On this day, many places have begun internal testing.

Including the Internet cafe city run by Lu Feng.

"Boss, you have another game, as if I saw it at the station recently." The old customer smiled.

This shop is really special, so long, there are only two games. And these two games started almost the earliest compared to other places.

Even when it wasn't available elsewhere, it was used here.

It is also because there is a certain level of traffic, and it has not continued to increase.

Today's users are very divergent, and everyone likes things differently.

Lu Feng nodded: "Well, my newly developed game. Want to be together?"

"Boss, alas, I can't think of it. Genius. Yes, let's play together." The familiar customer was also easy-going, with an exaggeration.

Lu Feng said, "Let's come to Guangxi District 1 and get used to the design of this district."

"OK, it doesn't matter which area. Just play together. The picture is just happy." There were also a few people around who wanted to be together.

Anyway, the game itself is a pastime, just enjoy yourself.

"Boss, which profession is fun or amazing?" Said the man.

Lu Feng registered account: "Look at your own choice. Those who like PK type can play exorcism and change jobs, or they can fight wildly."

"There are other professions too. Anyway, this game is to see your own professional. If you like single brush, I personally think the call is OK."

"Lazy play." Lu Feng remembered that the profession of summoner in the previous life was a profession that loved and hated.

In a fun place, you can control a bunch of summoned creatures, and you can call them whenever you want.

Watching TV yourself is perfectly fine.

Where I hate it, it is a bit difficult to play in the later stage, and the team that brushes the map will sometimes be rejected.

Usually come one sentence, feed it, don't summon so much. Blocked my view.

Summon a few powerful ones.

Instantly, I felt like I was making soy sauce.

However, for Lu Feng, playing games was comfortable, so two characters were created.

One Asura, one Summoner.

As for other professions, play around later. After all, he designs games.

Just entertaining as cool and entertaining, I really want to toss all in here, it may be difficult to please.

"I chose a summoner. You can also choose a profession. But you can only team up to 5 people."

"First come first." Lu Feng explained very simply.

There are many users in the Internet cafes. Most are playing Red Police. There is not much interest in this dungeon for the time being.

It's just that there have been more advertisements for dungeons these days.

"Yes, boss, is the server on your side, too?" Someone asked.

Lu Feng nodded, but didn't elaborate on where.

After all, several of the surrounding shops have been sold off by themselves, and it is possible to put servers.

There are actually many types of servers, including cloud-based, virtual-built, and monthly-rental.

Different servers carry different degrees and prices are different. Like a private server, some only need more than 1,000 yuan.

You can continue to bring other people in official uniforms far away.

The reason is very simple. You can buy something for 1,000 yuan in official clothing, and 10 yuan for you.

Keep you refreshed.

Lu Feng created the summoner, click to enter the game.

The beginning was a background introduction to the game: before the light of civilization of Arad continent shined, the world was a boundless universe, gestating various forms of life. These lives are scattered in various void realms and underground castles, and with their hard work and wisdom, they have created the world's prosperity .... (Thousands of words are omitted.)

The pictures show the wonderful side of the game to the players.

There is a feeling of watching comics.

"This design is very good." Someone said.

Lv Feng's original intention for the dungeon was to source junior high school, which was really hot. Later, with the rise of other games, gradually fewer players.

The map is constantly changing with the version.

Now Lu Feng design this is the earliest time, there is a map of Frost Zombies, and flame Graca, Frost Graca.

Sky City is not that complicated.

The map layout is not the same as later.

For operation, Lu Feng is very skilled.

Click, click, click.

"I'm level 6. Are you alright. Team together." Lu Fengdan brushed for a while.

The man next to me stunned: "Boss, how can you upgrade so fast, I'm only 4th level. Wait for me."

Lv Feng hung there, and then opened the official forum.

Just started serving, the number of forums is not large.

Some posts say that this game is special. The game was released in 2005. This game has inherited the characteristics of many home console and arcade 2D fighting games.

Focusing on task-led character growth, combined with copies, PVP, and PVE as supplements, so that the game was very popular when it was released.

It has also been released, and millions are simultaneously online.

Later it became ten million.

Later, it was impossible to escape reality.

There is no constant peak, but there is a permanent memory.

"What kind of profession do you play?" Lu Feng asked the official website for a moment and asked casually.


"Yes, I am also the summoner."

Lv Feng stunned for a second, then looked at several people around him.

"... all are summoners. What is the situation." Lu Feng was a little surprised.

The summoner does not have to be the summoner, the wizard can have multiple choices. Just listening to their tone, it seems that they have to be transferred to call.

I saw a few people say: "We see that you have chosen the summoner. This game was developed by you again. Keke. Generally it hurts his son."

After hearing this, Lv Feng couldn't help crying.

And this operation?

"It's really casual. I just play around ~ www.readwn.com ~ play whatever profession you like."

"There has not been a strong career, there is a generation after generation of gods." Lu Feng said a more classic discourse.

This is the case for most games.

The most obvious game is the MOBA type.

"Come on. The five summoners are teaming together. It should be easy to brush the Thunder." Lu Feng manipulated the mouse and clicked the team invitation.

Several of them were invited.

Five summoners form a direct team.

"Then I entered the map. By the way, have you learned your skills?" Lu Feng clicked into the map and asked smoothly.

"? What skills to learn, isn't it a character's own? Do you want to consume skill books?" The man was surprised.

The other nodded: "Boss, why didn't you say it earlier. I should have learned it just now."

Lu Feng said silently: "You didn't ask again. Didn't you do the blacksmith task just now? I should let you learn skills."

"You mean that uncle? You said team formation, I came directly. I played this game for the first time. I'm not used to it."

Lu Feng said, "It's okay, I'm on the map. You will pick up the task later and familiarize yourself with the game."

"Goblin!" Lu Feng clicked to summon.

A five-star array emerged and a Goblin came out.

Slowly walked in front of the other monster, picking up the stick is a mallet.

"Hahaha. What are you doing?" A younger man thought that this Goblin was a little funny.

Lu Feng: "..."

Maybe we are really not of the age.

"Goblin, the summoned creature. You both chose a mage. You will be transferred at level 18. You can choose to summon or choose elements.

"Combat Mage, also called Melee Mage."

At this point, the screen turns!

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