Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 60: Me and the altar

Cheng Cheng came to the funny fish company every day, showed his ID card, and asked the front desk.

"Beauty, where are you going for the promotion assessment?" Cheng Tiantian asked.

After entering Cheng Tiantian's ID information on the computer at the front desk, he looked at the man in surprise.

I'm so young, and it doesn't look like a face-lifter at all. It was able to sign the potential of the S-class.

She couldn't help but look at it. And Cheng Tiantian's voice seemed to be very comfortable to listen to.

"You walk along the left hand side, there will be a directional sign indicating the assessment site. You need to wait in line for the assessment later?" She tapped her finger on the computer and answered.

Cheng Cheng nodded every day: "There was still guidance, this thing is good."

Actually still waiting in line?

It seems that there are many assessment staff.

Of course, from the perspective of Cheng Tiantian, these assessments are not necessarily all S-level potential anchors, but there are also other level anchors.

Relatively speaking, the treatment enjoyed by the S-Class is much better.

Then Cheng Tiantian came to the assessment site along the indicator, and there was a row of iron benches next to it.

A small golden sign hung on the yamen, and it was written above: Assessment Editorial Department.

I have a lot of anchors waiting.

A lot of anchors sat on the chair and discussed the assessment.

"I don't know if I can pass the assessment this time. If it passes, I can be promoted from the fifth-level page to the fourth-level page. At that time, the number of page views will increase again."

"Yes. We don't know when we can be promoted to S-Class potential signing. I really envy them."

怎么 "Why didn't you see a few S-level signings? Are they still divided?"

"No, it's not the first time you've been evaluated. It's just that the S-level signing may be relatively simple in the fourth evaluation. But usually people who sign up for the S-level contract have their own advantages. We still work harder. . "

Cheng Chengtian smiled in his heart, wasn't he an S-level signing contract?

有人 Some of these people may recognize themselves, or no one may know them.

This is like a character in a TV series. If you remember him for a short time, you may recognize it in the short term.

But over time, it may become a passerby instantly.

I want to remember forever, then it becomes a first-class existence like Fan Ye and Hu Ge.

This kind of thing also applies to the anchor world.

After I reached that level, it was hard to remember.

Although not everyone can reach this level, Cheng Tiantian feels that he is a systematic man. As long as you work hard, nothing is impossible.

The system is in my hands, and the world is my own. This sentence is not unreasonable.

"Next!" A secretary in stockings uniform shouted at the door.

Cheng Cheng noticed this secretary every day. It seems that the evaluation editorial department has a good status in the funny fish branch, and can even be equipped with a secretary.

I remember a sentence like this, there is something to do with the secretary, nothing to do with the secret ...

So it is important to be able to match the usual status of a secretary.

There was a young man who walked up in a discouraged manner. He shrugged his shoulders and told the person next to him that he had not passed the fourth part of his assessment.

四个 The fourth assessment task is to play on the spot. Because the anchor is likely to face various emergencies of live broadcast, if this ability is weak, it is not good for later growth.

Cheng Cheng feels that he is well prepared. The first three assessments are not difficult for him. The only thing is to see the fourth assessment.


I had Cheng Chengtian's turn, so he entered the assessment room.

The assessment editorial department has a total of three people this time. They all hold pens and look at the information in their hands.

Lao Chen looked at Cheng Tiantian and was really ordinary. I didn't expect such a good response from his live broadcast. If he knows how to be flexible, how to please. Maybe the future is bright. But now he is too proud.

Listening to Sister Hong, he doesn't care whether he is a leader or not, but only right or wrong. Such people are afraid of suffering a great loss.

And this time offended the old principal of Dragon Boat, it is time to suppress.

The first link was smooth and there were not many company rules. Relaxed.

In the second session, talk about the understanding of the anchor's live broadcast.

Cheng Cheng said with a smile: "The anchor may have a different definition for everyone, but in my opinion. If you can bring visual enjoyment and refreshing feeling to everyone, that is a qualified anchor.

In fact, Cheng Tiantian's idea is to come and come and come and watch me pretend.

Of course, you can't say this on the table, after all, you are very aggressive.

The three editors nodded.



The third link is popularity. The 300,000 mark has passed, and there is really no problem.

I also ticked.

The fourth link is the focus of this time.

Editor Chen took out a prepared manuscript from the drawer and handed it to Cheng Tiantian: "This on-the-spot assessment will give you two minutes to memorize this manuscript. After two minutes you can memorize it smoothly and you will The assessment passed. "

Cheng Cheng received the manuscript every day, thinking: What can be carried in two minutes is probably Tang poetry. Four sentences, although two minutes are difficult, it doesn't mean they can't.

As soon as I read the manuscript, the corners of my mouth were drawn very hard.


A dense pile of words!

What an international joke!

编辑 "Editor, did you give me the wrong manuscript?" Cheng Tiantian asked.

The old editor took the manuscript and looked at it: "Yes, this is the manuscript. No problem."

得到 After getting the confirmation from the old editor, Cheng Tiantian felt that his face was instantly enlarged.

The fertile day!

The fertile day!

Isn't this pitting me!

God can't remember so many things, and what a special two minutes!

After seeing this manuscript, the other two editors were shocked, looked at Lao Chen, and remained silent. I took a tea cup on the table and took a sip of tea.

Lao Chen is in charge of this temporary assessment. Other editors will not participate.

And it seems obvious that this is intentional.

The most important thing is that Chen is not afraid to be complained, because he is responsible for the whole process. Other departments cannot participate. This has something to do with the positioning of the company's responsibilities. You control your people, I control my people. You can make suggestions, but you can't just point.

Cheng Cheng looked at this manuscript every day, with the title "I and the Temple of Earth."

Opening: I have mentioned an abandoned ancient garden in several novels ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is actually the altar.

旅游 Tourism has not been developed many years ago, and the garden is deserted and deserted like a wild land, and it is rarely remembered.

Ditan is very close to my house. Or that my house is very close to the Temple of Earth.

Uh ...

东西 This thing Cheng looks big every day, this is prose. For a while, this thing will want to remember, it is really impossible.

"There are one minute and thirty seconds left. Hurry up." The old editor was so proud that he wanted to make things difficult for him. It was not a matter of minutes. Lao Chen feels that it is time to wake up a newcomer like this, the circle must still understand how to be flexible, otherwise it will be difficult to move.

The old editor took a sip of tea: "The industry of the anchor is not only as simple as your young people see it. If you want to make the level higher, you can't run rampant. You should bow your head when you lower your head. And you are an S-level potential contract , This is for you too. "

I took another sip of tea, slightly proud.

"This Longjing tastes good." He said to another editor.

他 For him, anchors like Cheng Tiantian who have not fully grown up can still control. And I also prepared another set of speeches. If Cheng is angry every day, he can say it outright.

考 The test is an on-site response, who said that it must be memorized.

Of course, if the other party finds the BUG, ​​he says that the assessment task is to memorize. It does n’t matter if you do n’t memorize it, but it ’s not OK to go around. It all depends on his mouth.

Cheng Cheng looked at his only time every day and took a deep breath.

Obviously, this is intentional.

Slightly thought, it seems that there is such a prop on his body that can help himself.

"This pediatric thing can also stump me?" Cheng Tiantian raised his lips and said coldly.

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