Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 579: Community woman

Security guard Zhou Changxing looked up at Liu Yan and told Liu Yan what happened.

Jiangyu was listening next to it.

"Actually you know, I'm a security guard. Every day I'm responsible for registering cars and the like."

"And I am the oldest, and the family is always urging marriage. I have little ability to be a security guard. I don't make money writing books."

"In addition, the life circle is so big, it is not easy to talk about love."

"Although life is really sad sometimes, every night in the community I see a woman passing by my duty post. That became a comfort to me."

"She is very beautiful and very temperament. When she sees me every day, she smiles and nods in. I think this person is very polite and beautiful."

"Every time she walks past me, I feel a gust of wind blowing in my heart. It makes me very comfortable and happy. I even tried to write her into my book. Let the protagonist start a vigorous love chase."

"Of course, these can only be my YY, I can only think about it. Those who live in that neighborhood are either rich or expensive. Whoever cares about me is on my terms."

"You can only think of such a person as a goddess, and it is enough to see it. There is no way, I have the same conditions, but I dare not pursue it. I can only look at it."

"That's it. This woman brought me a lot of warm fantasies when I was distressed in writing a book. Think about it, it's also a good dream."

"Some time ago, this woman and I finally made their first contact."

"It was raining that day, and the courier didn't deliver it to the community, so he asked me if I could put a security kiosk. Generally, it is not allowed on my side."

"But I looked at it. The number and name on it seemed to be the woman. Because one day, I heard someone call her name."

"I'll tell the courier, all right. It's raining, let me do it. I'll just send it to you. The little courier will give me the item and I'll be busy sending other things."

"It's not easy. It has to be delivered when it rains. I'm also afraid of getting wet and afraid of not being able to complete the delivery task. The courier told me that it was delayed and they were fined."

"I went to that building, went upstairs, and was about to knock on the door. I heard a voice."

"I heard that, the woman said, husband, you really hate it. Look at you, everyone's clothes are broken."

"Then a man's voice said, OK. I see. I'll buy you a new one tomorrow."

"I was half-hearted at the time. It turned out that she was married. The last illusion was broken."

"But I have never seen her go out with her husband, all alone. Forget it, forget it, after all, the illusion is an illusion."

"I knocked on the door, and then said in a gentler tone, Hello, Miss Yang. Please express for your express delivery."

"The woman came out, still very beautiful, wearing a fashionable pink dress. I felt a little lost in my heart, but my heartbeat also accelerated. It was really beautiful."

"A woman opens a parcel and is a pair of men's shoes, at least 44 yards, because I usually wear 42. So I can feel it."

"She said, these are shoes for my husband. I was a little lost, and I accidentally saw a man standing in the room. Because of the weather, and the room didn't wait."

"Just vaguely the man in the room stood there, motionless. He was very burly, but always gave me a strange feeling."

"When I came down the stairs, my heart was full of loss and I couldn't hold my spirit down. This kind of hope was shattered. It was really uncomfortable."

Hearing the security guard said here, Liu Yanxi smiled: "You have a crush on it. I have a crush on marriage. What's this?"

The security man shook his head: "No, listen to me. It would be great if that was the only thing."

"What do you mean?" Liu Yan asked.

Jiang Yu didn't speak. He looked at the book and listened to him.

The security continues.

"After I knew that she had a husband, my heart was a bit lost. But I also understood that it was my vision from the beginning."

"I continue to write novels and continue to work."

"Sometimes I'm tired of writing, and I look out. The woman's building is actually directly opposite my duty post."

"At that time, through the curtain, I could always see her and his husband holding each other. I felt she and he should be very loving."

"I think I should bless her. At least she is happy."

"Although I am always persuading myself, I want to have illusions from the beginning, and have nothing to do with myself. I want to do so much."

"But I always feel that it is not taste."

"Until one night, my cell phone rang. It turned out that the call from the property director said that there was a power outage at Miss Yang's house. Let me see if there is a problem with the power switch."

"I was still weird. I just saw her in the room hugging her husband and revealed the lights. Why is this gone? Look up."

"It did hack."

"Then I picked up the flashlight and went upstairs to her house."

"Knocked and she opened the door for me."

"The woman opened the door in a panic and was very nervous ~ www.readwn.com ~ She said a little scared that she was afraid of the dark."

"I was still thinking about it, wasn't there your husband at home, I was afraid that your husband would be with you."

"It was strange at the time, she came out, but her husband didn't come out. Is there something in the night to do? Let a woman come out by herself."

"Forget it, it's someone else's business. Don't join yourself."

"She took me into the house."

"The room is quite inside. I'm holding a flashlight and looking for the power switch."

"Because of the lock, I took out the key to open it, and I was usually afraid that these owners would mess with it. The electricity leaked, so it was locked."

"I opened the box and found that it was not a problem with the electric brake. I had to wait for the electrician to fix it tomorrow."

"Just preparing to close the box, I heard footsteps behind me. I was working with her on the electric box, so the footsteps should be her husband."

"I took the flashlight curiously and shot back. I was so scared that I was sitting on the ground, terrified."

"I never imagined that there was a plastic person behind me. It was the fake model in the usual shopping mall."

"If this thing is in a shopping mall, it looks good during the day. But at night, it suddenly appeared behind me, which really scared me."

"The main thing is that this plastic man is still facing me, and poses in a greeting. It feels like he will come towards me at any time."

"My legs were frightened. I took a flashlight and took a picture. I found that this model was like this. I was so scared that I was sweaty."

"I also said at the time that I didn't expect to be a plastic person, it was really scary."

"As a result, the woman said something. I was sweating coldly, and I almost scared to kneel."

"Don't hold a flashlight at my husband, it's very impolite."

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