Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 616: Strange factory

The handsome man turned his head in doubt and looked behind him, but he did not see anyone except himself.

"Are you suspicious?" Yang Fan laughed.

Those people looked and did not see anyone.

The stingy man looked around: "Maybe the most recent zombies have been a bit frequent. I'm too suspicious."

"That's also true. Fortunately, we have guys in our hands. Otherwise it's really difficult to survive."

"The car's oil is going to have a few barrels of spare today. Not much."

Yang Fan nodded: "Go, go up."

Zhang Huan was relieved. He was also worried that the other party doubted that he was holding a gun at the air. If he really shot himself, it would be uncomfortable.

But think about it, the zombies can hear the sound. Really shooting, it will definitely alarm the wandering zombies nearby.

Now Zhang Ye does have a wave of methods to destroy each other, such as lead other zombies over.

It's just that Zhang Ye feels that the other party may still have a base camp, and they are responsible for it. There must be others.

And where did their guns come from?

Zhang Huan followed with doubt.

There are zombies upstairs.

Yang Fan took out his gun and added a silencer at the front end.

Silence is not truly silent.

Most domestic silencers use the vibration principle. Sound is generated by vibration, so the vibration is reduced by special materials.

So as to be silent, or whispered.

Bang, faint sound. Blast the head of the zombie.

Burst of blood.

"There are a lot of things here, take away what works."

Zombies are far less intense during the day than at night, so daytime is the best opportunity to go out.

This building is a lot of shops, they take out the prepared bags and bring daily necessities. Take as much as you can.

Shampoo, shower gel, and paper towels are packed in bags.

Someone from Yang Fan paid special attention to prevent zombies from coming. There are also people responsible for attracting zombies and avoiding them. Good job distribution.

"Fan, we can't bring much."

Yang Fan waved his hand: "It's okay, how many can be loaded. How big can you go back and forth! Quickly!

After everyone packed their things, they started to evacuate.

Zhang Huan followed, and it didn't matter that it was invisible anyway. This place is pretty good, Zhang Ye remembered.

"They should be leaving." Zhang Huan went to the location of the jeep in advance.

Sit directly on the roof.

Because of the obstacles, it was a bit troublesome. Fortunately, Zhang Ye was more flexible and climbed to the roof smoothly.

When they came out, they cleared the nearby zombies and then loaded things away.

Zhang Ye sat in the car and followed.

Sitting on the roof of the car, the wind was blowing, I couldn't help but want to sing, the wind was blowing.

Still didn't sing it.

On the roof, people in the car can be heard faintly.

"Fan, I just happened to see a motorcycle near the car," someone said.

Yang Fan smiled: "What's on a motorcycle, zombies are everywhere now. Take whatever car you want. What a motorcycle is."

The other said, "Just. Even if it's a woman, we Yang Yang is casual."

The man said, "No. Last time we went to the hospital, we saw the car."

Only then did Yang Fan's tone start to change: "What are you talking about? Are you sure you saw this motorcycle last time?"

"It's true! The same motorcycle!" The man said.

Yang Fan looked a little uneasy: "Dare to ride a motorcycle in the last days, this is too bold. Our car, and protection."

"And the other person dared to drive everywhere with only one motorcycle. This is too unusual."

There was a silence in the car.

Someone said, "Well, let's squat back? The motorcycle owner will definitely drive away. Let's see who it is?"

"Forget it, it's dangerous to go back again. We caught the time when the zombie activity was low. If we go again now, it may be dangerous."

"The gun is not a panacea. But the gun is our biggest hole card! Let's go back to the base camp before talking! They should be impatient."

Yang Fan asked everyone to go back first. As for the motorcycle, go back and discuss it with others.

Material first!

Sitting on the roof of the car, Zhang Huan just grabbed both sides: "This group of people is really cautious. It seems that they are more than just these people."

Jeep ran all the way, Zhang Jian secretly remembered the journey.

Although not familiar everywhere, important landmarks can still be remembered.

There are even street signs.


"get off!"

"A Fei, A Feng, you take the supplies, I have something to do." Yang Fan opened the door.

Zhang Huan glanced around, there was no loss nearby, to be precise, there were no living zombies. This is a very special factory.

There were only a few zombies lying on the ground.

If you look closely, you can see a bullet hole in the heart of a zombie who fell to the ground.

Zhang Ye looked up and found that the man on the top of the building really squatted, but could barely see the light. It should be Yang Fan's appearance that they took the risk.

It is estimated that there are professional snipers, or not necessarily professional. But there must be at least such personnel.

It seems that Yang Fan is not in a low position among these people.

Zhang Huan went in together.

The gate has access control.

Face recognition.

After identifying Yang Fan, the door opened.

At the same time the door opened.

When the door opened, there were many men and women in strange clothes around, all holding guns.

"Fan brother ~ www.readwn.com ~ OK." Everyone greeted.

At a glance, Zhang Jian actually had more than 20 people.

This group is amazing.

If Yang Fan's status is high, why should he go out?

Isn't it okay to arrange for others to go directly?

What do you risk by yourself?

For such doubts, Zhang Jian does exist, isn't Yang Fanxin believed by others?

Follow in.

The gate closed quickly.

"How will I go out later?" Zhang Huan kept a gaze.

Active invisibility is to invisibility within 24 hours, and then to cool invisibility.

Passive stealth is aimed at all zombies.

That is to say, within 24 hours, they should also be given the opportunity to leave here. If they are found, they will probably be beaten into a horse honeycomb.

Where do these guys come with so many guns?

When Zhang Jian went in, he saw some scenes inappropriate for children, men and women.

After Yang Fan returned, the rush was over.

Yang Fan frowned: "I said it twice, and when I am away, I will continue to release. Then don't blame me."

The others quickly bowed their heads: "There will be no next time."

Zhang Huan felt that the battle was a bit like some criminals gathered together.

"My active stealth should start to cool down tomorrow. I still have one night and some time during the day." Zhang Huan remembered how long he was probably invisible.

At that time, I did not watch the time when I took the initiative to hide, so this time is approximate.

"Who offended Xiaofan in our family?" A middle-aged man, holding a beer belly, holding a lighted cigarette in his hand.

Next to him were several men in locks, with several guns hanging around their waists.

Zhang Huan saw that this factory had hidden so many people.

"There are a lot of people in this wave." Zhang Yan's eyes narrowed slightly.

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