Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 666: Dark Mage Hans

Sika got her things and returned to her place of residence.

These include the armor and knight sword given by Sika, and Sika needs dragon blood.

"This is the dragon's blood." Sika murmured secretly, not expecting that the Academy could get it. For many people, this thing is extremely yearning and fiery existence.

The biggest shortcoming of the magician is that his melee advantage is very poor. However, because the magician is born with mixed dragon blood, he has a wild power. It's just that the surgeon usually can't control this area perfectly, and can even runaway.

However, after the magician obtained dragon blood, it was a little different from the wizard. However, it will greatly increase their own body.

Sika picked up the glass bottle, and there was only a small amount of red blood in it. This is the dragon blood that many people want.

The dragon is arguably the most powerful living creature on the entire continent. A dragon can even destroy a town.

However, God also restricted the reproduction of dragons, which are rare on the mainland.

Sika opened the lid, put the dragon's blood in the bottle on the table, and chanted magic.

With the chanting, the dragon's blood flew directly from the bottle, and the second-level magician could simply control some items.

In fact, the first order is also okay, but this singing speed is definitely not as good as the second order.

Each class of the magician is very different, one is reflected in the number of magic rings and savings, and the other is in the speed and power of singing.

Dragon Blood flew towards Sika in the air, and Sika opened her mouth while singing.

The dragon's blood ran down his throat, and it was a little fishy, ​​but Sika didn't hesitate. After all, this thing has a very great effect on oneself.

This is not ordinary dragon blood, but dragon essence blood extracted from dragon blood.

Straight down from my throat.

Sika felt a violent force running through her body.

Suddenly his face was a little pale, and he smiled bitterly: "It is really overbearing power."

Then he closed his eyes, murmured in his mouth, and chanted magic. Along with magical chanting, Sika fought a fierce battle with Dragon Blood in her body. Dragon blood was not to be outdone.

Sika didn't flinch, still gritting her teeth, sweat dripping, and the whole clothes were still soaked with sweat.

At this time, Sika changed her home clothes. Except in the college, Sika did not wear a mage robe. Instead, I changed a short coat.

You can see that there is no dry place in the short coat, all sweat.

Sika gritted her teeth and insisted, and that insistence was exactly two days.

Entrusted by Sandel, Sika was not affected on the attendance side. Each college has its own system and rules, and although they are somewhat different, they are all similar.

Within two days, Sika's physical fitness had changed dramatically.

At this moment, Sika opened her eyes, and the whole person looked more energetic.

He twisted his neck and clicked. I feel that there is an inexhaustible power all over the body, and I always want to burst out.

Coo-coo ~ Belly betrayed the truth.


"..." Sika was hungry and decided to make something for herself

After washing the pan, Sika put the tomatoes in the pan. After a few stir fry, it is very fragrant.

Sika opened the cabinet and took out the bowl.

Just took it.


The bowl is broken.

"..." Sika wanted to cry without tears. She didn't use much effort.

I feel like I'm almost as brutal as I am now.

"It seems I have to learn how to control this strength."

After two more days of practice, Sika returned to normal.

He is confident that if he really fights a trained fighter now, he will have no problem at all.

Can even knock the opponent over.

Paired with your own magic, it is very stable.

With these preparations in mind, Sika decided to set out. The reason why I set off after stability is to allow myself more protection during the journey to the lava mountains in the northern suburbs.

After leaving the college, there is not so much protection.



Sika put on the armor, and a knight sword hung from her waist. The magic book is placed on his armor chest.

Normal viewing angles are not visible.

On the journey, Sika walked all the way.

Walk towards the lava mountains.

On the way, Sika saw Hans not far away.

I once saw him as a first-level magician, the dark magician of eight feet tall.

He joined another college. Not at St. College.

There are four men beside Hans, from the point of view of matching. Two magicians, a warrior, and an archer. There is one that cannot be confirmed for the time being.

"Will you know what I said later?" Hans' eyes narrowed.

The soldier nodded. "Rest assured, this is not the first time. I will do it cleanly."

"Then how are we going to ambush?" The archer asked.

Hans' eyes rolled: "There is a corner less than a mile in front, and there is a good ambush. We'll wait there."


Hans turned his eyes to the rear, and Sika hid in haste.

A long time ago, Fuliya reminded herself to be careful of this person.

Hans looked at it in confusion, frowned slightly, and then a weird radiant smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Hans, what are you talking about?"

"Nothing, do what I say. Act!"

"No problem, leave it to us."

Five people left quickly.

Sika looked at the direction they were going, and seemed to be going in the same direction.

"Did he notice me just now ~ www.readwn.com ~ Sika was a little alert.

It's just that Sika was wondering what they were going to do.

Curiosity is curiosity, but Sika knows that her most important task now is to go to Hall.

Let Hall help get the control of that power.

"Are I going to avoid them?" Sika thought.

The moment he saw his ring, his eyes brightened.


Sika changed her clothes and put on her beard. As for his ears, Sika could only pass through the hat.

Looked, he did not have the right hat.

There is nothing suitable except for the magic hat and armor.

This is a bit of a headache.

After thinking about it, I just rubbed my hair and looked messy. His eyes were half open.

Now Sika looks like a decadent man, with a little tiredness in his eyes. With beard,

"Okay." Sika felt almost the same, so she walked away.

As Sika walked all the way, Hans could no longer be seen.

But Sika knew that they were just walking in front of them. As long as you keep getting closer, you can definitely see it.

At this time, Sika saw a team behind.

Dozens of sturdy men followed, with men holding long swords.

They were wearing white tops, black pants, and red ropes hanging from their waists.

Even when Sika appeared, they looked at Sika very vigilantly.

At the forefront of the line, there was a woman in white riding a white horse with a scarf on her face. The ears are very long.

The woman glanced at Sika and asked, "Is this the Ars Mountains?"

Sika stunned: "Well. After the lava mountain is the Ars mountain."

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