Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 512: 1 Ning You, 1 Mo

This time, Liu Ming only sat in the main driving position of this silver sports car for the first time.

In his eyes, this is a luxury car.

One or two million cars were in their own hands, and they thought that they had to be in the factory the other day. I didn't expect my son to be capable, so he gave himself a surprise.

Sitting on the main driver, Liu Ming fastened his seat belt.

A minute passed.

Two minutes passed.

Three minutes passed.

"Why don't you drive?" The salesman wondered, and the car hadn't moved.

Liu Ming honestly swept his head: "I have been driving for many years and I haven't been able to buy it. What is the operation?"


"Seeing this, this is the clutch. And this is the brake. Then this is the throttle."

"This gear is a car mentioned by hand." The sales staff began to introduce to Liu Ming.

Liu Ming: "Wait!"

"What's wrong?" The salesman asked politely.

Honest person, not easy.

Liu Ming smiled thickly: "What's that hand to mention? It's too professional and I don't understand."

The salesperson said, "That's OK. I'll use a language that everyone can understand. It's easy to understand. Just to mention, it means that there are two modes for this car's gear. Automatic mode and manual mode.

"And the automatic mode is suitable for short-distance driving. You don't need to change the gear or not. Just the throttle and the brake.

"Manual mode, suitable for long distances. You can enjoy the refreshing feeling of the car. That is, learn the gear operation of the car. The car mentioned by yourself is usually more than ten thousand more expensive than the same car."

"The minimum is 10,000, some are more than 100,000. The difference is in induction."

After speaking, Liu Ming started driving. Because I have learned before, I quickly started. After feeling no problem, go to the front desk to get the signature of the contract and copy the ID card.

Preparation of driver's license and other things.

Finished all the tedious things and close to noon.

"Go back to get things, and by the way, go to the Personnel Department and calculate the salary." Liu Ming said to his wife.

His wife remained silent all the way, and the shock in her heart could not be calm for a long time.

My son is making a lot of money.

Make a lot of money.

Make a lot of money ...

A silver sports car runs on the road of the factory. Being able to see a sports car in the factory area is definitely an eye-catching blast. Instantly attracted many people's attention.

The unique engine of the sports car is even more roaring.

"Wow! Sports car!"

"I envy these rich people!"

"I can't afford to work for a lifetime. I'll go back to instant noodles."

"It's so windy."

It's time to eat at noon, so there are so many people.

Liu Ming drove the car towards the electronics factory. I did not expect the security guard to salute the car when he saw it. I think it ’s the boss ’s car.

Originally, Liu Ming planned to park the car outside, but the security guard opened the door.

So he drove in.

At this time to eat after work, Liu Ming's supervisor Fu Wenming also came out. Seeing the sports car was shining his eyes.

Men don't love cars, just like women.

Relatively rare.

"Where has the big boss recently come from? The company can afford such an expensive car. This car says less than a million starts." Supervisor Fu Wenming laments.

The car stopped.


The door opened.


Director Fu Wenming is dumbfounded!

Lying down!

Nani! ?

It was the man who scolded himself yesterday!

"Hell!" The supervisor wiped his eyes.

Watch it again!

it's him!

Liu Ming got out of the car door and instantly caused the onlookers around!

"Fuck! Old Liu, you're not kind. You are so rich that you come here to work and suffer!"

"Who is he? Seems like he hasn't seen him."

"You and we are not in a workshop and naturally don't know each other. He is Liu Ming, my co-worker, and we have a good relationship ..."

"At first glance, this looks like a boss!"

"Well, then see if I have a boss."

"You, it feels like selling pork."

"Roll the calf! ((‵ □ ′))"

This moment is almost like a star, attracting much attention.

Liu Ming took a confident step in the stunned expression of the supervisor and walked towards the dormitory. Because salute has not been taken.

After saluting, put it in the car.

Seeing that the personnel department also went to dinner, Liu Ming also had dinner.

Although it was not intentional, it happened to be sitting opposite the supervisor Fu Wenming.

Watching the couple talking and laughing, Fu Wenming bowed his head and ate. Even if I go to work for the next 50 years, I can't afford it. I have jealousy and anger in my heart, and I am even better than myself.

Now he is a kind of comparison from a psychological perspective.

Liu Ming finished eating one step earlier, and after walking towards Fu Wenming.

Fu Wenming looked up at him.

"I don't mean to show off. Before I go, I have to warn you about something. Sometimes people are too anxious to be annoyed. You can show your strength and oppress everyone. Because they want to make money, they will one day. Feng Shui may take turns. "

"Even if it may not. If you are in trouble for a day, they won't help you. Be careful about being human."

"Ning You is one person, not one person."

After seeing his wife finish eating, Liu Ming went over to the personnel department with his wife. Leave everything done.

Director Fu Wenming laughed at himself: "Ning You is one person, not one person ..."



The sports car began its return journey.

And at this time.

Liu Ming's son, Liu San, is also working on his own plan ~ www.readwn.com ~ and is buying two more sand mines.

It was hollowed out twice, which was nothing to Liu San. The Shenhao Agricultural Bank Card must continue to spend, and only on the day of the limit, can it be considered a complete and real peak.

"Buy me five more mines." Liu San said to Tang Ming on the phone.

Tang Ming said over the phone: "Okay, boss Liu."

After doing all this, Liu San rubbed his eyebrows: "Next week is 2.56 million X 2.56 million = 65.536 million."

"More than 600 million." Liu San was somewhat impressed. He was still frowning for money. Still worrying about spending money.

Too much money is not good.

and many more!

Seems a bit wrong!

600 million x 600 million, not just 3.6 billion. How many zeros in the back of the billion have a direct geometric doubling.

In other words, after 600 million, I will probably be the ultimate goal! ?

Liu San was shocked and took out the Shenhao Agricultural Bank Card and asked, "Did I really get the Shenhao Agricultural Bank Card after I support the next six billion yuan?"

Shenhao Agricultural Bank Card: "You respond quickly. 600 million needs to be spent within a week, otherwise it will be wiped out!"

"After the completion of the 600 million, there is a last limit. If the last limit is exceeded, all the services of this card will be used permanently."

At this point, Liu San feels like a Plant vs. Zombie, and there are two waves to really dominate this card. No longer punished. Liu San was a little excited, a little excited, but also a little afraid.

What's trembling is that you can start to be really cool!

There is no limit to the real **** lord!

The fear is that the last two waves, if they can't stand it.

That's the same as the previous user, it ended in death!

"I must seize this opportunity!"

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