Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 558: Maybe you are a hero

Bar cards are set at intersections.

There are also roadblocks.

There were many men in military uniform walking around with guns in their hands.

The captain got out of the car and walked over.

Those people aimed their guns at the captain.

Captain raised his hand: "We are from Group 765. This is my certificate."

One of the women took the Union ID, looked at it carefully, and said, "You're not in your Union area. What are you doing here?"

"Don't you know, you are not qualified to stay here with your current authority?" The woman said.

He heard the woman talking, and glanced at the woman not talking.

In fact, before he came, he knew that he might not have sufficient permissions.

After all, the city's resources are certain, if everyone knows this place, they will definitely flock in.

Just like in the history of foreign countries, the wall was built to separate people.

Five people looked at each other.

Although the captain said on the road, everyone still wants some luck. See if you can get in.

"So how can we get in?" Zero asked.

The woman said: "According to the rules, it is either special personnel or one million yuan."

"Although you guys, we also want to save. But many are no way. If you can, the whole world doesn't need this."

The woman was talking about her helplessness, she was just a person below. Responsible for executing orders.

Although everyone knows this is her excuse, but everyone also knows that indeed, if the world is fine.

This is not necessary.

Luo Yue was full of anger, Da Lao Yuan ran here, and several times on the road almost went wrong. The results are not working yet.

She hugged her waist and gasped, "Hum, what do you want for a million people? No one, what do you want for money?"

The woman smiled and said, "Little sister. As long as the mother is killed. All this can be restored. What can you do when you talk about money?"

Luo Xin: "..."

Luo Yue: "..."

Everyone was speechless. It turned out that everyone was working on this idea.

As everyone prepares to leave.

I saw a young woman in a white coat with stockings driving down the car.

"Professor Chen." The crowd said respectfully.

Zero is very confused. Who is this Professor Chen?

These people are so respectful.

It should be very important in this city.

"Who is the woman in the white coat?" Luo Yue asked.

The woman who stopped at the checkpoint said, "Professor Chen you don't know each other? However, it's normal if you don't."

"She is a member of the Academy of Sciences in our country and a multi-time winner of the World Nobel Prize."

"Including this city, she built many facilities in one hand. But she is more risky."

"Often goes outside to investigate the physical changes of the xenograft. She has records of the changes of the different xenogenes."

"Let's go. You have no money, and two are not special personnel. You can leave. May you live to the day when the mother is killed." The woman waved her hand and motioned for Luo Yue to wait.

Luo Yue whispered in a low voice: "It's a tacky person ~ Huh."

at this time!

The moment Professor Chen looked up, his pupils shrank. Come towards the zero.

"You ... is number zero? You really survived!" Professor Chen said in surprise.

Zero looked at Professor Chen in confusion, this woman was not a big beauty in appearance. But it's also the type that looks pretty good.

"Do you know me?" Zero said.

Professor Chen nodded: "Of course I know, how could I not know you. This is not the place to talk, come with me."

Zero glanced at Luo Yue and others standing aside.

"Ann, let them in. I said." Professor Chen said to those who were blocking the road.

The woman nodded: "Well, good Professor Chen. You can bring it in."

The crowd was aggressive.

This Professor Chen is not simple. I can rest assured in one sentence.


I feel that I have made five million instant sight.

He shook his head, not thinking about these things.

Luo Yue and others were arranged where to live and a residence card. Zero was brought into a laboratory.

"Do you know your identity?" Professor Chen sat in a computer chair.

Zero sat down naturally: "You say it."

"You don't seem to be surprised at all," Professor Chen began.

Zero was silent.

"The subject of the catastrophe is that mother, and everyone knows this." Professor Chen smiled slightly.

Next, Professor Chen told Zero about himself about the disaster and Zero.

In the earliest days of the catastrophe, there was a document. And this information actually left some important information.

All stored in a USB flash drive.

After the data was damaged, the U disk became the only breakthrough.

This document requires some very strong people to experiment, and the people here are those who have just died within two weeks.

The whole experiment was very difficult, and only the special forces and Langya and the human ice can find the existence that can participate in this project.

As a result, the experiments failed.

However, everyone found that the earliest experiment No. 0 seemed to have the characteristics of living organisms.

Including heart rate.

But there are problems in many places. Everyone started to shift their focus to number zero.

The zero number has become everyone's hope. Only the zero number can break down some energy that disintegrates the parent body.

In the simplest expression, only the zero number can destroy the mother body!

So the zero number is very important!

In order to prevent the zero number from being destroyed, everyone turned the laboratory outside.

Although everyone hopes to recover as before, there are definitely some people with bad intentions who don't want to see this situation ~ www.readwn.com ~ Most of the things are clear for Zero. It's just that there are doubts and puzzles in many places.

"What do you mean, I was born again in another way. I used to be a member of the Earth Ice Device?" Zero said.

Professor Chen nodded: "Well, but you are not a member. You are the captain of the ice machine on earth."

Zero said: "Then I have doubts. Since the human ice machine is a special place similar to the special forces. The strength is very strong. Then I am the captain, why did I die?"

"... You died of illness. It was not a war death. There is currently no record of your defeat." Professor Chen explained.

No. 0 was stunned, no one could escape the death of the old.

Okay, now it seems that I have been resurrected in another way.

"So what can I do?" Zero asked.

Professor Chen turned the pen at his fingertips and said, "Did you not discover your ability? Your existence cannot be felt by different species."

"Well. There is such a capability." Zero said.

She put her pen down and smiled: "As long as you are there, you can gradually break these aliens. If you can find the mother, it will be better."

"Once the mother's news, all this can be restored," Professor Chen said.

Zero said: "Now the world has been destroyed to varying degrees. By then there will be no aliens and it may not be restored as before."

"You think far away. Maybe a new civilization is born. But before that, you need to work with us to expel the aliens."

She smirked.

After hearing the words, Zero was silent for a while: "Let me think about it. I don't know what kind of being I am now. Is it a human? A robot?

"Or the rebirth?"

She smiled. "Maybe you are a hero."

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