The flag was about one person tall, and the whole body was silver-white, and after it was just manifested from the sea of consciousness, it fluttered in the wind and snow in the sky.

On the silver-white flag, a dragon-shaped totem composed of sparks is painted, and in the wind and snow, it is simply as if it has come to life.

Chen Luo held the landmark that had just been summoned in his right hand, and his eyes stared at the land buried by the wind and snow outside the territory.

Chen Luo raised the Spark Banner with one hand, his eyes were like electricity, and he threw it with all his strength!


In the piercing sound of breaking wind, the flag was sealed and hunted!


The snow above the earth exploded!

After the snow scattered and exploded, the masonry floor of the previous square was revealed, and the silver-white flagpole seemed to take root, straight into the ground for more than half a meter deep.

【Landmark inserted! 】 The marked area starts to appear! 】Buzz


A silver-white fluctuation suddenly took the flagpole as the origin and spread rapidly around.

Around the flag, the land within a radius of one kilometer was instantly covered with a shallow silver-white brilliance.

And the edge of this marked land began to connect with the territory....

【Mark complete! 】 Territory Upgrade Progress 6/500]

Xiaoyue watched the master's strange movements, and restlessly whined twice on Chen Luo's shoulder.

Chen Luo stood calmly in the hands of the mage, waiting for an enemy to appear.

Three minutes later, seeing that there was no abnormality in the marked area, Chen Luo urged the mage hand under him to continue flying in other directions.

Soon, Chen Luo expanded a marked area around the territory, although the silver-white banner was soon buried by the wind and snow.

However, at this time, the progress of territorial expansion was also increased to 20/500.

It seemed that the monsters that appeared before should be all the nearby ones, and Chen Luo, who stood in the hands of the mage, was slightly disappointed.

He casually threw a silver-white flag next to the crooked building again.

After the flag landed, the silver-white brilliance burst out.

But this time, a trace of discordant black aura confronted the silver-white brilliance!

[Found the xenobreath, the xenoaura confrontation, the mark stops! ]

Chen Luo's eyes lit up: "Finally brushed the monster?!" Inside

the crooked building, a Dawson White figure began to emerge in the wind and snow.

The building was originally an office building, but during last night's battle, the glass curtain wall of the building had long been shattered by the roar of wolves.

I saw white skeleton figures slowly walking out from the shadows of the building, their eyes flashing with black flames, and the number was probably thousands.

The skeletons stared at the flag erected below the building, the black flames in their eyes constantly fluctuating.

A black aura continued to rise on the monsters, blocking the complete formation of the marked area.


A skeleton jumped from a building tens of meters high without hesitation in the middle of the confrontation, and the bones were broken and shattered in the loud noise of the collision.

But then, a black aura made the monster's broken and shattered bones easily recover.

A skeleton arm slowly climbed out of the snow pit and towards the flag.

Chen Luo leaned on the hand of the mage, looking at the monster in action, his expression calm, and he did not have the slightest intention of doing it himself.

And the next moment, with the continuous roar, thousands of skeletons jumped from the tall buildings one after another.

In the blink of an eye, the range shrouded by the flag was already filled with dense skeletons.

They struggled with their boneless bodies, aiming at the silver flag in the center of the area.

Chen Luo, who was standing in mid-air, saw this scene and said loudly:

"The legion is coming!"

The space-time door burst open next to the silver flag, and hundreds of professionals rushed out from within the space-time gate, their expressions serious and neatly moving.

When they stepped out of the time and space gate, these professionals rushed towards the monsters as soon as possible!

"Legion is coming!!"

The space-time door that had been closed with a bang opened again, and hundreds of professionals rushed out of the door, including men and women.

However, less than thirty percent of them have weapons in hand, but in the face of the murderous skeleton monster, the professionals activated their skills at the first time, even if they were not equipped on them.

The collision was brutal from the first moment.

Except for the three hundred warrior group, most of the professionals in the town were still level 0 newcomers at this time.

They only have one initial skill, and they don't even have a stick on them that can fight monsters.

The skeleton soldier is a seventh-level monster, and it is a special monster with strong physical resistance, so these thousands of professionals were pressed and beaten by the other party at the first time.

Seeing this scene, Chen Luo was not surprised. But it doesn't matter, their own commander is here, they can't suffer losses!

The commander value of up to 51 points increased the full attributes of all professionals by fifty-one percent, and the next moment, the battlefield was refreshed with the light of spells:

"March quickly!" Power rises! Stone skin protection! "

Under the refresh of the skills of the three-layer legion, everyone became more courageous, and for a while, they actually resisted the impact of the undead skeleton soldiers.

Moreover, when the legion descends, everyone's will to fight is very strong, even if their bodies are broken, they will entangle the enemy to death.

Only after the last health is empty, will it turn into a light and disappear with regret.

In Xinghuo Town, Su Xiao, who was dealing with affairs in the town, felt a little confused.

Although Chen Luo had explained before, it was still a very strange experience to watch one-third of the population in the town suddenly disappear, and then some people reappear with excitement.

On the battlefield, with the battle group as the spear, under the fire of a large number of skill sets, the skeleton soldiers began to decrease continuously.

And Chen Luo also summoned the professionals who had withdrawn from time to time to share their experience.

Yes, the Legion Advent as a whole, all killing experience will be divided into two, one is divided equally by the Legion that descends at the time, and the other is enjoyed by the summoner Chen Luo.

However, what is a little troublesome is that if Chen Luo personally kills, all the rewards he kills will only be enjoyed by one person.

Twenty minutes later, when the last skeleton was completely reduced to ashes under the gathering fire of the professionals, thousands of professionals once again had a sequence team, waiting for Chen Luo's next instructions.

Chen Luo looked at the team that had generally risen one or two levels at this time, and nodded with satisfaction.

After that, their territory will definitely continue to expand, and the stronger these old teams are, the more they can help themselves accommodate the new arrivals.

This doomsday game is extremely difficult to level up, and Chen Luo even dares to assert that of the 700 million people who are currently surviving, I am afraid that only one in a thousand or even one in ten thousand, may rise to the first order!

This is still given enough time by the doomsday game.

If the doomsday game keeps the intensity of the beginning, the human race may even be directly extinct after half a month.

Now I am competing with the doomsday game to see if it is destroyed quickly, or if it is saved quickly!

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