Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 681: Monster cable

Sika turned away and ran along the branch. All the ghouls rushed towards him.

Mark admires Sika's courage and uses himself as a bait: "I hope he can survive."

For security reasons, Mark sent six people to support Sika, and he led the others to destroy the base.

Being able to destroy the other party ’s haunted gold mines and rituals is definitely a great achievement.

At this point on the other side.

Sika ran all the way, singing all the way, and had to say that the magician who was able to run was difficult to entangle.

It was a tug of war, flying a kite.

His Lucifer form strength is absolutely overwhelming.

But using this force at will can easily put you in danger.

Ghoul is a creature that acts by instinctual wisdom, and belongs to the lower intelligent creatures. Fierce by nature.


"Elemental Call!"

Two rays of light rose from the ground, and Sika wanted to continue to delay.


Horn sounds through the forest!


Suddenly all ghouls stalled, turned to look behind them, and turned around.

"No, it's Mark's direction!" Sika attracted most of the ghouls, and at this moment they turned around and retreated!

He realized that Mark would be in a bad situation and turned back.

The soldiers who originally wanted to help Sika retreated quickly when he saw the face of the suddenly turned ghoul.

By the time Sika arrived, the surrounding Griffin troops had already begun fighting the ghouls.

Mark whistled, and the griffins came straight to him. The reinforcements would soon arrive, but I didn't know if I could stick to it.

Sika noticed a man in front of a shofar wearing a taupe mage robe and holding a magic wand.

The most noticeable thing is that the pair of horns stands tall and extremely sharp.

The man should be about forty years old and thin. Judging from these characteristics, this one is most likely a mixed race.

Orc sheep and human race, half-goat.

Standing next to him were two night elves, blowing the horn.

Sika listened carefully to the horn, which was faintly unusual.

"This is a bard !?" Sika was startled. In other words, both night elves are bards.

The horrors of the bard, which Sika once experienced, were terrible for the increase in the army.

"All attack the two night elves!" Mark's perennial battle experience quickly determined the effect of the two night elves on the ghouls.

Must be resolved!

Otherwise, the support force is coming, and it is likely to suffer heavy losses.

Mark and others rode on the eagle and flew towards the night elves!

The night elves found that the ghouls were unable to attack airborne units, but their faces were not in a hurry. There is no need to worry.

This look disturbed Mark slightly.

Sure enough, the nets spurted out of the forest when Hawks' troops approached the night elves less than ten meters away.

call out! call out! call out!

The other end of the net was tied with a rope.

"Attention!" Mark was a little annoyed that he made a wrong decision and made a wrong judgment, which led to his arrest.

Along the other end of the net, Sika's pupils shrank: it was a sable wolf cavalry.

The orc rode a sable wolf, holding a long knife, and his eyes were fierce.

"Actually caught a hawk troop. Hahahaha." The orc laughed.

The orc looked at Mark with a smile: "Aren't you always proud to call yourself a knight who is a hawk? The King of the air is no different."

"You!" Mark was angry, and then sneered. "I can kill you and make a barracks. I am dead and glorious!"

The orcs laughed even more when they heard: "Ha ha ha ha ha."

"What are you laughing at!" Mark's eyes widened.

An orc said, "Do you think reinforcements come back?"

Mark's pupils dilated, and he only attacked at the exact reinforcement time, and he hasn't seen reinforcements yet.

what happened?

Sika didn't rush straight up, but hid. Not afraid, but waiting for the time.

The orcs stood firm: "Your reinforcements will not come."

He pointed to the side and said, "Look here."

As soon as the words fell, Mark looked extremely shocked.

He saw his scouts appear next to the orcs. The orcs made them crouch and then crouched, and stood upside down.

Extremely obedient.

"Of course you judged wrong with the wrong information. Hahahaha." The orc laughed.

"What did you do to them!" Mark began to get out of control.

The orc pointed to the half-goat: "We don't have the ability to do such a terrible thing. It's all done by the demon cable."

"He is a powerful wizard."

On hearing that, Mark looked at the demon cable, the shofar wizard.

The monster cable was expressionless: "I hate humans. They call me a monster. Then I tell them what a monster is."

"And the magician hiding behind the tree, you can come out. Otherwise, I'm welcome."

Sika had just thought of getting up, but found that another tree walked out of five people.

They are Fuliya, Brando, Kim, and two people Sika doesn't know.

"There is one more person." The demon head looked expressionless and pointed at Sika.

Sika thought she didn't find herself and had to stand up.

Does this guy have a third eye?


The five people looked at Sika ~ www.readwn.com ~ They did not recognize Sika, because he became more mature and upright than Sika a few years ago.

Even height is a lot higher.

Only Fuliya felt that Sika was a little familiar and unexplainable.

Freya, who was originally tall, is now about Sika's eyes.

She was still cold and did not speak.

"Do we know each other?" Brando began.

The monster cable interrupted him, expressionless: "You are not curious why I found you?"

"It's just the eyes of the guard and mind control. You sold your soul to the demon!" Fuliya sneered.

The demon cable made the orcs tie everyone up: "It's not the demon, but the Dreadlord. It's an admirable power."

He saw Sika stunned: "Half-elf?"

Sika didn't say anything, thinking that if she used her strength to highlight the siege, what would she do to minimize the loss?

"You will be my faithful servant." The monster cable knocked on the magic battle, and a light spread on the ground.

The vine entangled Sika.

Sika didn't think the time was up.

"Let the flower of darkness nourish him for a few days, I believe it must be a great art student." The monster cable was expressionless.

The orcs were commanded to send everyone to the stone altar, and the torch on the altar lit instantly.

"We need to leave this ghost place within a few days. This griffon must be a pioneer, and if it is large-scale, it will not be good."

"We need to take it away within a few days. The location of this gold mine has been exposed."

The orc nodded: "Okay, Master. You are at your disposal."

"Then how do we deal with these humans." Orcs could not let go of humans.

The monster cable groaned for a moment: "Except for that half-elf, everyone else is alive!"

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