Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 670: Frigid desert


Black riding sword pierced into the ghoul's chest.

The ghoul fell to the ground.

"Come on!" Sika shouted.

Euler nodded. "Well."

If everyone could have a horse, they rode. Without a horse, you can only choose to choose a carriage.

Sika also rode a horse, and the horses raced all the way.

You can see a large number of ghouls gathered behind.

"Too many. There are too many ghouls behind." The guard panicked.

If it fails to escape, I am afraid that only bones will be left behind by ghouls.

For more than two hours, Sika and others ran on horseback all the way, contaminated with blood from many ghouls.

"Keep on it." Sika and Euler were forced to a dead end.

Euler glanced behind him, and there was no way out: "Damn, I was too anxious. There is no way back."

She took a deep breath and was ready for her final plans. Just when she was going to use some special means.

I saw Sika take out the magic book.

She looked at Sika in amazement, it was ... a magic book! ?

Sika sang in the air.

"Elemental call!" Sika chanted magic.

"One ring!"


In the light condensed into a tree man, with the addition of a ring, the tree man's body became larger.

Fully three feet tall.

The Treant waved a branch to attack. And entangled some ghouls nearby.

The ghoul, seeing the tree man, jumped up to eat!

Sika's action doesn't end here.

"Fireball! Second ring!"

next moment!

A huge fireball flew straight down the trees. Accompanied by a loud noise.


Burning around directly.

Blockbusters of fire blocked the ghouls.

At this time, the day has gradually approached dawn, and looking up, Guangliang has been supported for a day.

The ghoul kept boiling past.

Euler looked at it completely. Sika's strength was completely a second-order magician.

Becoming a magician is not easy. First of all, you have to feel magic, and secondly you are recognized by the magic book.

That is to gain the power of faith.

Believe it or not, the fact that this power exists is an unchangeable truth.

Euler is also a magician, but is only a first-order magician.

Relying on the Kadia magic crystal to play a variety of special effects.

Of course, she also has her own little secret.

As Sika attacked, others rushed near the flames to fight the ghouls.

Fortunately, not long.

It's dawning.

With dawn, ghouls evacuated in large numbers.

At this moment, the talents breathed a sigh of relief. For everyone, these two hours are far more tiring than two days of sleepless training.

"You are still a magician !?" Euler looked at Sika.

Sika was stunned, and used the magic in a hurry, then looked at her without answering directly.

"Don't worry, I don't mean anything else." Euler knew it was impolite to snoop on someone else's information.

Sika said: "It's okay. As long as we are safe."

Euler smiled. "Thank you."

There was still a layer of tulle on her face, and she took a look at the number and frowned. "The others seem to have taken another path just now. Let's meet them."

Sika nodded, because it was the way.

It's just that Sika feels that what happened in the past is slightly related to the surrounding changes.



After the numbers came together.

The housekeeper could no longer see it, and less than half remained.

There are quite a few carriages.

Hearing other guards said that the steward was chasing him while the steward was running.

Eventually devoured by the ghoul.

"A really annoying guy, presumably because he caught ghouls and used them as pets. That's why so many ghouls chased him." Miss Euler didn't show grief after hearing the death of the housekeeper.

After all, the two were not in the right direction.

"Clear up, let's leave this mountain range today. I guess the undead army is near this mountain range." Miss Euler analyzed.

Sika nodded: "Well. It's very likely. Let's speed up the progress, this mountain is likely to be mixed with the minions of the undead."

Counting the number of people, there are still twenty people left.

The caravan continued.

After a day of hurrying, they have completely left there.

Ghoul, Sika didn't plan to go deeper. It's too dangerous, that place.

Getting closer to the lava mountains.

Sika's goal is also getting closer.

As it approaches the lava mountains, the temperature gets higher and higher. There was sweat on Ora's face.

The escorts had some dehydration reactions.

Lips are white and chapped.

"It's hot." Euler wiped her sweat.

Sika didn't feel any hot reaction, instead she showed a coldness on her body.

Euler looked at Sika and found that Sika didn't have a trace of sweat: "Aren't you hot?"

"Okay," Sika said.

Euler looked at him in confusion, a ray of light turning in his eyes.

This is a natural magic of the elves, which can have a sharper observation.

Immediately after, her mouth opened: "Who gave you the knight's armor, which is actually a cold armor !?"

Sika looked at her: "Desolate A?"

"You don't even know Cold Desert?" Euler looked surprised.

She told Sika about Cold Armor. In the world, there are actually many temperature zone divisions.

Such as tropical, subtropical, temperate, blast zone and so on.

Similarly, there are roughly three types of desert.

They are cold desert, temperate desert, tropical desert ~ www.readwn.com ~ In the winter, the cold desert will condense into ice, just like the ice field. In summer, the ice melted.

However, the water will not be retained because it is another desert.

Therefore this special desert is called cold desert.

"Are you Sandel's apprentice !?" Euler looked to Sika, guessing faintly.

Euler explained: "I remember when I heard at home that there was a mentor at the Holy College, the black knight Sander."

"He is not a pure magician. He is mostly cavalier. Because he had a good relationship with the dean in the early years, he stayed at the Holy Academy."

"Most of the time, he's busy with his own business. There are teachings, but very little. Are you his apprentice? He gave it to you?"

"If this is the case, then this should be the booty obtained sixteen years ago when he and the expedition entered the desert fierce battle with Frost Cologne."

Euler knows a lot about the Cavaliers. Because she is very interested, as long as she is interested, she will remember a lot.

Sika was surprised, it turned out that this was his booty. Is it because you want to go to the Lava Mountains?

I gave myself this equipment.

"I never thought I would meet Sandel's apprentice here." Euler said to herself.

In her eyes.

Knights are a symbol of virtue. They always maintain the spirit of "humility, integrity, mercy, heroism, justice, sacrifice, honor, soul". Each knight adheres to the "friendly treatment of the weak, bravely confronts the strong, fights the wrong, and fights for the weak.

Also on the journey to protect the human race, struggling to kill at the front is the most respectable person.

"Here. Lava Mountains ahead!" Euler pointed forward.

Sika looked at it, her pupils shrank sharply!

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