Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 542: Who are you

Wang Long answered the phone impatiently and said, "Did you just order it for the driver just now? Just come directly."

The mobile phone said: "Dash! Did you provoke anyone? Now the equity is suppressed very low. Other shareholders have transferred their equity!"

"Nothing. Where did I provoke anyone, no ..... Uh ..." Wang Long shuddered.

Seeing Liu San's pupils shrink, "Who the **** are you!"

Liu San didn't look up and was still eating: "I said, I'm someone you can't mess with! I believe that it won't be long before your hospital and equity are mine."

at this time.

A man in a suit came quickly.

"Mr. Liu, I didn't expect you to come here," said the hotel manager.

Wang Long even took a breath of cold air, a cool air from the spinal cord straight into the Tianling cover!

This is the hotel manager, and this hotel is not simple. The people who can open a large hotel in Didu are very good.

It is said that the hotel is run by the manager's brother. Many rich people like to eat here.

Liu San ate, and said lightly, "Oh, you know?"

The manager said, "Who doesn't know you, President Liu. I heard that you have come to school at Tsinghua University. Mr. Tang has bought all the business around Tsinghua University."

"The hotels, restaurants, casinos, and shops here are all yours. President Tang also deliberately explained it. This is all Liu's industry."

"Don't recognize the boss behind the scenes, annoyed President Liu. Show us your picture. So how can we not recognize you."

Liu San could not help but smile bitterly, this Tang Ming, really thinks for others.

"Okay. I'll just eat. You go." Liu San waved his hand.

The manager then retreated.

Wang Long was scared.

Zhang Xiaojie looked at Liu San in surprise, but did not expect that Liu San was so rich. No wonder film making says don't worry about funding.

Zhou Jie was also embarrassed. When constructing 8S before, Liu San already felt rich.

I did not expect to be so rich.

Buy all the industries of the generation around the campus directly!

Where is this local tyrant!

This **** mother is simply a hero! !! !!

"I don't want to see you, get off in three seconds." Liu San is a little uncomfortable in his heart for those who want to be his girlfriend.

If you have bad moves or thoughts about your girlfriend, the man is still indifferent.

That's really crouching.

Although Liu San wants to be low-key, but sometimes you provoke me, then don't blame me for slamming the face!

Wang Long was so scared that he didn't even dare to eat, and quickly checked out and left.

Hurry home.

Liu San made up his mind and the emperor was so prosperous. Just buy more.

Rich wayward anyway.

Bankruptcy does not matter.

Anyway, there is more money.

After eating, everyone went back together.

After Liu San sent Zimo back to the dormitory, Zhang Xiaojie was called out by his mobile phone.

Two people are sitting in the cafe.

"... Liu ... always ..." Zhang Xiaojie stuttered, and there was invisible pressure with people who were too rich.

This is standing with the tall people next to the short people, the short people always feel uncomfortable in their hearts. Tall people feel cool.

It is a psychological state, and there is also a special explanation for this phenomenon in psychology.

Liu San said: "Don't worry so much. Just treat me as an ordinary person. Keep a low profile."

"Besides, I have money but no money, it's all Liu San. Right. What are you afraid of?" Liu San tried to adjust Zhang Xiaojie's mental state.

Otherwise the two cannot communicate.

Then the next thing is difficult to do.

After a few simple chats, Zhang Xiaojie was released from this mental state.

"You should know what it is for me to find you." Liu San is now on the subject.

Zhang Xiaojie took a deep breath and said, "You mean that movie we are going to make recruits for actors?"

"Do you have any suitable recommendations?" Liu San said.

"Yes, Gao Yuanyuan, Li Shishi, Lin Zhilin, some front-line actors."

"But, I'm not sure if they would like to play." Zhang Xiaojie said.

Liu San said, "Okay. Tomorrow happens to be Saturday. I'll talk to Zimo. There's something wrong. Then I'll go find an actor with you."

Zhang Xiaojie said excitedly: "That would be great, President Liu!"

Liu San said: "Just call me Liu San. You and I are not in an employment relationship. It is cooperation now. I see your future potential. Do it well."

"Rest assured, Mr. Liu ... Mr. Liu! I can definitely do a good job!" Zhang Xiaojie said.

Liu San took out 100,000 yuan: "This is 100,000 yuan. I know your father's legs and feet are bad, and your mother is taking care of it. Now you need money, use it first."

"Don't, don't! I'm fine to be able to go to Qingda University. It's all from my hometown. I'm really embarrassed to ask you for this one hundred thousand yuan. I won't feel at ease until the film scores, and some more "Zhang Xiaojie said.

Liu San said: "Take it. This 100,000 yuan is not worth mentioning to me. It should be borrowed."

Zhang Xiaojie said, "Thank you for your kindness. I have a heart. The bottom line for being a human being is to stick to it."

Seeing that he always refused, Liu San was very firm, and then said nothing and put away the money.

After drinking coffee, they talked about some details.

As for this professional knowledge, Liu San is already very good. As long as he has free time, Liu San is enriching himself.

He often reads books.

I have accumulated a lot, and naturally I understand a lot ~ www.readwn.com ~ There is a saying called that, accumulating over time, it comes naturally.

The philosophical point is that quantitative change causes qualitative change.

After much talk, the two returned to the dormitory.

Liu San has already bought the entire parking lot, at least don't have to worry about nowhere to park the car.

There is a private parking space for Liu San. Within the range of the yellow line, a yellow triangle sign is placed, saying that parking is strictly prohibited.

When Liu San came, he saw the sign being pushed to the ground.

And his parking space was stopped by a Porsche.

Immediately Liu San dialed a phone number: "Is it a crane company? I bought a parking space and parked a car to tow this car for me."

After hanging up the phone, Liu San waited.

Zhang Xiaojie was sitting on the co-pilot: "Will you find another place to park."

Liu San said: "This parking lot is all mine, and I also put a sign and reserved a parking space for me."

"Again, you don't know how difficult it is to park a car," Liu San said.

Zhang Xiaojie did look aggressive: "I haven't driven a car, I don't understand."

Liu Sanran, explained: "Easy to buy a car, troublesome maintenance. In addition to this, parking is also troublesome. Sometimes you go to work at nine."

"Maybe you arrive at 7 o'clock. Sometimes in order to find a parking space, maybe you can't get off at 10 o'clock. So many people give up driving and take the bus."

After hearing Liu San's remarks, Zhang Xiaojie realized that there was still such a thing.

It seems that parking is really difficult.

Liu San said: "Not only that, sometimes, in order to park, many people have to spend hundreds of thousands or millions to buy a garage to park exclusively. You can see this phenomenon when you go to some larger communities."

Soon, the crane came.

"Where is this car towed?" The crane master asked.

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