Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 636: Deep Water City (New Story)

There are many ports in Deepwater, with adventurers and traveller merchants from all over the world.

In a delicate log cabin about two miles from the port.

"Sika, help me pass that magic book." The elder had a fire emblem in his hand.

Sika pointed at the bookshelf, a delicate red leather book: "Is it this?"


Sicallo passed it to him with excitement: "Uncle Hall, are you going to teach me magic?"

Talking Sika has a better face, but her face looks a little dirty, blocking her original face.

I just cleaned and got dirty.

Sika has a human face, and if you look closely, her ears are pointed and long. It's like an elf's ear.

Hall smiled at Sika: "Little boy, I'm going to take a long trip. Before I leave, I have to teach you some survival skills."

He looked at Sika, this little guy was quite interesting.

Sika is a half-elf, less than six feet tall. This height should be ordinary height among humans.

He was flowing the blood of elves and humans. Half-elves do not have pure and noble elf blood, so they are longer than elf life.

He is much less. The average age of elves is seven hundred, and some elves can live to seven hundred and fifty.

Therefore, they always look at things with a detached vision, pursue art, enjoy nature, and pay attention to etiquette.

Even in the face of human beings, the elves will occasionally show a kind of instinctual arrogance, of course, this is not all. Only part of it.

As a half-elf, Sika is different from humans. Half-elves generally live up to four hundred years.

The average human age is only eighty. Although human beings are only 80 years old, they have ambitions and creativity.

Through learning and inheritance, they continue to expand human territory. With wisdom, human beings each emerged as rulers and separated from one another.

Half-elves struggle to get along with pure elves and may feel inferior. Maybe always feel a little different.

Elf clan is even treated differently by these half-elves.

Rumors often stab the half-elves' heart, so most of the half-elves choose to leave their homes.

Sometimes the presence of a half-elf has shamed the elves. Just like people and orangutans, giving birth to children.

For this reason, the half-elves will even be expelled.

Can only be mixed into human society. The faces of half-elves are often easy to win each other in humans, and they are more friendly.

Sika is an example of this. Hall is Sika who wandered for the seventh year.

"Go wash your face, I'll teach you. Maybe you might become a great mage in the future." Hall joked and laughed.

Sika left gleefully and heard the words of the wizard, laughing.

Not all humans can become magicians, and someone needs to get started. Second, you can feel the wave of arcane in the air.

As a semi-elf, Sika has a unique advantage in this regard, and can feel more mysterious fluctuations than humans.

Twenty minutes later, Sika changed into a new blue dress. Although Sika is now 27 years old.

However, compared to the life span of four hundred years, Sika is still a little guy, and his life course has only exceeded one-twentieth.

"Do you understand magic?" Hall was kind.

Sika shook her head: "Know a little, but dare not say that."

Hall took out his pipe and put a breath in his mouth, exhaling a mist. The mist is a bit like a carriage.

"You are a clever guy. There are many types of magic. There are eight factions in the mainstream. Prophecy, protection, spellcasting, etc."

"You first feel which arcane fluctuations are the strongest. Put your hands on this blank grid magic book." Hall asked Sika to put his hands up.

Sika tried to put her hand on this magic book, the frame of the magic book was exquisite, and there was no text: "Is it a book to feel the contract?"

Hall was slightly surprised: "How do you know about the Book of Contracts?"

"Well, I've heard of these things while I was still an Elf." Sika didn't hide anything.

The elves always see many amazing things, and they are somewhat dazzling. Sika had stayed there for a while.

A golden light gradually appeared in Sika's palm, and the light continued to spread on the book.

"It's holy light, little one, you have a great future," Hall praised.

At the same time he noticed that Hall's light was mixed with a dim atmosphere. He didn't mention it.

Sika was excited: "I'll be great, right?"

He didn't understand what it meant, but just listening to Hall's tone, Sika felt pretty good.

Hall stared at Sika's eyes, which were a pair of very beautiful, dazzling lánguāng jewelry-like eyes.

Very pure, without any impurities.

Hall hesitated and took another puff of cigarettes: "Your magic is accompanied by darkness. If you can guarantee not to kill innocent people. I will teach you."

Sika stunned: "Without hatred, why kill?"

Hall read again Sika's words, without hatred, why would he kill indiscriminately. Maybe he did think about it.

"I will teach you how to use magic in the next few days and burn it into your magic book."

"You have learned a magic that can be burned into the book in a special way. When you need to use it, you can sing directly."

"Theoretically, you can burn magic infinitely. However, the amount of burning is determined by your magical intelligence."

"The magical intelligence mentioned here is not the intelligence usually said ~ www.readwn.com ~ It can be increased by reading magic books, field arcane."

Hall began to teach Sika magic. Magic is not in everyone's eyes. Just thinking about it, the other party will die.

It is a real power. Magic needs to depict magic lines, prepare magic spar, and affect the power of arcane spells.

Fortunately, magic spar is not expensive in the market and can be seen everywhere. The more expensive the spar, the better the natural magic effect.

The mages seen in the eyes of many people are usually engraved with magic in advance, and when they need to be used, they simply need to sing to work.


Hall taught Sika not only holy magic, including fireball, elemental summons, and Holy Light healing.

If the contract magic book is a secret mystery, other magic is not impossible to learn. Can also learn.

But the effect is greatly reduced.

If darkness learns darkness, then power will increase even more.

Sika failed many times, and under Hall's careful teaching, he began to be able to release a ring of magic.

Despite the slow speed, Sika's talent is really amazing in Hall's view.

Originally I wanted Sika to remember three magics, but I didn't expect Sika had found experience in failure.

Growing fast.

Sika was afraid of missing this opportunity and was tirelessly enjoying the process of learning magic.

Someday, he will prove that even if he is not an elven, he can become a powerful existence!


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