Unlimited Fraudster

Chapter 324: Thrilling to throw dice

"This is it?" Zuozi looked curiously at the mansion that Chi Yang took her into. It seemed that there were still people living there until recently, but at this moment, it was empty. However, the other party It seems to be very familiar here?

"This is the base camp of a boss in this world. In terms of time, it should be the third part of the Sun Messenger vs. Vampire series, which is the story of this man named Jotaro Kujo as the protagonist. In terms of time, at this time in the mansion The villains have basically been emptied by the protagonist group, it should be an ideal stronghold in a short time, and the boss's assets are also left here, so there is no need to worry about life." Chi Yang said, and walked directly to the basement, very Soon, they came to a place that looked like an operating room. If you looked closely, you could see a little blood from the cage in the corner.

"This is..." Zuozi looked at this not-so-big basement with a chill in her heart. She didn't know that this was the residual resentment of the test subject who had died here and was forcibly stimulated as a stand-in. The result of the resonance of the spiritual roots can only be regarded as the reason that the cultivation of one's own state of mind is not enough.

"It should be a place to store 'food', right? After all, Boss is a vampire!" Feng Xue spread his hands indifferently, and then took out justice and truth and restored them to black and white——

"Prepare for surgery."

"Is it right here?" Zuozi looked left and right at the shabby environment in the room. In her opinion, even if she couldn't find a big hospital, she could find a clinic with good sanitary conditions, right?

"Well, it's actually not as complicated as you think. On the premise of having the saint's body, I'll plant a substitute seed for you, then add enough energy to the substitute, and finally let your own power and the substitute form a cycle. There is no need for surgery, it doesn't require much of the environment." Feng Xue lied calmly, and observed through the indicators derived from [Integrity], but found that Zuozi believed his words almost instantly.

"Is it too unsuspecting? Or, do you believe so much in the contract of Omega consciousness? Or, is the spiritual will that belongs to me in the spiritual root at work?" Feng Xue thought so in her heart, and suddenly felt With a new idea, he tentatively pointed to the stone bed on the side, "You lie there first, forcibly awakening the substitute is very stimulating on the spiritual level, I will anesthetize you first, so as not to cause any mental problems, If you don't believe me, you can also choose direct surgery."

"No need, let's be anesthetized." Zuoko didn't say how much she trusted the man in front of her, but the contract with Omega consciousness covered her. She believed that this guy should not cause any harm to herself. The lessons of the world are still vivid in my mind, and the advice of the caster is absolutely correct. If you don't listen to it, you will definitely pay the price.

"Oh..." Feng Xue let out a meaningful sigh. With a touch of her hand, Zuozi lost consciousness. In fact, theoretically speaking, it is impossible to do so, but Zuozi himself agreed, and Omega won't have much consciousness. thing.

Handing Pandora to the Black and White sisters to control the daughters scattered in the space-time rift, Feng Xue began to examine Zuozi's body.

"Tsk tsk, this figure is really not well developed." Feng Xue pinched the protruding part, then smiled and shook his head, picked out a stand-in crystal from his collection and placed it between Zuozi's eyebrows The position began to be implanted, yes, he chose to directly implant the substitute, instead of letting Zuoko awaken one on his own, no, exactly, he implanted a semi-finished product.

That's right, it's the still-unawakened stand-in who once belonged to Holly Kujo.

The rose and thorns began to cover her body under Feng Xue's control. In order to facilitate the observation of the substitute, Feng Xue gently peeled off Zuozi's clothes, and then watched the perfect figure from his own hands being sharpened. Full of thorns.

The reason for choosing such a half-finished substitute, Feng Xue naturally has his own ideas. After all, no one knows what kind of monster Zuozi will awaken. As a stand-in, Feng Xue will play it off. Instead of letting this toy out of his control, it is better to directly determine her development direction from the beginning. At the same time, this way of not having a fully developed stand-in will not affect Zuozi. Potential, after being watered by Zuoko's spirit, should be able to grow into a stand-in that is more in line with her character.

Of course, the more important point is the development program set long ago-crossing the river by feeling Zuozi.

Not to mention, it feels really good.

The energy of the substitutes began to be injected into the thorns, and the half-finished substitutes became more and more sturdy. At this time, Zuozi Quanguo was lying on the thorny vines that were constantly wriggling and growing, looking so provocative. Eyeballs, like some kind of tentacles vs magical girls.

The gems were continuously fed to the avatar, and Zuoko's skin began to slowly turn from the original white to a morbid ruddy, and her body temperature began to rise, just like when the avatar was awakened by blood under normal circumstances.

Feng Xue paid attention to her mental state, but she didn't mean to stop at all. The rose-shaped stand-in became longer and longer, and the scope became larger and larger, but as the part of the flower bud, it never stopped. bloom means.

"No, growth should be enough..." Feng Xue stopped feeding for a while and began to sort out Zuozi's spirit. In the end, he found that the root cause really came from the mismatch between the spirits of the two sides.

The stand-in born of Kujo Hari's lack of fighting spirit is engaged in a bizarre confrontation with Sako's spirit. This confrontation, in easier-to-understand terms, is like the body's lining up during a cold. The same abnormal reaction, in theory, it is no different from the awakening of the substitute.

However, Feng Xue didn't mean to stop all of this, because he gave Zuozi a substitute for the purpose of experimenting how to more efficiently weaken the consciousness of the original subject as much as possible on the premise of obtaining the power of the substitute. Only in this way , Feng Xue can use the stand-ins he hunted more efficiently, instead of using them as Pandora's plug-ins.

Zuozi's body is twitching, and her body temperature is constantly rising. Maybe it's because this world is not related to Naruto World. The aura of the protagonist that comes with her is not very recognized by the world, so she is not like Naruto World's experimental five internal organs. The method of raising the qi succeeded so quickly.

However, Feng Xue did not lack time. He just recorded Zuozi's physical state quietly, then analyzed the current situation, and then gave corresponding solutions according to different situations.

"I said, it's obviously because you fed the substitute too much to the body just now. Now the human spirit can't resist the spirit of the substitute, why don't you just feed her some Diliu?" Fei Luo may feel Feng Confused, Xue suddenly jumped out and suggested calmly.

"No, haven't you tried it before? Emperor Liumao will cause the individual's spirit to expand too much~www.readwn.com~ and the impact of the substitute can easily lead to splits... Wait...don't talk, I seem to have thought of something !" Feng Xue suddenly shouted loudly, not only Fei Luo, but also the black and white sisters were stunned, and then the voice of manipulating Pandora was much quieter.

"Impurities, schizophrenia, shock, mental expansion, sharing..." Feng Xue muttered as if he was enchanted. He seemed to have grabbed the inspiration's tail, but he couldn't catch it no matter what. That feeling made people want to go crazy. .

[A faint inspiration reverberates in your mind, please make an inspiration judgment...]

Goldfinger's voice sounded at this moment, but Feng Xue was not happy at all, because Goldfinger's judgment was absolute, and he was sure that if he failed, everything he thought of before would disappear in an instant.

"Xiao Hei, help me record the key words, schizophrenia, shock, share..." Feng Xuezheng said, suddenly remembering that he was in the imaginary time of the golden finger at this time, his face became more and more difficult to look, seeing the limit of 30 seconds He was about to run out, so he had to resign himself to holding the dice, blowing air, and praying—

[Inspiration 31/75 (Success)] (Phew, it's better.)


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