Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 508: Surface (below)

Shabai Village.

Although Liu San let Yao Guoyi back down temporarily, he always felt something wrong. Yao Guoyi has repeatedly tried to do this. It must not be a simple action.

Now Liu San has a sense of continually cutting and messing up, took out a cigarette, put it in his mouth and took a heavy breath.

Sitting on the sofa, Liu San was thinking about the whole process.

"Yao Guoyi is very chasing interest, and in many cases all his actions are around interest." Liu San muttered.


Liu San's eyes brightened!

There was a clue in mind.

Some time ago, Yao Guoyi casually said that he was going to build a big project, and the keyword extraction was "big project."

Immediately afterwards, the restaurant that I went to consume seems to be established because of this big project, and the extracted keywords are also "big projects."

On the day of the funeral, Yao Guoyi drove to the scene and saw the funeral. It is also likely not necessarily passing by. Maybe it was intentional. Extract the keyword "intentionally."

In order to confirm his thoughts, Liu Sanma kept walking towards the old Han family at the village entrance. By the way, I went to the store to buy a bottle of old mess, dozens of yuan. I don't know how many times better than the red star Erguotou in the village.

The old man at the village entrance was named Bao, and because of this person's well-informedness, he often dealt with various people. So it was called Bao Bao in the village. But Bao Bao's inquiring personality is not everything. Only the people he sees will occasionally reveal something. According to the villagers, his older generation was a talent.

I like to study some weird things, so sometimes speaking is strange. But if you think about it, you will find that what he said has a strange meaning.

Liu San knew that he liked to drink, that is, the dead horse was treated as a living horse doctor, and he tried it. Now that I have a rough judgment in my mind, I just hope to have more clues. Only then can all of this really surface.


Standing at Bao's door, knocked on the door.

A voice came from the door: "Nobody, don't knock."

Liu San: "..."

"Master Bao, I'm Liu San. We've met a few times before, and today I'm here for you. For nothing else, I just want to get you some wine." Liu San said with a smile.


Then the door opened.

An old man came out, with some backs, and it can even be said that the tops were a bit serious, and the upper body was tilted at least half. His face was a bit old, and he looked like he was in his sixties. The only thing that made people feel special was the hair-dark hair. It's hard to think that a man in his sixties could still have such color hair.

And according to the people in the village,

"I didn't expect that now, the hairy guy is willing to drink with me, the bad old man. OK, you don't want to shiver. How can you drink with me, the bad old man, you obviously want to find me something." Bao Da heard .

Liu San was pierced with a glance, sweeping his hair with his hand, and smiled awkwardly: "Ginger is still hot and spicy, you can see through it so quickly. I haven't said anything yet."

"Come in and sit down," Bao Da heard.

Hearing that Liu San came into the room. The house was neat and tidy. And you can see there are many bookshelves. It was full of books.

"It seems you like reading books." Liu San said with a smile.

Bao Da heard: "Sit down. I like to tinker with books and study some weird things when I'm fine. You can be a human being, and I see you as pleasing to the eye. I accept wine. If there is anything, you can directly Say it. "

Liu San sat down and handed Bao a cigarette and said: "Then I will speak straight. I have never understood why Yao Guoyi always targeted Wang and Li's family. And I listened to Yao Guoyi because my grandfather reported his brother , Let his brother squatting into jail. Although I grew up in the village, but still a little distance from the grandfather's side. "

"Some things are not very clear and I don't want to understand too much. So I just want to ask you."

After Liu San finished talking, he looked at Bao and asked about it.

Bao Da put the cigarette on his ear and didn't smoke it. Watching Liu San silent for a while said, "I don't know the context of this matter. But one year ago, his brother was held tight. If you If you want to know, you can take a look at the prison in Ningchang City. But I know very well that Bao asked about your grandpa's land. "

"Once my wallet fell on the road. I wanted to find it, and then passed by your grandfather in the middle of the night. I happened to hear the conversation between the two. Yao Guoyi seemed to be saying at that time, as long as he was willing to give the land to him, don't It's 50,000, 100,000. It's okay to be one million. I was wondering at that time. When will our place be so expensive? "

Bao Inquiry seemed to be thinking about it and paused for a while before talking: "One year ago, that thing, I remember that Yao Guoyi was also on the scene. As I was older, I couldn't remember some things."

"For that land?" Liu San frowned, very close to his own conjecture.

"Thank you very much, I have a clue." Liu San stood up ~ www.readwn.com ~ Bao asked with a smile and said, "You are a very smart young man. I hope you understand that there are some things that don't need to be traced to the end. Some Things need to break the casserole and ask in the end. As for what you do, it depends on your choice. "

He took a deep look at Liu San: "Tiger Mo is lying in the road, and the sleepy dragon also has the sky."

Liu San bowed at him before leaving.

After leaving, Liu San's mood suddenly opened up.

It turns out that all of this is for that piece of land. Things have surfaced. But the only thing that is not clear is what is hidden in this land. Is the wealth hidden under this land? Is there some resources? Or Thaksin Feng Shui, this land is a treasure of Feng Shui? Or is there another secret?

All this, Liu San is currently unknown.

As the saying goes, boat to bridge is naturally straight.

Time flicked.

Another day passed.

Just as Liu San was sitting at home, calculating the ratio of his Shenhao Agricultural Bank card to income, there was a knock on the door.


Liu San asked: "Who?"

"We are the inspectors. Someone reports that your money is unknown. Trouble opening the door, we need to investigate." Outside the door are Lao Wu and Lao Zhou.

Hearing them talking, Liu San frowned and opened the door.

"Come in." Liu San didn't show enthusiasm, nor did he show coldness. Just a normal attitude. Don't think about it, why Yao Guoyi said to come back three days later. He just wanted to see how he reacted after being reported.

Liu Sanshun went to the well and filled them with two glasses of water: "Drink some water. If you have any questions, ask them directly."

The two ended up drinking glasses, looking at each other, and drank directly: "Thank you ... then I'll be straight."

Liu Sandao: "Say it straight ..."

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