Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 595: Cooperation or not

Four tanks battled ten tanks and were quickly crushed.

The plaid man pressed randomly and found that the barracks could build soldiers.

Quickly click to make soldiers.

Ten tanks were finally killed, but only half of the entire base was destroyed.

"Huh ~" The man in the plaid breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out that four more planes came.


Drop empty bombs.

The mining building is gone.

"..... a bit cruel." The man in the lattice found that there was insufficient money to buy.

Have no idea what to do.

Without an economic source, nothing can be built.

There is actually a way to change to Lu Feng. That is to sell some buildings. Wait for money to build the mine.

Just buy it again.

However, the man in the plaid had just played for a while and looked at the other side for a while before pondering a little.

Within five minutes, some tanks struck again.

This time I brought some soldiers with me.

The most ridiculous, also called a dog.

puff! Hahaha.

Laughing around.

"Come again, come again." The fancy man was a little unhappy.

The student won a game and was happy: "Okay, come again."

A few people nearby also came, feeling itchy.

"Also play with me!" Someone said next.

It soon became 4V4.

The housekeeper watched the shop come alive and smiled with relief.


On this day, Lu Feng called a phone.

This number is exactly the man who came from the day when he was a Zombie vs. Plant.

Is a game distribution representative.

"Hello, is it Manager Feng? I was the last plant in the shop and the zombie." Lu Feng is not good at this.

If you don't know how to introduce yourself, you probably try to remind the other person of yourself.

The phone said, "Oh, it's you. Are you planning to sell the independent copyright of that Plant vs. Zombie?"

"I saw it in the application market, and it was in the first place before."

Lv Feng does not sell independent copyrights, with the largest share.

There are several modes of copyright.

Conventional cooperation will choose to divide, buy out, agent, rarely choose to sell directly.

But it is not without, because independent buyouts, the one-time money is almost the highest, but there is no continuous benefit.

"I have a new game, if you are willing to negotiate, we can talk about it." Lu Feng said.

The other side groaned for a moment: "This Saturday, I just happen to be on a business trip these days."

"Yes." Lu Feng glanced at the shop.

There are already a lot of people.

Although there are some gaps in the effect from your own, there is indeed a huge market in this different world.

The downloads of Plants vs. Zombies have exceeded 100 million.

LV companies are more known in the industry.

Looking at the prestige value, it is now 120,000.

The prestige redemption panel is gray, with only Plants vs. Zombies and Red Alert already redeemed.

Lu Feng will share some dividends with the housekeeper based on the business. Without the housekeeper, there is no first step.

As a result, the housekeeper did not need the money.

Lu Feng stood silent.

Day by day, this Akira.

It's Saturday.

The consignment experience has come and is very formal. A straight suit.

In contrast, Lu Feng is more casual.

"What do you call you?" The affiliate manager is very natural, and apparently often does this kind of dealing.

Lu Feng said, "Lu Feng. Just do it."

The sales manager laughed and said, "Boss Lu, I haven't been here for a few days. Your shop has grown bigger. I think it's renovating next to it. The layout is close to yours."

Lv Feng touched his nose, but didn't say how much profit the plants vs zombies brought to himself.

"What game are you planning to collaborate with this time?" The sales manager looked around and quickly discovered that many players were playing a game that he hadn't seen before.

Looks like a strategy game for commanding tank army aircraft.

He looked at Lu Feng with a smile and said with interest: "Is this game? It seems very interesting."

Lu Feng nodded: "Sit inside."

An office was set up in the former residence to accommodate special guests.

They came to the dedicated office.

"The decoration is good. At least hundreds of thousands." The manager laughed.

Lu Feng said, "Spend a bit of money. How do you operate this game?"

"Let's do this. I don't know enough about this game. I just watched the screen and the picture quality is not bad. It should not be in rendering mode." The manager said more professional.

Lu Feng didn't particularly understand this: "Let's go. Try it out. There are some empty planes over there."

"I play with the mentality of the user and give me an hour. It's money." The manager doesn't take advantage of this.

He knows that details determine success or failure.

At first, he was extremely optimistic about Plants vs. Zombies, but he also saw that Lu Feng had no intention of selling.

Now look at the interior decoration has changed so much. Several of them in the decoration are definitely making a lot of money.

He turned on the computer and entered the game interface.

He took a closer look and there are many countries that offer player choices.

There is also the Alliance ABCDE, the choice.

"It should be to increase the playability and diversity of the game." The manager made a rough guess.

Click to start the battle.

The game interface starts with a base car and several tanks. There are soldiers next to it.

Looking at the minimap, it was dark.

Only your own map is bright.

Obviously this map is of the pioneer type.

The mouse moved around and found that the mouse had changed on the base car.


"This design is very good." The manager felt a bit ~ www.readwn.com ~ After opening, there are many buildings that can provide options.

Three, he clicked to build one by one.

After the mining construction was completed, new construction appeared.

"This is a progressive mode of advancement." The manager groaned, and he began to feel many ingenious aspects of the game design.

However, because of his slow pace.

While it was still under study, a large number of tanks and aircraft invaded.


"Gameover! YouLos."

The game ends and fails.

"..." The manager froze, and then smiled bitterly.

Then tried a few more times.

Slowly understand some rules and gameplay.

It's also very interesting.

Tried the mission mode, the plot is very interesting.

The result was just playing for a while, and it was time to get on board.

He was thrilled. From a professional perspective, this game is definitely a hit!

Immediately after, he pressed his excitement and walked calmly to Lu Feng: "I played, this game is okay."

Lu Feng froze, "OK?"

The manager said, "How many stars do you think it is appropriate to sell genuine?"

"I don't know much about it. Should 200 stars be okay?" Lu Feng said.

The manager said: "60 stars. It should be at this price, and the audience is much smaller."

Lu Feng said: "If it is 60 star coins, how do you divide it? I divide 5 and you get 1 for distribution?"

"This game has a lot of problems, you see the beginning. Look at these country settings. In fact, there are many problems." The manager also wants to continue.

Lu Feng groaned for a moment: "If you want to bargain, then you go to another house. I won't ask you to cooperate."


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