Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 501: 1 sin and recidivism

The moment Feng Feng heard this, Master Feng and Liu San stood up.

"The mine collapsed!" A villager shouted.

Instantly, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day!

Master Feng was stunned on the spot.

"My son is still there ..." Master Feng's old eyes were ruddy.

Shabai Village is a small village along the river. The village is in the mountains and there is a river next to it. The people in the village are not like the various factories in the city. Most people's income depends on mining and farming.

There are two types of mines, one is in water and the other is sand. This thing is risky. Maybe you invested money and the machine went down. The following is empty. No return of blood. If there is something in this mine, it may become rich overnight.

Another type of mine is stone ore, which requires workers. Master Feng has three sons, two of whom go out to work, and the remaining one goes to boss Yao to work. The three sons were unwilling to learn Master Feng's skills. He also smiled and said that it was all old things before, which machine has done well.

At that time, Master Feng always retorted. No matter how good the machine is, the tradition cannot be lost.

Liu San followed quickly, and the mountain was already landslide. It's all powder, and it looks like it's covered with a layer of big ash. Soon, many villagers came from the wind.

"How did it collapse again? It looks like there was a notice above, and no further quarrying is allowed from next month. The dust pollution is serious."

"Isn't this the land bought by Mr. Yao? It is estimated that he wants to earn a lot before the announcement is implemented. This person, dare to make any money."

"Shh, don't be heard by Lao Yao. He opened so many mines and factories, and really wants to mess with him. I'm afraid he can't get mixed up here. He doesn't recruit you, you want to make money, go elsewhere. Then Trouble. "

"Yeah. Just a little. See if there is any live. Let's find it together!"

The villagers picked up their own tools, those with shovel and those without shovel. Everything that can be used is used. Master Feng came hurriedly, without any tools, and dug with both hands.

It's just digging into the hole.

At the beginning, the hands are still good.

Digging, digging, has been scratched, leaving a lot of blood.

"Come on, I'm still young." Liu San was digging.

Work harder, and maybe live.

Master Feng did not stop because of the wound, but instead dug harder.

Soon the local rescue team came over.

A big bet followed by a few cars.

Yao Guoyi opened the door and was wearing a suit, spotless.

He frowned and looked around: "What a bad luck. This mine hasn't been open for a few days. Why did it collapse. I have to compensate them again. It's really troublesome!"

"Boss, rest assured. The procedures are complete, and the compensation cannot be paid too much. It will be fine to discuss it at that time." The secretary stood with a notebook.

Yao Guoyi didn't speak, his face was a little serious.

Locally available equipment was used, and villagers also contributed. Can save one is one.

Digging, Master Feng's flowing water blurred his faces.

Liu San shouted, "I dug it !!!"

Master Feng wiped his tears with his **** hands and looked at them.

Actually his own son!

"My son! I ... thought I couldn't see you anymore. How could I explain to her who died?" Master Feng dug harder.

Blood stained red in vain.

Master Feng's son, everyone likes to be called Feng Laosan. I prefer to be fashionable. When I was in school, I loved fighting and was fired later. The old man wanted him to learn the craftsmanship, and his son was disgusted and left behind. I went to Yao Guoyi Company to work there.

Feng Laosan loves to play cards and makes friends at the same time, coupled with his arrogant temperament, he is quickly appreciated by Yao Guoyi. Yao Guoyi asked Feng third to take care of the delivery and to watch the mine. If there is any trouble, don't say anything, just talk.

As long as you do n’t crack down, everything is easy to say.

Master Feng had long advised him not to do this, and his son did not listen.

I didn't expect it to collapse this time.

Thanks to Liu Sancai this time, he picked up his life.

"Dad ..." Feng San passed out before he could say a word.

Liu San put his finger on Feng San's nose: "There is still gas, dig out the whole body, and rush to the hospital."

Yao Guoyi looks more like an inspection to see how much loss he has.

"Well, isn't this Liu San? Yo, the pocket still has the world." Yao Guoyi smiled, walked aside, didn't keep watching Liu San.

Liu San clenched his fists, secretly vowed in my heart: someday, I will make you bankrupt! Don't think I'm just talking!

For a year ago, what happened to Yao Guoyi and his grandfather was unknown to Liu San.

To find a time, we must understand the cause and effect of this!

Liu San didn't pay attention to Yao Guoyi now, because the priority was not this, but to send him to the hospital. "Hurry up and bring him to the ambulance."

Soon after, some people were dug out, and those that could be dug are still alive, buried too deeply ... it is impossible to save.

Many people are crying there, and the longer they are, the more likely they are to die.

Rescue work continues.

Yao Guoyi looked almost the same and estimated the loss before leaving with others.


He was taken care of in the hospital all day until the doctor declared that there was no danger to his life and he was relieved.

"Xiao Liu, thanks to you. My indifferent son, almost separated from me yin and yang." The blood on Master Feng's hand has solidified, because he has been taking care of Feng third, and did not make time for processing.

He looked at his son in the hospital bed, thinking that he was a lot older.

Liu San looked out of the window and sighed: "This Yao Guoyi really makes money, he makes everything."

"Businessmen are pursuing profits, aren't they all like this." Master Feng simply treated the wound with disinfectant ~ www.readwn.com ~ Liu San wanted to smoke, but this is a hospital, or put the cigarettes he just took back into his pocket .


The knock sounded.

A man in a suit walked in through the door of the ward and took out a business card: "Hello, I'm Mr. Yao's legal adviser. This is my business card."

Pass the business card between words.

Neither Master Feng nor Liu San took the business card.

The man in the suit didn't say anything when he saw the situation, and retracted the business card into the special business card case.

"What did Yao Guoyi ask you to do?" Master Feng opened his eyes.

The man in the business suit smiled: "Mr. Yao wants a mediation. If I can't discuss it with you, you can go through the legal process. The legal side is my sole responsibility."

Liu San's eyes froze slightly. It turned out that this was a knock on the mountain.

I tell you plainly that the agreement must be promised. No, see you in court, I'm not afraid of you.

After hesitating, Master Feng said, "Then let's see what Yao Guoyi wants to do!"

In the case that the third son was not in the way, Master Feng walked out of the ward.

"Forget it. I'll pay you to go with me. There must be no way to start today." Liu San said.

Quickly followed.

They both left by car.

The car drove all the way and eventually stopped in front of a villa.

"Don't walk around, just discuss it in the lobby on the first floor. This is Yao's private residence." Someone asked as soon as he entered the door.

This house is different from the surrounding houses, and even stands out!

Everyone else works outside to build a two or three-story building. And this building is exactly like a castle, with monitors on and off the field.

"If money is a sin, I'd rather sin it again."

Some villagers sighed.

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