Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 661: It's time for us to fight back

The werewolf and the magician are fighting in the village.

It was very short-handed, but a team of more than 600 magicians had a terrible attack power after being released.

Hearing howls came.

They knew it was a marching order · gather!

There is a certain rhythm.

Therefore, the werewolf did not continue to entangle with them directly.

Led by the bard, the drow gathered directly around the magician.

"Give up the resistance! Otherwise, we don't mind shooting you into a horse honeycomb!" Corenna picked up a blue booklet in her hand.

The archers around were ready to go, and the bows and arrows were half opened and aimed at the magicians.

One of the male magicians looked at Corenna, and clutched the magic book: "You vicious woman, don't think of us giving in!"

Another said, "Do you think we don't know what you want to do?"

"You just want to make us into undead elves and dedicate them to the undead. You dare not kill us."

As soon as the words fell, a magician was shot through by a drow elf beside Corenna.

"Do you still think so?" Corenna sneered.

Suddenly many magicians panicked. Witnessing his companion was shot relentlessly, and his heart was trembling.

Other magicians shouted, "Rush out! Only death and refinement remain!"

The magician rushed out!

Many archers were ready to shoot out with loose bows and arrows.

"Slow, there are werewolves outside. I'm going to catch it alive." Coruna still couldn't bear to let the busy time in vain.

With the intervention of the commander, the village and the village began to become orderly.

This is enough to prove how good a good commander is for the team and even the race.

The resurrected werewolf died completely under the siege of the drow.

Sika was also dizzy for a short time, but fortunately she was hiding, and the problem was not serious.

Corenna sneered at the fleeing magicians, who seemed to her to be a sacrifice to the undead.

The Fog Forest has shielded magic, and it is not enough to break through the ability of the first-level magician.

Run away.

You will find more and more despair.

She looked at the magician's escape and gave a death-like smile.

Life or death is nothing more than plaything.

At this point, Sika had rushed out and gathered with Fuliya and others.

After the three devoured the magic energy, there were many changes in physical fitness.

"It scared me. If it wasn't for the traps set up in advance, they would have been caught by the werewolves." Brando was still a little worried.

Fuliya is slightly better, after all, the Elven tribe is closer to nature.

"What happened to your werewolf?" She asked Sika.

Sika said: "It's dead. It's good to be so smooth. Now it's time to meet them."

"If you can still become that black and white fallen angel Lucifer, you can crush it all the way," Brando joked.

Freeia snorted: "In that state, he even wanted to kill us."

Brando remembered that scene and nodded: "It really is. We really want to kill us, we can't resist it."

The ability to easily kill a python that has lived for more than 400 years is simply terrifying.

Sika looked helpless.

This thing said in front of me, is it really good?

"Let's meet them." Sika knew that they might have stepped into the second-order wizard's threshold after devouring the magic.

Just one certification.

The second-order magician has a very obvious characteristic, having the opportunity of one second-loop magic and two first-loop magic.

Singing speed is much faster than first-level magicians.

The three ran towards the fleeing magician.

Behind the magicians were groups of werewolves and drow.

From time to time, the magician launches attacks, but for the werewolf, it is just hiding a large tree, and it wastes more than ten seconds.

"You can't escape!" Wolf King's eyes were cold.

Corenna took out the bone flute and let her mouth light. A long melody fluttered up and filled the misty forest.

Along with the music, the magician felt that his steps were like sitting alone, and it was difficult to lift them.

"Damn! This bard again!" The wizard was unwilling, but his legs and feet were difficult to move.

Squeezed to death, unable to move.

The wolf king looked at Corenna with great vigilance. A bard was not afraid by his own strength alone.

However, it has a significant impact on the entire team, and even one person turned the situation around.

call out!

An arrow hit Corenna without warning, she had to dodge sideways, but the rhythm of the bone flute was broken.

The magicians resumed their actions.

"Closure your ears!" Sika shouted from the tree!

The magician took out various things and blocked his ears. People who don't fit anything have to plug their ears with their hands.

They fled while blocking their ears.

Corenna encountered a sudden bow and arrow, and despite the successful dodge, the rhythm was broken.

The remaining drow elves approached her, trying to protect Corenna.

The werewolf also sent shielded people to protect her.

"You think you're plugging your ears, and I can't help you?" Coruna stomped angrily, a bunch of little cubs.

She held the bone flute again, and a brave march came out.

What she didn't expect, however, was that the arrow had some ice debris on it ~ www.readwn.com ~ Second Ring Magic? The Frozen Throne! "

整个 The whole ground condenses into ice, and it is coming!

"No, this is the magic of the elves Naxi! Run away!" Coruna knew that this was a magic that noble elves could learn.

However, it has not yet.

Sika jumped down from the tree, looked up slightly, and a smile appeared in the corner of her mouth: "Wolf King, your bard can no longer help you."

"It's time for us to fight back!"

next moment!

"Second Ring Magic! False Ball!"

As soon as the words fell, Sika Magic Book issued a dark light, accompanied by chanting.

A terrifying force directly bombarded the werewolf!


Numerous werewolves were wounded, and due to the power of darkness, their bodies exuded a black breath, and their strength weakened.

Sika's magic scares everyone else!

what! ?

He can already release the magic of the second ring! ?

"Their bards are frozen, aren't you up?" Sika looked up slightly, but her eyes were full of confidence.

Werewolves were able to transform from prey to hunter, entirely because of Bard Corenna.

Now that Corenna has been frozen, without the bard, the battle situation has changed again. The hunter changed back to his prey again.

"Don't lose to this group of people! They are only first-order magicians!" The Wolf King encouraged morale, although he knew it was not low.

Because fleeing will only be more serious.

The dignity of the wolf king does not allow it to escape.

The magician has endured for a long time, and finally can break out: "Fight it!"

Sika chanted a spell and used magic again: "A ring of magic? Elemental Summon!"

After adding a ring of magic this time, he actually summoned a big guy.

"This is ...!" Sika was a little surprised!

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