Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 619: Clean up

Zhang Huan raced towards his place of residence at the fastest speed.

This car has no keys.

Zhang Ye ran several times in a row, and finally saw a car with keys on it.

Fire and rush back as fast as possible.

Even the entire car was invisible with Zhang Huan.

"Hurry up!" The speed and Zhang Ye soared more than 130!

Speed ​​is still soaring.

Sure enough, I saw three jeep parked not far away.

Someone has gone in through the wall.

After Zhang Hua parked the car and left the car, the car did not continue to hide.

Zhang Ye was invisible at any time.

After all the people jumped in, Zhang Huan opened the door and went straight in. Close the door again.

A total of 13 people.

Take a look at the past.

"The people inside come out!" Someone shouted, because the door was closed, so he was not afraid of zombies.

If you go out, clean up the zombies with a gun.

Some people shouted to attract attention inside the house. Zhang Ye saw someone using a rope and wanted to climb directly into the second floor.

Because of advance preparation, the windows on Zhangye's side were closed. And now the windows basically have anti-theft network settings. Stainless steel blocks.

Some people attract attention and some sneak in.

Zhang Huan took out her cell phone for unnecessary trouble, and sent a text message: "Someone came. Close the door."

Wang Shishi and Li Xiangshuang locked the door and stood with a gun at the door.

Zhang Ye thought about it and had to make a big wave.

"I have to go to the zombies."

The door of a jeep was open.

Zhang Huan opened the door directly: "Open the sound."

Twist the most!

The whole car is singing, you are my little one ~ Little apple ~


Everyone was tense.

"Mad, whose car is playing the stereo! It will be dead!"

Someone scolded.

"I don't know, it's so evil. There was no sound just now. Isn't it a problem with the horn?"

"Probably not. The car was overhauled when it came out, and it shouldn't be a problem. Or you should go and see and turn off the horn."

"If we attract too many zombies, we will all die here."

"Okay, I'll check it out. Ajie, come with me."

The two were directly out of the door, and walked towards the inside of the jeep. Zhang Huan was already sitting in the second row invisibly.

The two looked at each other, "Well? When did this speaker turn on? Hurry off. I have seen many zombies come."

"Quick!" The two quickly turned off the speakers.

Zhang Ye grabbed one's neck and clicked!

Solve one person directly.

After Zhang Jian's arm strength was strengthened, his arm strength was much greater.

The other person fell on the car when he heard a sudden noise in his partner's neck, which was a bit evil.

"Damn, what's going on?" He panicked and wanted to leave.

Zhang Ye directly locked the door of the car!

Don't go!

Come together!

The panicked man couldn't see anyone in the car, but was very weird.

Zhang Ye grabbed his neck again.

It was just that the person reacted a little bit faster and broke away from Zhang Jian.

"There is something !?" His pupils shrank, and he just felt something touching him.

Real touch.

But there were still no people in the car. It was too weird.

He wanted to drive the door and leave quickly!

Zhang Ye shot again!


Solve each other again.

Then open the door and continue to put on the speakers.

Very loud!

Zhang Ye then opened the outer door directly.

Nearby zombies gradually came towards this place.

Zombies are walking dead. They have no thought and are slow to move.

But they have the only instinct that they need food!

So they will actively attack people.

The zombies gathered only.

Uh uh uh......

嗬 嗬 ... 嗬 ......

Here comes the zombies!

Walked towards the car.

Some zombies started walking towards the door.

Wang Shishi looked through the gap in the curtain and saw the outside door opened.

Zombies came towards the inside.

"They didn't close the door, and the zombies came in."

"Sister Wang, what shall we do?"

"I don't know. Zhang Ye gave us a gun. Really, I don't know if I can win."

The two were a little upset, and soon received another message on their mobile phones: there were zombies and other people outside, don't come out. There were two people in the window, holding guns at them. Wait for me, let me handle it! Rest assured, serious face.

Seeing this message, Wang Shishi smiled: "Zhang Ye said to him, we must not open the door. Pay attention to the windows, we wait for the windows to be someone."

The pupils who were climbing had their pupils shrunk sharply: "Damn, the outside door is not closed. Zombies come in!"

Hearing this voice, everyone saw that the zombies had entered through the gate.

And the zombie itself has a certain response to the sound. If there is no car stereo, I am afraid that all the zombies will rush in.

"Get out your gun! Close the door!"

"That's too late!"

"Zombies have come in!"

Bang Bang!

They fired continuously.

Zombies are already hungry, they are living dead. Only the brain of the body's cells survives, so the brain is their only dead point.

At the same time, this brain is also zombie-conscious, without any thinking.

An instinct that recharges the brain, causing the zombies to pursue human voices.

There is even a certain special perception of blood.

Uh uh uh

嗬 ... 嗬 嗬

The zombies suddenly caught one of them.

Several others fired quickly.

Zhang Huan stood there: "It seems that we need to change places later."

He stood looking away.

The person climbing above was scared to death, and all the companions below were attacked by zombies.

The quantity is a bit high.

Why does this happen?

"Fan, we are in big trouble here!" One of them took out his cell phone to connect, and was telling the other party about the situation.


The phone in his hand seemed to be penetrated by something ~ www.readwn.com ~ no sound.

That's the effect of Zhang Jian's pistol.

This time luck is good, but it's okay.

But the whole man was dumbfounded.

He took out what had been prepared and smashed open the window.

Leap forward.

As soon as I jumped in, I felt a cold object aimed at my back.

"Raise your hands!" Wang Shishi said.

At first glance he was a young woman, and the method of holding a gun was a bit jerky.

Just ready to start, another gun was aimed at his head.

Li Xiangshuang pulled his finger and said, "Are you moving fast, or is the bullet fast?"


At this time, he saw the companions behind him coming from another place.

However, Wang Shishi's head did not return: "I know you have 2 people, but you have to do it and think about the consequences."

The man froze there, motionless.

"Down the gun, or we all die together." Li Xiangshuang said.

For so many years as a nurse, Li Xiangshuang experienced this kind of thing for the first time.

They hesitated, and did not move.

They were a little puzzled. What happened?

Why does the speaker start sound below, and why does the door stay closed?

Soon, the gate was locked.

Zhang Huan started the cleaning action and shut down the car completely.

[Congratulations, you have gained 1 experience. 】

[Congratulations, you have gained 1 experience. 】

One by one, the zombies settled, and then went invisible through the previously opened window.

Instantly picked up the rope and concealed the two of them. Then he went out through the window.

When they reacted, they were tied with a rope.

Lian Wang Shishi and Li Xiangshuang were somewhat surprised.

At this time, Zhang Jian knocked on the door from the main entrance.


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