Hairy bear country

, warriors riding the Great Siberian Hamster, holding muskets and steel axes in their hands, carrying bottles of vodka around their waists, led by a blonde beauty,

collided with the monsters again.


Steel, gunpowder and alcohol create a magnificent picture of human resistance on the ice and snow battlefield.

The peoples living in the bitter cold land are already fierce, and in the face of the monsters that come from the doomsday game, all they can respond to is the roaring sound of Ula.



, after the wave of monsters destroyed ninety percent of humanity,

the remaining onety percent of the people in the safe zone are frantically praying that the only god they believe in will come and save them.

And as if miraculously, outside the safe zone, priests with gentle smiles really appeared.

They looked at the frightened people as if they were looking at the Lamb of

the Lord:

"You are guilty, but if you serve our Lord, the Lord will forgive your sins!"


Beautiful countries

, within the states,

are dreaming of gunfights for 400 million people.

Located in the lowest base of the national central city,

the Grand Commander and the high-level state officials in the previous conference room were walking out from the deeper part of this underground base.

Behind him, those originally proud high-ranking people looked at this old man's gaze, but they were full of fear.

They all underestimated this man.

Alzheimer's disease and loose pants are just his disguise.

Recalling everything they saw just now, the high-level people couldn't help but have a question in their hearts:

Is this white-haired Grand Commander of Jordon in front of him really still human?


Dayan, Donghai City, Xinghuo Town.

The people in the square, looking at Chen Luo in the field, their eyes became more and more adoring.

In this desperate apocalypse, a leader strong enough can give the best hope to all.

And Chen Luo looked at the latest talent he had obtained with some surprise.

[Congratulations on becoming the first player in the world to establish a town and have their own

stronghold] [According to the tendencies of the behavior, reward the lord class supreme talent "Rate Dohama"

] [Rate Dohama

] [Type]: Talent


Level :D (grows as the level of the stronghold increases).


1. Lord's power (only): Every citizen who belongs to your stronghold will bring you a 1/10,000 race value bonus (currently the bonus is 0.32, the race value concept will be opened after the first order!). 2.

Lord's gift: Within the stronghold, the higher the loyalty to the lord, the higher the skill training bonus you can get (the maximum increase of D level is 30%)

[Description]: Under the whole world, it is not the royal land!


At the moment of the fusion of talents, Chen Luo felt that his strength suddenly became about three percent stronger, strength, agility, physique, spirit, all these basic attributes obviously did not change.

But Chen Luo clearly felt that he had become stronger, which made Chen Luo have some guesses about the so-called bonus of race values in this talent:

"Directly enhance the essence?" No wonder the night wolves showed such strong attribute effects before. "

This talent is mainly divided into two parts, the first effect is to simply enhance Chen Luo himself as a lord.

The second effect is a continuous bonus to his subordinates.

Although it is still only a low-level stage of D-level, as the follow-up stronghold continues to expand, I am afraid that this talent will become even more terrifying.

Just when Chen Luo was thinking about his new talent, he suddenly felt a weight in his arms, and looked down to see that it was his little pet who didn't know when he got into his arms

, this silver-white little wolf, at this time, it looked like a newborn little milk dog, it saw Chen Luo look over, and quickly cried out milkily:

"Whoosh! Whoosh!! (Master!) Don't give me to that woman again!! Her technique is terrible!! If I am touched again, my dignity as a warrior will be lost!!

Chen Luo looked at the longing little eyes of Hu Tao who chased over, and after thinking for a moment, he raised Xiaoyue and said seriously:

"Xiaoyue, as a warrior!" How can you escape?! Even the soft hands of girls are scared! Such a warrior is not powerful!! "

You know, we have a literati here who once said: 'What a fierce warrior, dare to face up to the blood and bleak life'!"

"And! Xiaoyue, your master I want to be touched like this! There's no chance!! Poor

Xiaoyue looked stunned when she heard this, her master's words made sense.

The former king of the night wolves actually felt fear of a weak woman just now?

It's a shame!!

How can a real warrior be afraid of a challenge!!

Isn't it the joy of being? I can withstand the moon!!

Xiaoyue, who looks like a dog, his eyes are serious!

"Whoosh!" (Master!) I realized!!

Chen Luo nodded gratifyingly, and then shoved Xiaoyue back into Hu Tao's hand without hesitation, watching Hu Tao touch happily, Chen Luo also touched Hu Tao's head smoothly.

As soon as Xiaoyue entered Hu Tao's hands, she stared at Hu Tao with burning eyes: "Whoosh! (Woman!) Come on! My Wolf Clan Warrior will never give in!!

Looking at Xiaoyue's stubborn appearance, Hu Tao only felt that it was so cute, and under the excitement of the skillful technique, it rose to another level.

Xiaoyue, who originally looked focused, felt the tidal wave fluctuations coming from around his body.

The originally resolute gaze gradually softened, and finally under the offensive of Hu Tao, Xiaoyue's wail begging for mercy sounded:

"Whoosh~" (No, don't!) No!!

Looking at Xiaoyue who was lost again, Chen Luo said that he could not help, after all, the confrontation with instinct is also the path of Asura for warriors.

Come on, Xiaoyue!!

Chen Luo, whose mouth was slightly raised, looked at his system panel again.

"System, I choose to open a second career!!"

[Detected that the player has the permission to open the second class, allow it to be opened! ] 】

【According to the player's authority, the second class is opened this time, it must be a hidden class! 】 【

Based on the player's experience, the alternative class selection is in progress! 】

"So, is there really a hidden class in this game?"

Thinking of this, Chen Luo turned his head to look at Hu Tao, and Su Xiao, who was taking everyone familiar with the town in the distance.

If there is a hidden profession, from all indications, the two people in front of you are the most likely to have.

When you take up your job, you can ask them about their skills.

Presumably, the skills of hidden occupations must be much stronger than normal professions.

【System retrieval completed! 】 【

You can choose one of the following three hidden classes to become your second class! 】 【

Lord】【Arcane Mage】【Lord of Armies】

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