Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 598: Red Alert Competition (Part 2)

For the blue group, the initial developing countries are different.

Lu Feng chose Germany.

The biggest feature of this country in the red alert game is the super long-range artillery.

Basically, it is a tank.

If the tanks are in a pile, better. Boom a bunch at a time.


Lv Feng clicked the mouse, and the clinker operation vehicle transformed.

Then began building mining carts.

The third barracks was built.

There will be a gap of about ten seconds between them.

The difference in gold coins is between half a car. That is a few hundred gold coins. Experts pay attention to details. Even these details don't pay special attention.

But Lu Feng also played for so many years, and unknowingly developed a lot of skills.

I quickly bought some soldiers for defense.

Lu Feng glanced at his teammates, and the other party didn't look like a newcomer. It seems that this game is still very popular with young people. In the wave of hands, the coolness of commanding thousands of troops is indeed very pleasant.

Lu Feng bought another mining truck.

Then build air defenses.

At this time, Lu Feng looked at it and a yellow tank came here. It seems that girl. Going to attack each other.

"Development is fast." Lu Feng swept her base on the map.

Air defense is a bit weak.

"Well, you can build your air defense first. If people set fire on the ground. We can help. Air defense, don't do well."

"It explodes soon." Lu Feng controlled the mouse and reminded the girl.

The girl did not speak, and built several air defenses at the base.

The map on the red side is black and cannot be seen without exploration.

"Are you guys going to open up wasteland?" Lu Feng asked.

A boy responded: "Are you going to open up wasteland? Let me go."

"You buy a few soldiers, and then click a little to the black four corners of the map. The soldiers go by themselves, and the map is faster. And save time."

This map is a randomly created map to prevent players from using familiar maps.

Therefore detection is also necessary.

In addition to this, map detectors can also be built earlier.

The entire world map will open.

"Come here, come here!" The player in the middle shouted excitedly!

His base was rushed in by a bunch of tanks and soldiers!

"Quick! Support!" Lu Feng clicked the mouse!

Quickly direct the tank to move past!

That boy's base was instantly destroyed by a quarter. Five whole people concentrated on attacking him. Very uncomfortable.

Lu Feng and others took the Grizzly Tank and Guangling Tank for assistance.

Guangling's speed is much slower, and the Grizzly walks forward.

It's totally cannon fodder!

Fortunately, Lu Feng's economy is a bit ahead, so there are more tanks.

"Hey. Here's a sneak attack on you."

While Lu Feng was assisting, the spy had already bought it. Directly clicked on the other person's character, and became the same person.

At this time, Lu Feng's world map detector was also ready.

You can see the entire map.

The opponent has three players who are smarter. A map shield is set.

There are two estimates that the understanding of the game is relatively poor, you can see.

Lu Feng identified one of them, and when there were no dogs in the base, let his spy walk towards the other's mining building.

As soon as you go in, the other person's money will all come to you in an instant.

The spies approached little by little.

Getting closer.


A tank just came out, crushing the spy directly from the downhill.

"Nearly ~" Lu Feng was completely speechless.

I once had such an experience myself, and finally managed to control the spy, but was crushed to death by the opponent's tank.

Hostile forces, after all.

The red alert has a setting, that is, if the player does not press Ctrl and mouse to force the spy. Then the spy at this time once transformed.

Nothing but the dog will attack him.

The tank can be crushed to death.

In addition to this setting, the role of spies has many. Enter the lab, then there will be some new features.

It may be a new service, such as the Macroseal or the Macross. Even radiate.

If you enter the other tank manufacturing plant, all the tanks you build will be upgraded to the first level. No longer level 0.

The same is true for soldier camps.

The other is to enter the other party's power plant, and the other party will all lose power for a period of time.

Generally smart players put a few dogs at the base.

Prevent yourself from ignoring your blind spots when attacking the opponent. Put a few dogs in for protection.

Be smart, and build lab walls.

Lu Feng bought another spy, this time to steal the other party's resources.

"It shouldn't be a problem this time." Lu Feng smiled.

"How is your base?" Lu Feng asked.

The man responded: "I just lost a lot. Fortunately, you guys came to support me. Hold on. We should fight back.

Lu Feng pressed the mouse: "Okay, I'm building a tank here. Wait again. The base car will be ready soon."

"What did you do with that car? It seems expensive." The man asked.

Lu Feng said: "It must be to use the power of my cannon. When the game just came in, we couldn't set up an alliance."

"Otherwise I'll build cannons directly at your base."

"Wait a few more minutes ~ www.readwn.com ~ We fight back together."

The remaining few had no comments. Everyone thinks that this is fine.

"Who do you play in Russia? Do you have natural enemy tanks?" Lu Feng said.

The girl said silently: "My mine is a natural enemy, but it's a close attack. I feel a bit troublesome from a distance."

"It's okay, everyone is working together."

"The planes are also ready. You add numbers by AIT, which is to number them. This allows you to attack quickly." Lu Feng also enjoyed it.

Lu Feng set out with four other people: "I just looked at it, and the economy of the person on the left side of the map was broken by me. And it's relatively weak."

"Okay, let's do him!" Said another.

The tank dispatched by the five rushed directly over there.

The man panicked: "Come on, I need help!"

"You hold on, we'll be right there. Make something for a while!" His teammate responded.

The man wanted to cry without tears: "MMP, I don't know what happened. Just now, there is no resources at home. It seems that all the money is gone."

"Rely on! What else is there? Is there any trick we don't know? Then you can hold it. Can't hold it ... Silence." The teammate replied.

Lv Feng led the tank and launched an offensive directly at his base.


"Come on! I can't keep it!" The man really ran in tears.

Lv Feng had a guilty conscience, and it hadn't been so good for a long time.

This feeling of stealing resources away is really happy.

"Immediately exploded! Immediately evacuated!" Lu Feng laughed.

Immediately all tanks blasted his base in all directions. The person who was damaged by the blue square just attacked hard, and the mouse could hear the sound of clicking fast.

Press it hard.


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