Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 503: Liu 3's action

Liu San smiled and went up the stairs.

Don't say it, it feels really good to be rich and stiff.

With Li Zhong's angry nose crooked, Liu San easily went up to the fourth floor.

"Here's the menu, click on it." The waiter took out a pen and a catalog.

Liu San asked: "Why are the dishes on the fourth floor much more expensive?"

The waiter explained: "Because it's all imported from abroad, and then the plane is consigned for insurance to maintain the most suitable stability and taste."

"People in the city really play." Liu San picked up his pen and drew directly on the menu.

The waiter took a look at the menu.

Damn it, where is the order?

What a circle map!

"Sir, are you drawing?" The waiter froze.

Liu San said: "The dishes on the fourth floor are very small."

The waiter nodded: "Well, because it's more expensive."

"That's it. I've ordered all of my paintings!" Liu San domineeringly said.

The waiter was stuck in place.

Forget it.

Do it.

I hope it's not overlord's meal, or you're finished!

Soon the dishes came up.

The taste is particularly good.

Liu San has never eaten such a good meal: "Sure enough, a penny a penny."

Draw a whole page, which adds up to less than ten small plates. It's the size of a peanut dish.

"This stuff doesn't matter." Liu San got up and settled at the front desk on the next floor.

Li Zhong had finished eating and was on the first floor.

"Yo, finished? Ordered a few dishes? Is there enough money to call me Dad, I will lend it to you." Li Zhong laughed.

Liu San said with a smile: "Call your dad? You are not afraid of losing your life? And how can I have your ugly dad."

"You!" Li Zhong shuddered, "Okay. I see how you pretend. I'll sit by and watch you hit. Then I applaud."

Liu San smiled: "Relax, Ye is not bad for money."

Li Zhong paid the money, sixteen.

It's Liu San.

"Hello, 145,000." Liu San was looking at the front desk when he said this.

Liu San reached into his left pocket, six bags and the world.

"Hahaha. Shouldn't you want to get six packs and pay the world? Only six hundred. I laughed at me." Li Zhong said.

Liu San waved his hand: "What are you worried about, I got the wrong pocket. It should be on the right."


A thick stack of money is on the table.

"This is 20,000! You can take it. Give me the rest." Liu San put the money on the table.

The front desk was dumbfounded.

Li Zhong was dumbfounded.

The waiter was dumbfounded.

This **** is really rich!

Li Zhong looked incredible: "Liu San, are you gun banks! So much money!"

"I can still stand here after robbing the bank? Without telling me, I have a lot of money. If the stock is profitable, please call me the **** of stock." In fact, he also wanted to understand. Sooner or later, everyone would doubt where the money came from.

Now I just need to find a reason, that's enough.

Li Zhong glamorously looked, "The stock god, how much did you earn? Or teach me two hands."

Liu San said, "Why tell you? Anyway, I have money. Li Zhong, look at you. You didn't study well before, but now I'm not as good as I am."

After listening to Li Zhong, there were 100,000 grass mud horses. This is what Liu San himself said. What good is Liu San's academic performance? He is not an apprentice yet. Unexpectedly, there was a shocking counterattack.


Very aggrieved.

After Liu San bought the order, I felt the air was much cooler. This is the feeling of richness.

Very cool.

Take the remaining money and buy a computer. Desktop computers, more than five thousand, are already high-profile. Something like Divine Land or Aliens is fine, but it's more than 10,000. Not enough money for the time being.

Now you can buy things online, but you can buy them by express delivery.

The story of Liu San throwing 20,000 in this hotel let many people know.

Fang Yan met Liu San when he was shopping for food: "Three. I heard that you have made money, and you are good at it."

"A little bit of money." Liu San said.

Fang Yan said: "Come and spend some money, maybe someday the money will be gone."

Liu San nodded: "I know something."

Actually, where does Liu San spend some flowers, some flowers, some flowers? His life is gone. Must spend!

And still desperately spending money!

A week passed quickly.

"Dear customer, your ABC account number ending with 62XXXXXXXXXX was transferred to 40,000 yuan at 00:00, and the current account has a balance of 40000.02 yuan.

Seeing this message, Liu Sanzhang for several seconds.


This value is a multiple.

Fortunately, I have a new understanding of this Shenhao Agricultural Bank Card.

Liu San looked at the sky, thinking of Yao Guoyi's face and a smile in his head: "The game has just begun!"



Two days later!

"Boss Yao, someone bought a sand mine in the river near our mine." Secretary Hui reported.

Yao Guoyi frowned. "Did I say hello? That area is not allowed to buy, can only Yao Yaoyi buy it?"

"I seem to be willing to pay double the price, so I promised over there!" Said the secretary.

After hearing that, Yao Guoyi picked up the electronic cigar and took a sip: "Mad, I just fancy this village's economic gap and have more opportunities to explore. I didn't expect to dare to grab resources next to me? Who is this injustice who wants to buy ? "

After a long silence, the secretary said, "Liu San ..."

As soon as the voice fell, Yao Guoyi's face froze: "How is that possible? How can a hairy kid buy a sand mine? At least tens of thousands of dollars ~ www.readwn.com ~ If you add equipment, it will cost about 80,000 or 90,000! Where does he get so much money from? "

The secretary said: "I don't know this very well. I just know that he didn't seem to pay it all at once, and paid 30,000. The remaining days ended. And I heard them say that Liu San's tone seemed not bad. money."

"I don't believe it, a hairy boy, an apprentice can have so much money!" Yao Guoyi frowned. "Go and check on his recent movements. I want to know what he wants to do!"

"Okay, boss. I'll go." The secretary hurried away.

Yao Guoyi sat on the sofa and took a sip of an electronic cigar: "Do you want to fight with me? Are you qualified?"

The most common resources in Shabai Town are stone mines and sand mines. Due to pollution problems, stone mines will be banned for a period of time. Then there are sand mines. Sand mines are excavated and punched from Hanoi.

These are all costs to fight. And the sand mine is not just ordinary sand, but a kind of black granular sand. As for the specific name, it is not very clear locally. Anyway, everyone in the countryside calls it Heisha.

No black sand, basically nothing.

When he found Heisha, he turned it over.

Yao Guoyi brought experts to inspect this area. A high probability also represents a risk. Other people are unable to bear a loss of almost 100,000 risks and are basically unwilling to do it.

And Yao Guoyi is the worst money. Compared with the benefits, it is clear that the benefits are more. So he greeted the people around him and didn't sell it to others. Leave it to Yao Guoyi.

You make your money, I make my money.

Everyone has no objection.

I did not expect that Liu San had money to buy sand mines!

Lying on the sofa, Yao Guoyi frowned.

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