Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 679: Burning Legion

The giant spiders are simply scary. The information they receive is a black riding magician group.

There shouldn't be such a terrifying fighting force.

It took Sika less than ten minutes to solve all the spiders, and he took out the instrument that looked into the distance and looked into the distance.

Sure enough, I saw a death knight.

All have taupe skin as the main theme, like a corpse riding a skeleton horse.

There are so many teams.

After Sika had used the fallen angel Lucifer form, her body became tired.

Fortunately, there was nothing to worry about, and Sika left quickly.

When Sika reappeared in the crowd's vision, the iron chain of the crowd passed by more than half.

"Come back?" Sleen wondered, what the heck was going on?

Why is there so much green blood on my body?

Could there be a small batch of undead creatures behind?

Really brave.

Slane doesn't like Sika, but admires him a little. Contradictory psychology always exists.

"After passing, we need to cut this chain. I see the death knight behind. They should all go to the plains of battle." Sika groaned.

The crowd accelerated.

The chief looked at Sika in the distance, and then looked at the green blood on her body, very curious what was going on.



The death knight team advances all the way.

"Colonel. Our spider vanguard, all killed." Scouts reported on the death knight Talia Meeting.

Thalia reminded him of his stature among the death knights. A man with long silver hair.

However, his eyes were dull, full of gloom, and his eyes were sunken.

"Is there a big army hidden here?" Talia knew very well that there were 419 spiders in total and wanted to solve them completely. Human beings need at least dozens of teams to solve.

The spider's distance in front of him is not too far away, that is, it is destroyed in a short time.

"What else was found?" Thalia asked hoarsely.

The scout knight said, "I feel the magic wave, but it comes from the same power. I'm not sure if this is the same person."

"Is it the Archmage?" In Thalia's intelligence, there should be three teams ahead. The team closest to you should be the Black Riding Magic.

The strength of the Black Riding Enchantment is clear to Thalia. There is no standard ability for Archmage at all.

What exactly is going on?

"Follow me! This team has hidden some secrets! We are going to attack this team!"

The death knight never fears death, even if it is a battle death.

Because their great Lich King will resurrect them through the abyss ritual. Their great Lich King came from the land of Draenor.

Just after these death knights advanced a distance, a light suddenly appeared on the ground.

"No, it's a magic mine!"


A loud noise.

The Black Riding Magic also heard this voice.

"Sika, what did you do?" The chief looked at Sika.

He replied with a smile: "Nothing, I just gave them a magic mine."

"Your kid is really interesting." The chief patted Sika on the shoulder. "Cut off this chain bridge."

"His ~ Lightly." Sika's shoulder was a little painful.

The chief smiled.

After the people broke the iron chain, just after leaving for a while, they saw a black-faced death knight unit appearing on the opposite bank.

All laughed: "Ha ha ha ha."

The chief said: "We speed up, they can only give up this path."

Sika nodded and waved: "Go!"

Seeing the other party eating hard, the whole team was somewhat inexplicable, especially the other party's huge power.

Of course, everyone knows that confrontation cannot be the opponent of this death knight army.

After all, strength and number are there.

The assistance needed by the magic group is to join the various warrior camps and cooperate to exert their maximum combat effectiveness.

Sika cannot switch between Lucifer forms frequently, which will bring a heavy burden on her body.

Unless there is an Archmage by his side.

However, in the Lucifer form, Sika is powerful and can defeat this form directly. So far it is estimated that only ...


Legendary rare dragon!

This means that there is not much Sika against this pattern.

"I will prepare a rich dinner for you." The herders settled early in one of the base areas, waiting for the arrival of other ethnic units.

Before Sika and the other magicians came here, she saw many war dead bodies.

The corpses lay cold on the road, with anxiety and anxiety and fear on their faces.

No one likes war, at least for most non-hegemonic people, longing for peace.

The Terrans want to conduct peaceful diplomacy and soften this contradiction with the Orcs. Even get along peacefully and win-win ideas.

However, the years-long negotiations ended in failure each time.

No exception.

The battle situation came from the front, and the Burning Legion also joined the undead team to participate in the battle.

Eating a so-called hearty dinner, a bun with a bun and a bowl of porridge, Sika, heard the message from the reporter.

The body shook.

This news is undoubtedly terrible for the human race.

It even made things worse. Www.readwn.com ~ Humans, elves, and dwarves began to be unable to bear it, and the undead continued to reinforce their troops.

The orcs killed the Quartet with brute force.

The chief sat next to Sika, eating a hoe, and frowning while listening to the report: "Where must the undead create the magic of faith."

"If we can find them, we can give them a painful blow."

The so-called belief in evil magic is a special magic possessed by the undead grand wizard, which is equivalent to the human grand master.

Sacrifice the vitality of something and extract life elements from it to condense into a death force. Life is usually traded.

Hearing the sigh of the sergeant, a scene appeared in Sika's mind.

A few years ago, he and Euler's caravan traveled to the Lava Mountains. On the way, ghouls were found.

After the housekeeper refined the ghouls, the ghouls aggressively attacked them. They ran frantically for two hours.

If you remember correctly, the ghoul was eating trees. It may well be to prepare now.

"Sir, I have a suspicious place to report!" Sika said.


The eyes of all those eating were on Sika.

He told me a few years ago that he had found a lot of ghouls on the road in the lava mountains.

Since there are several years, after all, I have been training for several years in combat with Yan Mo. Unsure of how many years the other party is still there.

The sir was just like hearing this sentence, as if he had caught any important clues and was very excited.

He even said something that surprised Sika.

"I love you!"

Sika: "..."

One man said such a thing to another man, and it is conceivable that the news excited him.

"I'm going to report the news! Wait for me!" The chief took a sip of porridge, and left in a hurry.

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