Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 631: Aren't you capable?

Zhang Huan raised his head gently, "Would you like food? OK, I can give it to you."

He threw a few packets of cookies directly from the bag.

Zhang Huan is not wearing a mask, so no one can know that he is the savior of the slums.

"! @ # @! #! @ Go!" The black man said something and waved his hand.

Zhang Zhang didn't understand, so I heard a word, go?

what's going on?

These people rushed over without saying a word.

Zhang Zhangyan frowned slightly, holding one directly with his backhand, and slamming it.

The man flew directly from Zhang Jian's head like a parabola, and fell **** the ground.

The other person has the same skin color as Zhang Huan, he translated: "Take us to the source of food, and then give us all of this food. Otherwise you can die!"

Zhang Zhang didn't like the tone of each other very much. He was in the slums of the poor before, or the periphery of the slums. Because the amount of zombies they killed was too large, everyone repeatedly regarded themselves as gods.

He is called the Savior.

There are even a lot of people who want to follow Zhang Huan and go on an expedition together.

However, Zhang Ye knew very well that he could kill so many zombies.

I was completely invisible because of my special passiveness.

Zombies will not launch any attacks on themselves.

The slums are not all good people. I told Wang Shishi about the nine camps. In fact, I want to show that don't treat everyone with the same mentality.

Like the people in the Nine Camps, they have their own characteristics. Lawful and kind characters believe in a regular and powerful society and a noble superior. As much as possible, it will bring more benefits and less harm to most people.

As far as the orderly neutral characters are concerned, they identify with a strong and orderly rule, regardless of whether the rule is a tyrant or peace and harmony. So fantasy novels use this to measure the worldview. That is one of the system worlds of DnD.

In other words, different values ​​camp concepts will lead to different behavior patterns.

Give bread, the other party may be grateful. You may also feel that you just gave bread and hid something good. Even fight back.

Zhang Zhang twisted his neck: "You want to take it. Okay, but don't blame me, I didn't remind you. There are many zombies in that area."

"If you go, you may all lose your life."

The voice fell.

The black people rushed towards Zhangye again, trying to make Zhangye rely on the strong physical pressure.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Ye grabbed the black blade in one hand to cheat, and the other hand grabbed the opponent's collar directly. Let go and let go.

It is like falling over a shoulder, throwing the entire black person directly by relying solely on arm strength!

I hit the wall fiercely.

"Sure enough, all of them focus on increasing arm strength, and the benefits are quite a lot." Zhang Huan knew very well that if he increased the balance of his free gene points, his speed would also increase, and his leg strength would also increase.

Can't reach the current damage at all.

Zhang Zhangye walked over.

The black man grabbed a handful of sand from the ground and threw it directly to Zhang Huan.

Zhang Zhang arm backed up.

Riding at this moment, the black man jumped up and kicked Zhang Ye out.

Zhang Zhang stepped back and forth: "Good leg strength. This black guy is a bit strong."

Zombies hit before, Zombies will not fight back.

I really want to meet this kind of people who will fight back. The advantage is not obvious.

This is why Zhang Jian raised his arm strength.

If you do n’t have arm strength, you may not even be able to fight.

The black people were slightly surprised by Zhang Jian, who was actually able to resist himself. interesting.

He raised his foot again and kicked at Zhang Ye!

Zhang Zhang took a block of his arm, and his arm was numb, but Zhang Ye's other hand grabbed the black leg. Throw it out!


I once again hit the wall severely.

I fought three times and suffered two losses. The only time I didn't lose money was when I threw sand backhanded.

Many people around looked at Zhang Huan in surprise, this black man is a specialized free-handsetter.

Sanda doesn't talk about routines, it pays attention to efficiency and pays attention to practicality.

Pay attention to one trick and one with general fighting skills, more flexible and changeable.

"Cut off the north nose." The black man stretched out his palms, his blood boiled, and his four fingers moved. Thumbs don't move.

Provocative taste.

Zhang Zhang feels that the other party is sick and not too sick: "I have no reason to fight you. But I advise you not to mess with me."

He will continue to attack Zhang Ye, Zhang Ye will go all out.

Now it is not far from the LV10.

As long as you are killing a few zombies at will, you can reach LV10.

The translator said this to the black people, and he felt a little upset at Zhang Huan. No reason, simply unhappy.

However translated: "! @! # @! ¥"

I mean: He said you are garbage, and he had no use for 1 / 10,000th of his strength. You have to provoke him again, he will beat you out.

The black man heard the translation, his face turned black, looked at Zhang Huan, and clenched his fists.

Zhang Zhang couldn't understand what he was translating: "What did he say? How do you feel this black guy is even more angry. He is really sick."

"I have to bring food for you. I have no time to take care of you. There is Meiyijia over there. Those who are not afraid of death will pass." Zhang Huan turned and left.

This turning movement magnifies infinitely in black eyes.

Black people feel insulted, they are face-saving and competitive people.

I am now trapped in a slum, and his neglect has stimulated his nerves.

心理学 In psychology, people often say that the more you remember, the more you lack.

The black man picked up a brick next to him and threw it towards Zhang Huan.

Zhang Zhang felt a coolness coming from the back of his head. He turned around and saw his face slightly changed.

Quickly punched with his arm!


The entire brick was broken.

The rest was silent.

The black man leaped up high and lifted his foot to wave at ~ www.readwn.com ~, it was really shameless. Come, I educate you! Zhang Huan went all out.

直接 Punch directly with maximum strength!

The black man seemed to be real when he saw Zhang Huan, and quickly drew his legs and pulled out a fruit knife from his waist.

I waved towards Zhang Ye.


Zhang Jian's skin was stabbed, but it was not very damaged.

"I can't think of strengthening my arm strength." Zhang Huan was angry and grabbed each other.

The two captured the fruit knife.

Zhang Zhangye was so strong that he took the fruit knife directly.

Fruit knife Zhang Yan directly flew!

来 "Come, you have to fight. OK. Anyway, I have no other ability. Whoever provoked me, I really don't talk about humanity and morality."

来 "Come, I'll take you to the zombies. Be comfortable and comfortable." Zhang Huan has no feelings for such people.

No matter how others see themselves.

Zhang Zhang gave him a few punches and saw that he wanted to resist.

A few more laps.

来 "Come, go. I'll take you to the zombies." Zhang Hua grabbed his feet and dragged along.

Zhang Zhang's gaze was fierce: "I have given you a chance. You shameless. If you want to save him, try."

He was glared by Zhang Ye's gaze, and everyone was not standing still.

Zhang Zhang said, "Aren't you very capable? Come, there are many zombies here. Hit you."

Black people are much taller than Zhang Yong.

Zhang Zhangye sat down directly.

A group of zombies smelled the breath of people and rushed out!


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