Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 565: Ordinary but not ordinary

On that day, it was grey and light rain.

Zero stands in front of a glass window of a shop to shelter from the rain.

Pedestrians came and went, and a steady stream of people moved around.

The crowd was busy despite the rain.

A very ordinary thing is a bit unusual in the eyes of Zero.

I saw a gray-haired grandma walking slowly with a cane. Beside her was a child about four or five years old.

The old man stumbled and moved slowly.

Although he is only four or five years old, he still leads the elderly across the road.

In rainy weather, drivers on the road always have a trace of inattention.

It ’s not raining

The drivers held the steering wheel, stepped on the accelerator, and approached the brakes with the other foot.

A van was very fast, and the moment he saw the old man, he hesitated and chose to stop and wait.

A small detail.

The driver took out a cigarette, smoked it in his mouth, and slowly spit it out, sighing and saying, "Oh, today I scolded the old version again. These people are really nothing."

"Doing things is doing things, why do I always scold them. And I don't do well."

He seemed to be complaining as he waited for the parking.

Despite complaining, he chose to wait.

The child looked at the driver of the van. Little was the figure slightly bent over in the rain.

Bowed deeply.

The grey rain hit the umbrella.

It also hits the driver's heart that can't be calm for so long.

The rain hit the window.

It seemed to recall the hardships of life, and the driver grinned in his complaining.

"Alive ... so good."

The wiper washes the ground.

Brushing the mind.

For a moment, I felt that the meaning of living was to live to the day of death.

Life does not bring, death does not bring.

However, sometimes when you think about it, it turns out that a lot of subtle things exist in our memories.

To live is to pursue.

Even if you can't find it, this day is worth it.

Zero is standing there, watching the scene quietly.

Ordinary and extraordinary.

Today, Zero has traveled for 300 years. I have been to many countries in these three hundred years.

From a technology point of view, it seems that its zero-country technology is more advanced, and even a bit ahead.

In contrast to other countries, the degree of evolution of civilization does not seem to be too high.

It's not that much different from five hundred years ago, it's just something new. At the same time, civilization has faults.

After all, the changes brought about by the cataclysm promoted civilization and destroyed some civilizations.

Civilization anyway, if there is no lethal blow.

Always moving forward.

Just like time, only forward, not backward ...


Zero country.

A wall full of prosperity and technology.

The fence originally built on No. 0 was strengthened and transformed after he left.

The wall is like a blue lens, and a laser turret and a high-voltage electric tower are built above the wall.

Poly Pressure Cannon.

Like a huge fort.

"The construction has been strengthened even more than I did at the beginning." The smile on the corner of Zero's mouth slightly hung.

Five hundred years.

I am back again.

The fence has many entrances.

These gates are set with ID confirmation, and anyone who has registered data in a zero country can go in and out.

And every time there is a record.

Due to the large territory of the Zero Country, most people do not need to go out.

"Drop, confirm your identity. You are ready to enter." The electronic door opens automatically.

Zero stepped forward, a confident smile on the corner of his mouth: "I'm back."


At the same time!

Government House of the Zero Kingdoms!

The governor's office of the whole zero country is boiling at this moment!

"The zero number that my grandfather said is back! The information group just reported that the zero number is back!"

"No, we should call him collar-sleeve, or zero master!" Said a well-dressed man.

The other man looked colder, "Come here? Huh."

"Bing Han, let me tell you, pay attention. The previous top seven commanders were given by Zero." A fat man came over.

Seven people got together.

These seven people are called the Seven Commanders, and they are in charge of the technology of Zero Country!

At the same time everyone wore a medal.

They had a map token hanging around their waists.

Binghan wears a special instrument on his hands that can condense ice.

The remaining few people have their own technology products with different roles.

A pretty woman walked slowly in a purple skirt, and every time she moved, there was always a fragrance in the air.

She is the only female commander.

Seven commanders sat in the conference room of the Governor's Mansion.

"According to the current information, the zero should return. The next step is the delivery of power." The seven zero commanders looked at each other.

Frozen didn't speak.

The crowd said something before they left the meeting.

It's just that everyone has different emotions on their faces.


When the zero came to the gate of the Governor's House.

Many people are already waiting.

"Please here." Someone said respectfully.

Zero was no surprise that they knew they were coming.

After all, many systems including access control are set up by themselves, so the information is very clear.

I have the ability to create this kingdom, and I have the ability to destroy it.

Just like the number zero said, I don't believe that there is God in this world, because I am God.

Welcomed by everyone, Zero came to a conference room.

The atmosphere was a little tense.

The air was agitated.

Regarding the returning scene, Zero has actually thought of many results.

One is that they are willing to deliver their rights and easily get them back.

The other is that they are unwilling to deliver and are somewhat contradictory. But many secrets in the entire zero country are only known to me.

At any time, the entire Zero Government House can be destroyed and rights restored.

So Zero is not worried at all.

They have not managed this country for five hundred years, so they have worked hard.

Although it is honor, it is still hard work.

Zero is naturally sitting in the position he once was.

It is the most forward position of the table.

The conference room is open.

Six men and one woman gradually came in ~ www.readwn.com ~ with a strong momentum. This momentum is like staying high all year round.

"You should know the purpose of my return." Zero crossed his hands, holding his chin.

Seven people sat down.

A fat man didn't look like a commander at all and laughed: "Hey, I've been waiting for this day. You don't know, we have been waiting for you to come back."

"Sure enough, as grandpa said, not old, not dead. I never expected that the original technology could create you."

"Cough, sorry. I said something wrong. It may not sound good." The fat man swept his head slightly.

The woman glanced at the zero sign: "It really looks the same as the picture. No change in appearance."

"I heard that you have advanced many people in the field of machinery. I have a robot arm that I developed myself." The woman wore a military uniform and handed a robot arm to No.

"This robotic arm, it's okay. There are a lot of problems." Zero scanned it, and a bunch of data appeared in his brain.

The woman was a little surprised: "What's the problem?"

Zero said: "Have you seen the parts of this elbow joint? The lack of a spring under this nut will affect the overall friction life."

"This is only a small problem. You look at it here, the front end. The size of this joint is 0.851 less sinking. This will reduce the speed."

Following the zero, there were some issues.

Everyone looked at Zero in wonder, and just a glance could judge so many details.

The woman heard a smile and said, "It is indeed the founder of Zero Country. It is very high in the field of machinery. How long will it take you to remove this robot arm?"

"Removed for five seconds and assembled for seven seconds," Zero said calmly.

Everyone froze.

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