Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 655: Action squad

Dear ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novel is highly recommended: Chapter 655 of the Infinite Extreme Live Broadcasting System Volume Vol. Action Team Boom!

This energy ball turned into a force of horror and hit four werewolves directly.

The remaining werewolves fled in horror.

"Want to run? It's not that easy!" Freeia pulled up her bow and arrow, snorted, and yanked!



Penetrating directly into the heads of the two werewolves.

Several other werewolves escaped even more frantically, but Fuliya didn't give them a chance.

He is a few more arrows, taking away each other's life directly.

"Get it!" Sika smiled.

Nufria retracted the bow and arrow: "Well, come as planned."

The two men dragged the werewolf's body and forged their footprints. Falsified that these people were summed up by a large number of people.

Sika did this to confuse the other.

When Sika and Fuliya were busy and just about to evacuate, they found someone behind them.

The two looked back, and it was Brando.

"Why are you here? Figured out?" Fuliya's tone was cold.

Brando shrugged: "It's nothing, I just think we're better in a team. It's okay for a group of three."

Sika smiled: "Actually, I think you will still come."

"How do you know I'm coming?" Brando looked at Sika strangely.

Sika said: "Although you say you are a selfish guy, I know you have a certain principle."

"Isn't it the same as the previous wolf nucleus. If you are really selfish, you must take it directly." Sika said in a more sincere voice.

Brando looked at Sika: "Don't think of me too well. I've always been like this. They hate me. They like me. I'm like that."

"I've always been like this since I was a kid." Brando didn't want to talk more about his past.

He is not from a wealthy family, but from a distant country.

I just destroyed everything there.

He was abducted here, if it hadn't been for the garrison in Deepwater City, I'm afraid it would have fallen into the street.

After being released by the guards and city watchers of Deepwater City, the young Brando did not have a skill and was not old enough to work.

Because he is not a local, the Dibao program has no chance with himself.

It is very difficult for him to live to this day. So for the most part, he is centered on himself.

"Three-action squad." Sika called a name.

Neither of them talked.

"What are you doing?" Brando didn't know what Sika was doing.

Sika glanced at him and replied, "We're doing camouflage. They don't know how many people we have. To take advantage of this, we need to deter them."

"Let's go. There is a patrol team at 18 feet here. We will rest after that patrol team is settled. Wait for the second round tomorrow."

Sika wants to see who can't help it first.

After I finished processing this, I took home the wolf core.

Soon after, Sika chose to evacuate.

Chose another 18-foot position.

There are some hidden foggy areas next to the 18-foot location.

"Let's hide in." The most dangerous place became the hiding place for Sika and others.

"How much magic do you still have?" Sika asked.

Nufuri directly said, "I have three more."

Brando: "I have three more."

Sika was silent for a while: "Store a little combat magic. Replenish."

"When the patrol appears, we will go directly," Sika said.

Brando looked at the two of them. Before Fuliya and Sika both killed a patrol, now they are three of them. The problem is certainly not big: "OK."

After the agreement, the three quietly wait for the other to appear in their own vision.

The puppet patrol has not yet arrived.

Sika found a snake in this misty area, her eyes turned: "I have it. I thought about it."

He caught the snake directly. And took an empty box from the space ring and put the snake in it.

"You don't plan to bite them with snakes, do you? Werewolves are not afraid of snakes. This is to scare the average person." Brando didn't think snakes were very useful.

Sika raised her mouth slightly and smiled confidently: "We are magicians. How can it be ordinary? Do you know the magnification?"

"Knowing is knowing. Who do you know how many magics? Why do I feel you have learned a lot?" Brando knew that learning magic requires a certain amount of energy and time, and some magic can take half a month, a month.

There is a lot of magic. It takes half a year or even a few years for a magic spell to be true. Only entry-level magic can be used for an initial day or two.

When I entered the first stage, I was studying in two days. Belong to this level.

Therefore, you can learn which series of magics you are in. I rarely learn magic that I am not good at.

Sika didn't know how strong her talent was. When others only learned one magic in the library, Sika had already learned three.

And far ahead in proficiency.

Sandel once asked Sika something strange, but Sika didn't care too much.

Xika still concealed: "Oh, I have been taught a long time ago. So there is more magic."

"Really?" Blanca obviously didn't believe it, but he didn't say much.

The gnolls appeared, and the team had several wolves to follow.

Xika sang in the mouth with the prepared magic stone, almost singing, and opened the box directly.

Box 哐 As soon as it fell out of the foggy area, it instantly caught the werewolf's attention.

"Is something falling out?" The werewolf patrol captain was a little vigilant.

next moment.

A snake swiftly enlarged in their eyes.

"Someone is controlling this snake. Kill it!" The captain shouted.

Sika waved her finger, and Brando restrained the opponent with dark magic.

The viper attacked directly at the werewolf.

Hissing ~

The wolves were experienced in combat and did not have much fear in the face of the serpent.

But when they tried to move, they found skeleton soldiers beside them.

"Blow the horn!" The werewolf immediately took the horn and took out the horn around his waist, ready to blow.

Fuliya's face is a bit unnatural. If the other party blows the horn, this plan will be awkward ~ www.readwn.com ~ Pick up the bow and arrow to quickly pull out, and flew out suddenly.

I shot the horn directly to the ground.

Sika seized the opportunity, rushed out of the fog area, and grabbed the horn.

The werewolf growled, his claws waved at Sika, and Sika didn't let go.

Definitely let it blow this horn.

It's not the time yet.

As soon as the wolf man's claws scratched Sika, he was shot through by an arrow.

I fell suddenly.

Nufulia squeezed a sweat in her palm: "This patrol is much stronger than the one just now."

"Well, don't let them run away." Sika didn't plan to let them go.

Only one of the werewolves survived.

Brando used dark magic to tie the werewolf's hand: "Say. Are you working with undead?"

"Ha ha ha ha. Who do we work with, does it matter? You still care about yourself." The werewolf dead duck was hard-bodied and resolutely did not bow his head.

He turned to laugh at him.

Sika twisted her neck and showed a harmless expression of humans and animals: "I have a hundred ways to make you die. Which method of death do you choose?"

Howling werewolves: "..." 166 novel reading network

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