Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 592: It's a horse or a horse.

Lu Feng will not wait for the opportunity, but choose to seize the opportunity.

The middle-aged man's words may not be comforting himself.

So chances still have to be seized by yourself.

The next day, it opens early in the morning.

Lu Feng used a computer to inquire about such information as game recommendations and how to register.

Found that a company needs to be registered and eligible for review.

Lu Feng set up a non-clickable ad space under the game.

Sometimes, the hotness of the game is related to recharge and advertising.

There are roughly three types of game charging methods.

The first one has independent game rights and is sold.

Ordinary users purchase genuine discs for installation, and they also have serial codes.

The second is the common mode of general online games, for a fee. Can be point card mode or recharge mode.

The third is that the game is free, and it depends on advertising.

In addition to these three, the other methods are to expand on these three models.

The next time, before and after busy.

There are also some people in the store to try it out, but the traffic is not high.

One environmental cause, one machine cause. There is also popularity.

Increased dozens in the reputation panel. Not much.

The housekeeper thinks that this way should also make money and accumulate users little by little.

However, Lu Feng felt that he had a reputation system, and there was no reason for it to develop slowly.

So after finishing all the processes, a diamond recharge was designed in the Plant vs. Zombie interface. The idea of ​​advertising space is temporarily useless.

The reason is simple, because if you click on a place in the game, you enter another advertising interface.

Users generally feel uncomfortable.

Not everyone can understand the difficulties of businesses.

Diamond recharge this channel can make people more development.

Of course the frequency with which diamonds are used is limited. Otherwise, local tyrants will soon lose pleasure.

After looking for a studio to adjust, I invested in the application market.

"At 0 o'clock tonight, it should be tried in the application market." Lu Feng looked at the time.

The housekeeper is busy looking after the guests in the shop.

There are not many machines, so someone is playing. Others stood aside.

"Boss, why don't you add more machines?" Someone asked.

Lv Feng is helpless, okay.

The money is the money of the housekeeper.

Shop, choose location, buy machine, look for studio.

These are money.

The night was already deep. Inside the store, the housekeeper was shutting down one machine at a time. The steward's slightly stiff body was repeating the motion of bending down and shutting down.

"You go to bed first." Lu Feng said.

Butler looked at Lu Feng: "Master, what about you?"

Lu Feng said: "I'm here to see the effect tonight."

"Then I will accompany you," said the housekeeper.

Lv Feng laughed: "No, you need more rest. I look at it and hang it on it, no problem. I also slept."

"I haven't been excited to wait for the results overnight," Lu Feng joked.

The housekeeper went back to the room to sleep.

This shop has only one floor.

It used to be a small supermarket. When it comes to a supermarket, it may be bigger than an average taxi store. The room was separated by two, one housekeeper and one by himself.

The remaining one is a relatively narrow kitchen.

The lobby is where you put your computer. Constitutes the entire structure.

Until 12 o'clock, Lu Feng was a little sleepy. At least in the world they used to be, the habit of being a night cat.

Some people may be used to it, but Lu Feng is not used to it. When time comes, there is a kind of doze. And it's the kind that easily falls asleep on the bed.

At 12 o'clock, the game download market, new applications do have their own.

Downloads, 0. Just changed it, it's normal.

"Okay, it did hang up and go to bed." Lu Feng was also busy for a few months, and only officially started operations these days.

A lot of money was spent, not much was received.

Lying on the bed at night, Lu Feng quickly fell asleep.

The same room is divided into two, so the area is small.

The steward tried shouting Lu Feng a few times, but found that there was no response, and then smiled bitterly: "Master, grow up."



"Master, come for breakfast." The steward came in with a bag of breakfast.

Lv Feng just got up: "Well? Why did you go out so early. Didn't you say that you can get up later?"

"I'm used to getting up early." The housekeeper picked up a breakfast and handed it to Lu Feng and a bottle of milk.

Lv Feng swept down quickly at the speed of wind and clouds, and then turned on the computer at her front desk.

Open the application market.

I found that the download volume directly reached the first on the first day!

But take a look, the evaluation below.

Many are scolding.

User 1221345 message: This company is called LV Co., Ltd.? How did you get to the first place? It must be brushing data.

User 7712244 message: very simple configuration, such a low profile, okay first? Brush it.

The user said 13923 messages: I think it's very fun, this game.

"... Did these scolds ever play this game?" Lu Feng was completely speechless.

It is estimated that it is either some sprays or jealous of some peers.

LV companies do register themselves.

LV is actually Lu's computer input pinyin.

Originally thought of the storm or Shengda, think about it, forget it.

Still LV.

"Boss, are you organic?" A man, wearing a blue shirt and glasses, looked very gentle.

Lu Feng said: "You came earlier, a little later, maybe the machines are not enough."

The man in the shirt thought it was a fiction and wanted to set off his business: "How much is it an hour?

"5 Star Coins ~ www.readwn.com ~ Members 10% off. Enjoy the game I designed at the earliest." Lu Feng said.

5 star coins are not expensive for him. However, I feel this place is not much different from the average Internet cafe. But the environment is much worse.

It's not worth it to collect 5 star coins.

"Forget it. Come here, come here for an hour." The man in the shirt swiped his card.

"Wait, boss, why is there only one game on your machine?" He froze for a second.

Lu Feng said, "Don't you look at the paper I posted? Only games I designed."

"... Okay. I didn't notice it. Is it Plants vs. Zombies?" The man in the shirt asked.

Lu Feng froze: "How do you know?"

The man in the shirt said, "My friend said that there was a good game introduced to me, so I'll try it."

Lv Feng thought about it, is it the person who came to play Plants vs. Zombies a few days ago?

Forget it.

It's a **** and a horse.

The man in the shirt didn't rush to open the game, first clicked the right mouse button and checked the file size by attributes.

Open the file again and look at the editor's code.

Roughly swept.

Only started the game.

"It's a good voice." The shirt man is more professional.

Sound effects are important for a game. Without music, one of the fun is basically lost.

The environment and sense of shock are gone.

Looked at the interface.

He gently pushed his glasses.

Checked the leaderboard and registered an account.

Named "Changchang."

I do n’t know if it ’s something else, or just take it casually.

Select adventure mode.

"Somewhat interesting." He saw Uncle Tom in the game screen.

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