Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 590: Plants vs. Zombies

Lu Feng tried to open the panel in her mind.

There is the word "Exchange" next to the reputation.

"Look, what can be exchanged."

All are gray, with only one Plant vs. Zombie.

There is a line in the gray place "Currently LV1 game creator, unlock 1 game."

"It takes 10,000 reputation to exchange Plants vs. Zombies."

For the charm of Plants vs. Zombies, Lu Feng knew it. This game uses a series of very clever things.

"Yes." Lu Feng felt that she immediately embarked on a bright road.

"Yes, housekeeper. You said at the door of the meeting room just now. Master, uh, my dad, when you left. Leave me a sum of money."

"He expected me to have this day?" Lu Feng felt that the money would definitely get Plants vs. Zombies.

At that time, it may be possible to create another group like this.

The housekeeper looked at Lu Feng, who was a little excited, and was silent for a while: "Uh ... I'm sorry, I just saw that meeting room called Gao Fei had a bad tone."

"That is to say, nothing was left for me, a good-faith lie?" Lu Feng did not expect that there would be another twist here.

The housekeeper did not speak.

"It's okay. I didn't stay, I didn't stay. I think of a way myself." Lu Feng didn't blame others.

No reason to blame.

"Master, I actually left you a house and a car, as well as a few of us. If you want, I can lend you my salary," said the housekeeper.

Lv Feng froze and lent money to a prodigal, almost as if he had borrowed it or not.

Still willing to borrow?

However, I am not that kind of person.

"Let ’s do that, let ’s calculate the financing. You calculate the funds. At that time you will have a certain share." Lu Feng thought about it.

The steward shook his head: "No need, I can borrow as much as I can. It is not anxious. I am alone now."

"If I didn't have a master, I might have died at 664 Alpha Star." Butler rejected Lu Feng's suggestion.

Although Lv Feng is not familiar with the housekeeper, he can still feel his loyalty: "Well, since this is the case, I would not force you."

"But I, I don't like to take advantage of my own. If others are taking advantage, they may take advantage. I don't really want to take advantage."

"After my company was established, I will arrange a position for you. The salary is the same as the manager." Lu Feng said.

The housekeeper thought that Lu Feng was joking: "If you have this heart, you will get it. You can get a penny for a skill. I can be a bodyguard."

"I'm a hunter. I'm a B. It's not too far from A." The steward said with a smile.

Lu Feng didn't know the division of this rank, as if he didn't belong to any fighting person.

Well, now that you have a reputation.

These will be there.

Now I can't wait for this world.

Full of curiosity.

Lv Feng exchanged Plants vs. Zombies in the prestige interface.

The housekeeper lent Lu Feng a sum of money.

Both have been busy.

After the exchange, Lu Feng invited some studios.

Asking people for a long time, obviously the funds are a bit tight.

After all, the money of the housekeeper did not say that it was too much.

This busyness is three months.

Several adjustments have been made to the entire Plants vs. Zombies.

The reputation system redeems some of the core design of the game.

But many details need to be handled by yourself.

Because studios have a hard time working on what they are expressing.

Another week passed.

Plants vs. Zombies are completely made.

The studio is also the one the housekeeper has found, which is more reliable.

So at least in the case of leaks and cottages, they will not appear in the short term.

Coupled with the existence of protection laws, Lu Feng has more possibilities for development.

"Master, I didn't expect you to be so serious." The steward smiled.

Hearing the steward said he was less than fifty. But the whole person looks more than sixty.

Years are always unsettling, always walking around inadvertently.

Lv Feng smiled: "Thanks to you. Without your funds to find a relationship with the trustee. Even if I know the game well, I can't make it."

They rented a small facade.

There are many computers in it.

The red paper wrote: "The latest game, free trial for 5 hours! Today only!"

Free is often a routine used by businesses, as long as people with interest will find it.

There is no such thing as a pie in heaven.

Lv Feng used to be the junior high school. Sometimes noon meals are not eaten at school, because eating every day will be tiring. Change your taste occasionally.

Someone grabbed Lv Feng and said he would send his face for free. Lu Feng said that he was going to eat and didn't want this thing.

That person said that this thing was a public welfare activity and was given away for free. Sign a name and you can take it away. At noon time was limited, and Lu Feng, who hurried to dinner, signed it.

In the end, the other party asked Lu Feng to give money. Lu Feng said, I do n’t want anything. I have to go to dinner. Goodbye.

However, the other side pulled Lu Feng strong, and he had to pay for the signature. Things are free, but this is a donation.

Lv Feng knew at the time that this was the routine. Finally, he used the alarm as a reason to scare the other party successfully. Fortunately, times are developing, and there are fewer things to buy and sell.

But Lu Feng had a deep memory of the fact that there was no pie in the sky.

Store decoration is not very good ~ www.readwn.com ~ Temporary rent.

Someone walked back and forth, glanced at the scarlet letter, and continued on. After all, everyone in this era really knows the game. It's hard to break through.

Where is there any fun game.

Definitely another deceptive routine.

Basically walked one after another.

At this time, a middle-aged man with disheveled hair and fancy hair.

He looked at the red paper: "What game is free to try for 5 hours?"

"I tell you, the current game, you will know the routine after playing it. There is nothing fun." He looked at Lu Feng.

Lu Feng said, "You can try."

The middle-aged man looked at his watch: "OK, anyway, I'm idle today. I'll play for half an hour to see."

"You don't have a high-end machine. It seems pretty cheap," the middle-aged man's eyesight.

Lu Feng said: "This game does not require high-level equipment. Normal machines can run."

In fact, this is really mainly due to money.

High match is smooth.

Fortunately, Plants vs. Zombies don't really need any configuration.

In the past, Plants vs. Zombies was a strategy game developed by PopCapGames. It is truly unique in design.

In a short time, it swept the entire gaming market.

The middle-aged man heard Lu Feng said that without a high match, he felt that this might be a game that didn't require any image quality and no sense of shock.

After all, some need a graphics card to drive.

Low allocation cannot be completed.

Middle-aged man turned on the computer and the desktop was specially treated.

There is only one Plant vs. Zombie.

"Plants vs. zombies? This name makes sense," the middle-aged man mumbled.

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