Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 539: I'm Shenhao

Zi Mo hesitated for a moment, but chose to rush out as Liu San said.

"That chick wants to run! Stop me!" The green-haired young man shouted!

Instantly several people rushed over!

"Our opponent is me!" Liu San reached out his hands to stop them!

The young man with green hair was stopped by Liu San, and Zhou Jie stood beside him.

"Very good. As long as you don't go enough." The green-haired young man narrowed his eyes.

Liu San looked at them: "I do have a lot of money. However, you don't deserve one point for me!"

next moment!

The green-haired young man rushed over, and apparently had some practice.

Liu San flickered gently to the left to avoid the punch.

There was a joke in the corners of the young people's lips: "It turns out that you have also practiced a little."


Next second!

Grab his shoulder with one hand!


Fell over the shoulder severely, and directly fell the young people to the ground.

"Boss!" A few people immediately red-eyed and came out to confuse for so many years. Without this green head, neither would they be today.

May have been drifting in the imperial capital, let alone stop drifting, it is difficult to survive.

Several people rushed straight at Liu San to punch and kick.

Zhou Jie was also anxious. Although he hadn't learned any Judo Sanda, he instinctively went to fight.

Between shoving, Zhou Jie was pushed to the ground and took a heavy blow.

Liu San did six on his own and scared the other three away. Although Liu San had practiced it, his fists were hard to beat.

He also suffered several punches.

After all, it is not a boxing champion. Nevertheless, Liu San is now very strong!

"I said, don't even want to run any of you!" Liu San grabbed a jumbled collar.

The others looked at Liu San's sturdy strength, and were a little afraid, and quickly retreated.

He heard the sound of a police car.

Wow, wow, wow!

"Run, here's the note!" Everyone wanted to run.

Only one person was caught by Liu San: "I won't let anyone who wants to hit me!"

The police station caught the man directly and took it with him.

Zimo hurried to Liu San's side, his eyes red: "You all right."

Liu San brushed Sima Zi's hair: "It's okay. It's just a little hurt."

Zhou Jie slept on the ground with some pain.

Liu Sanxie lifted him up: "Get up. It shouldn't be a problem."

"The punch hit me in the stomach and I couldn't help it." Zhou Jie said.

Liu San: "..."

I'm still kidding.

"Please accompany us to record a confession," someone said.

Liu San nodded: "Well, I'm driving. You can't sit with so many people."

"Thank you for your cooperation." The man turned and left.

Not far away, Liu San stopped a car. A matte black super long sports car with a stylish shape and streamlined feel. You can feel extraordinary at a glance.

"Boss, have you changed your car again?" Zhou Jie asked.

Liu San nodded: "Don't I promise you last time, let you drive a lot of sports cars to try? I already bought an 8S shop in Didu. At the fifth ring road."

"Let's drive you another day."

Hearing that Zhou Jie was so excited that he forgot the pain.

Drive on the sports car and stop directly at the gate of the police station.

The staff of the police station were stunned, this sports car is very rare, although it is said to be the imperial capital. Various local tyrants.

But such limited and extended cars are really uncommon.

"Well. Rich people." The staff member looked up and said with emotion.

When Liu San and Zi Mo Zhou Jie and others got out of the car, the surrounding people took a breath.

Is this the rich second generation?

But this is too rich.

Liu San and others made written statements in accordance with the process. The police station mainly deals with civil disputes. Simplify if you can.

You can handle it peacefully. If not, they will be asked if they can coordinate.

Even if the final coordination is not reached, then it will no longer be a civil dispute. Rising to another dispute.

Regarding the police station, as long as you go often, or several times, it will be clear.

After processing the process.

The director came: "Thank you very much for your cooperation. I just saw the sports car outside is yours, right?"

"It's mine, what's wrong?" Liu San said.

The director said, "It's nothing. We just suspect that their motives are impure."

"Although he didn't say anything at the moment, I believe it will soon be possible."

Liu San said, "Well, here's one thing to tell you. Before, I made a message. The staff didn't ask."

"I didn't say it at the time. They should be the people Yao Guoyi found. You should know the dangers of hiring people?" Liu San began to fight back in a very smart way.

The director asked, "Can you tell me the details?"

Then Liu San told him what he knew.

The director groaned: "Okay. I probably have the number in my heart. I'll go to the record first. For Yao Guoyi, I'll apply for an investigation."

"Thank you very much for your cooperation." The director is very kind.

Liu San smiled: "Well, okay,"

Leaving the police station, Liu San took the three to dinner.

After eating, I went for a drive again. I am familiar with the environment in the afternoon.

After everyone left, Liu San picked up the phone: "Tang Ming?"

"Mr. Liu, what's wrong?" Tang Ming asked.

"I encountered one thing today. It should be Yao Guoyi looking for someone to clean up me. Although it's done now."

"But I don't want to let him go so easily ~ www.readwn.com ~ use the funds to crush his business. No matter what he does, we will do it at a higher price."

"Don't care about money, I have more money. Then check if he is listed, if it is listed. You know."

Liu San explained.

Tang Ming replied: "Okay, President Liu. Yao Guoyi has been very low-key recently. I thought he had learned well. I didn't expect to come back to this one."

"After the development of the Golden City project, it was surrounded by strict surroundings. Many of his sand mines were forced to close, and I think he was red-eyed."

After listening to Tang Ming, Liu San rubbed the bridge of his nose: "Well. Do as I say."

"Okay, Mr. Liu. I'll arrange it. But, Mr. Liu, I have a little request. I have to deal with some things, and the manpower may be insufficient. You see ..." Tang Ming said.

Liu San smiled: "Since I believe in you, you can choose someone you can trust to help you. Just send me the information."

In fact, Liu San basically put the entire Golden City project under his own name. The administrator is left to the parents. Specific operations can be operated by Tang Ming.

One should be enjoyed by parents, the other. Liu Sanxin deserved him.

Although there are no people who can be trusted in this world, Liu San never fears because of Shenhao Agricultural Bank.

The steady flow of funds has become Liu San's biggest reliance.

No one can beat themselves on money.

Except for the more than fifty Shenhao Agricultural Bank users who have died, only that one survived.

It's just that Liu San doesn't know if that person is still alive or has he left his wealth to future generations?

This is not something Liu San cares about.

Liu San is very clear that no one can be his opponent in terms of money.


I am Shenhao!

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