Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 547: The director is my cousin

The next time, Liu San returned to Qingda by special plane.

It is very convenient to have a personal helicopter in terms of time. It is troublesome to have procedures in China.

Fortunately, due to financial reasons, it can still be resolved.

It is obvious that Liu San could not handle the matter told by Tang Ming for the time being.

But it certainly won't be ignored.

Back at the campus, Liu San was relatively quiet. Colleges are actually not like junior high or high school.

It is more specialized and non-professional, so sometimes without your own class, there may be a lot of time throughout the day.

Only leave in the graduation season.

This afternoon, Liu San drove his car after the lesson. Near the car factory that Tang Ming said.

Parked the car and walked on foot.

"What!" The security guard stood at the door and stared at Liu San.

Liu San handed a cigarette to the security guard: "Come here to find a part-time job. Is there a part-time job here?"

The security guard looked good at the smoke.

Boy, he's a real man.

The security man took the cigarette and lit it, and put it in his mouth: "It does recruit part-time jobs. Well, what diploma do you have? Let me see where you are suitable to go."

"Qingda, freshman freshman." Liu San said.

The security guard froze, "Oh, great talent. Look at your credentials."

Liu San took out his ID card and student ID.

"Your name is Zhou Jie?" The security asked Liu San.

Liu San nodded: "Well, my name is Zhou Jie."

"This picture is a bit different." The security guard wondered.

Liu San said: "This photo was taken many years ago. The women's college changed from 18th, and the men's sometimes changed a lot."

Said Liu San also took out the hukou book: "So I also brought the hukou book, these information will never be fake."

"That's OK. I'll call the personnel department to help you ask for part-time jobs," said the security guard.

Liu San nodded, in fact, he knew the information here before he came. Knowing yourself and knowing one another can only lead you to victory.

Soon the security responded to Liu San, saying that the personnel department asked Liu San to come in and talk.

The personnel department is a woman with a pigtail. The company is relatively large.

"Please sit down." The woman was colder.

Liu San sat down with a smile.

"I listened to the security guard briefly. You are a talented student at Tsingda University, so what are your requirements for salary?"

Women looked at Liu San. Generally speaking, college graduates are more arrogant. But fledgling is not necessarily.

Liu San said: "I just want to subsidize households. There are no specific requirements."

"Then you are afraid of hard work? Are you afraid of thunder? How long do you have this part-time job?" The woman raised several questions.

Liu Sanxing's clouds flowed, answering one by one.

Understanding HR, in fact, HP interviewers are based on the needs to determine whether they can use. For example, what conditions does she need?

What do you want the other person to do.

Then look at the other person's answer to determine whether the job can be satisfied.

In the industry, HR used to say that you can do it or not.

Today, HR interviewers refuse to use a more euphemism.

You go back and wait for the notice.

Generally speaking, after hearing this sentence, there is no need to wait. Nothing.

Occasionally there are exceptions, and there is really no one, so I barely call. But the probability of this hope is very low.

Liu San responded along the lines of HR. The interviewer Liu San had a very easy time here.

"That's it. I have a vacant production line. You should do it first. For salary, I will calculate it for you at 20 yuan an hour part-time."

"Maybe this salary cannot be compared with regular employees. But the price is still okay."

"Wait until there is a free space on the technical side, and you go again. Then for the money, you are not a regular employee."

"There is no distinction between 1.5 times and 2 times, and there is no distinction between wages on legal holidays. It is fixed at 20 yuan an hour."

The woman looked at Liu San: "What do you think? If you can, I'll take you to the workshop. If you are sure, you can sign the contract."

Liu San signaled that he was okay and acceptable.

If it weren't for Tang Ming's statement that the company's bills were defective, he wouldn't have managed the company himself.

Next, the woman took Liu San to the workshop.

The factory consists of three buildings and a small building. One dormitory building, the other two buildings are offices and workshops.

The small building is the cafeteria.

Mobile phones are not allowed outside the workshop. Special security guards sit at the entrance of each floor.

Only team leaders and above are allowed.

And put a seal on the camera position to prevent some key things of the company from leaking.

When Liu San came to the workshop, he followed the human resources woman. Since she has no authority over staff, she is only responsible for interviews.

So what were the people in the workshop doing and what was Liu San doing after he came in.

Liu San can see that many people are holding mobile phones aside.

Obviously the security work is not done.

This is normal in many factories. For those who are looking for work, the factory is too strict and they don't want to do it at all.

Unless forced by life.

Therefore, Liu San did not take this as a key local supervision.

But there must be rules.

The combination of work and rest is the best, but few companies can balance it.

The two walked around the workshop.

"I have taken you over. What do you think? You can go to sign the contract. The rest are set up with permissions.

"So it's impossible to get into this."

The woman said.

Liu San smiled: "It's okay. Let's go. You can sign."

Due to time constraints, most of the contract work hours signed by Liu San and the women are after the end of their courses.

The only thing is that we need to come here from Qingda, this is a bit more troublesome.

Fortunately, there are sports cars and helicopters.

After all, Shenhao.

So efficiency is fast.

After signing the contract, Liu San did not leave.

When he came out, the security guard was watching a TV show with a mobile phone, and cuddled up with seeds: "How about. Is it possible to work part-time?"

Liu San handed a cigarette to the security guard: "It's okay. Fellow fellow, aren't you afraid of getting caught like this?"

The security guard smiled: "To tell you the truth, the owner of this factory is my cousin. He won't do anything to me."

Liu San twitched his face: "Oh ... it's your cousin."

"That's it! But as long as you don't catch the big leader. Otherwise, my cousin is not good at talking." Security said proudly.

Liu San grinned, "Yeah, yeah."

More cheap cousins.

Egg hurts.

Liu San walked away from the factory and looked at the factory.

It is very large in the neighborhood.

It is a company specializing in automobile, and also responsible for some automation projects.

In the past, making cars was a slow pace, and the efficiency was very low. Since the introduction of the concept of pipelines abroad.

At the same time, the number of people has increased, the process has been streamlined, and the efficiency of the car has gradually improved.

From the beginning, everyone had no car, and it became affordable as long as you were willing to borrow.

Shaking his head, Liu Sanshuang stared at the factory area: "I will soon find out the problems of this company!"

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