back!" Auntie sneered.

Liu San said: "Ten thousand firecrackers! Enough!"

"..." Auntie was frightened by Liu San's battle.

Liu San's parents looked at Liu San in amazement: "Son, where did you get so much money? Ten thousand yuan is not a small amount."

"I made a little investment. I made a little." Liu San didn't talk about the money of Shenhao Agricultural Bank. And even if you say it, no one will believe it. When I asked other people to see the above words of Shenhao Agricultural Bank, others seemed to be normal bank cards.

Auntie sneered: "Since you say this, if you can't do it. For the money, think of it yourself! Huh!"

Liu San said, "Isn't it just 10,000 yuan!"

"I didn't pass the college entrance examination.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, grandma advised peace.

"One person said less. Ahsan. Can you really figure it out?" Grandma asked seriously.

Liu San said with a smile: "Yes."

"That's good." Grandma nodded.

The aunt was confused, and muttered: Impossible. Where does this kid come from?

After much deliberation, everything was finally settled.


Liu San walked out of the house and came outside.

Looking at the bright starry sky, he took out that strange bank card.

"Is it possible to withdraw money just like a normal card?" Liu San asked with a bank card.

Shenhao Agricultural Bank Card: You can choose to pay directly in your pocket, or you can choose ATM to withdraw money.

"It's not money of unknown origin, and it might be troublesome." Liu San thought long-term.

Shenhao Agricultural Bank Card: No. All amounts are the result of free rolling in the market and belong to normal inflow assets.

"Money is really not a thing. Sometimes money is a good thing." Liu San sighed.

Think of Yao Guoyi's mouth and face, Liu San was furious.

Oh shit!

Someday I will pull you into the water!

The next day, my grandmother had asked someone to choose a good day. The rest also bought a variety of things, including white cloth, tableware, disposable chopsticks and so on.

Liu San still wants to use this card to change his life. Is it like the end of the fifty users? All dead?

Liu San did not want to see this result.

Maybe there are some rules hidden in this card, waiting for my discovery.

He took out a cigarette, took a long breath, and spit it out again.

"Yo. Isn't this Liu San? Alas. Are you going to be buried nearby. Hahaha. I have no money to tell me that I have money." Yao Guoyi drove a car and smiled from the window.

Liu San took a sip: "Where is your funeral buried? If I'd like, you can be buried in your house!"

"You!" Yao Guoyi's face turned blue.

Press the automatic twist and the window closes slowly. He drove straight away, leaving a roar.

"What the hell! Really nothing!" Liu San's eyes narrowed slightly.

Dasao came over, her skin was a little dark. The skin is tanned on dry construction sites all year round. Usually not very talkative. When things happen, they are always carried by themselves.

He didn't speak, went to Liu San's side, picked up a twine, and made a few laps around Liu San's left hand and tied a knot.

"What is this?" Liu San asked.

Dasao's husky voice said, "Tether. It means filial piety. Filial piety means filial piety."

Liu San was surprised, that was what he meant. For the first time, I don't understand these things.

"Don't go against Yao Guoyi. He is very rich and influential." Dasao, after he tied the rope, suddenly turned around and said this.

Liu San took a puff of cigarette: "Rest assured, I have something in mind."

Dasao didn't speak, and went directly to the house.

There are many relatives from all over the place. Originally, the grandparents had two children and two daughters, as well as the grandmother's family. Two of them, two daughters, started their own businesses. There are at least thirty or forty people in the entire family. There are many side branches. Some are still on the way.

"It's time to buy firecrackers." Auntie deliberately said such a sentence in front of Liu San.

Liu San said nothing, and took 10,000 yuan out of his pocket: "Take it. Here is 10,000 yuan. You can count it."

He didn't look back, and still squatted on the ground to smoke.

Originally, I didn't like smoking very much. Since I didn't take the college entrance examination, I've always been flustered. Gradually started smoking. Still used to it, it doesn't matter.

The aunt took the 10,000 yuan, and secretly said: This kid really has 10,000! Gosh! More than I earn in the field.

The grandfather's body was placed in the coffin, put on shrouds and shoes, and lay quietly on the coffin.

In addition to cold, it is still cold.

In order to prevent the corpse from decaying, an ice machine will be installed in the countryside. Will continue to inject air into the coffin, so that the corpse decay rate is reduced. It doesn't stink until at least burial.

When a person dies, he naturally leaves cleanly, instead of entering the soil with a smell.

Can be considered safe.

Just above the coffin, a black and white photo was placed.

In front of the coffin, a table was set up with some incense.

"Son, come here." Father shouted at Liu San.

Liu San stood up, dropped the cigarette, and stepped out on the ground. Then he walked over: "What's wrong, Dad?"

"Honestly, did you borrow this ten thousand yuan from usury?" My father's hair was already a little whiter ~ www.readwn.com ~ Liu San shook his head: "No."

"That's all right. My mother and I are worried, you're still working hard. At the beginning, we were sorry for you. We don't have the skills, so you can't take the college entrance examination." The father sighed.

Liu San said: "It's okay. I chose the road myself, and I'll finish it myself."

"Hey, if we had a little money, you could also go to college in the city. After finishing college like those boys, start a business in the city. It's much better than those of us who have no education. You can only earn a lot of hard work outside Money, "his father sighed.

Liu San said: "I will make a lot of money in the future."

"I don't want you to make a lot of money, as long as you are healthy. We are old, and we have a bite to eat, that's enough." Father's eyes were full of depression.

When I was young, I looked forward to growing up, when I was growing up, I looked forward to childhood.

That's how people are.

It takes a long time to prepare. Everyone asks for a long vacation to do nothing.

During the day, everyone wore white towels all the way to their legs. This is true of all loved ones.

Then there was a table with five people next to it. There are five people playing gongs and drums. There is a large speaker at the door. Sad music is playing, just like heaven's farewell song. Slowly, but with a trace of sadness.

The first day, vigil.

Because it is not direct, the first day was when the grandpa's side stayed up all night. Take turns vigil.

Nothing happened to the vigil.

The next day, everyone held a joss stick and turned around the coffin. From time to time you have to scratch your head.

Some chanters are presiding.

Kneeling has become the most common state of funeral.

Until the fourth day ...

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