Unlimited Fraudster

Chapter 341: tangled reincarnator

Feng Xue's plan went smoothly. After the night passed, the remaining five reincarnators fell into a state of mutual suspicion. No one dared to fall asleep, and no one dared to pick up the body on the ground.

Everyone can only stare at each other at the position of sight, because the only thing they can be sure of is that they are not intruders.

Ordinary-level reincarnators are generally still flesh-and-blood mortals. Although they have initially obtained the strength of war level, they still need to rest and replenish energy. Although the time of a night does not seem to be long, when the spirit is highly concentrated, it is Unexpectedly draining energy.

"It can't go on like this. If there are really intruders among us, after we are alert to each other and get mentally exhausted, he can clean up us in one fell swoop in a state of full energy. Maybe this is why he only killed one from the beginning to the end. It's because of people!" The strong man bit the "urgent ration" in his hand, although he was very strong, but with the super power of the magic forbidden system, he was an out-of-the-ordinary mental worker, and he was vigilant for a long time. down, he was the most affected.

"But once you relax, you are very likely to be secretly killed, and it is not realistic to have two or three people in groups, because in a one-on-one situation, the intruders who can choose to enter the plane and have more resources are definitely better than We have to be strong." Xiao Zhengtai shook his head and vomited. Although his brain was good, he was far more sleepy than an adult at this age. After staying up all night, his eyes could hardly be opened.

"It's not about rest, it's not without rest, obviously the body was found yesterday, but no one has loaded it yet. It wasted most of the day, and no one can escape if it goes on like this! Just break up!" The tall and thin man stomped his feet, but Xingmu pouted and said, "Aren't you afraid of being broken one by one?"

The atmosphere became more and more stiff, and the young man who had never had a sense of existence suddenly said, "Why are you looking for the protagonist?"

"How do you say?" Xiao Zheng Taiqiang cheered up and stuffed a piece of chocolate into his mouth to make up for the consumption of his brain.

"The protagonists in this world of Sun Messenger vs. Vampires are all in a group, right? And the protagonist has not appeared in this place where we are now. They need sacred remains, and we just hold them, as long as we pretend to hold the remains. As long as we don’t do anything harmful to the protagonists, we can enjoy their shelter. At least I don’t think the intruders dare to kill in a group of protagonists. Anyway, there is no time limit for this mission. We just need to follow the protagonist group and load the remains in turn. As for the loading order, we just need to draw lots. If there is a random intruder among us, and he gets the body and does not hand it over, then we will not rule out the target, four fights. Afraid of not being able to get one back? You can even ask the protagonists for help!" The young man's proposal made everyone's eyes shine, but Xiao Zhengtai shook his head at this time and said--

"The plan is really good, but it has two fatal flaws."

These words seemed to pour cold water on the head of the reincarnator, and everyone immediately cast their eyes on him, as if he could not give a reasonable explanation, everyone would treat him as a chaotic intruder.

When Xiao Zhengtai saw this, he didn't bother to sell the secret, so he raised a finger and said, "Have you forgotten that the protagonist is on our reward list?"


After a moment of silence, everyone's faces were a little stunned.

Yes, as an object on the bounty list, as long as you kill one, not only will you pass the promotion mission, but you can also return immediately. Even if there is a random intruder, it will not be a big deal! But once someone makes the first move, the remaining people will undoubtedly suffer the blow of the protagonist group and the intruders at the same time and directly destroy the group.

For a while, this seemingly feasible strategy was once again placed in the tentative column by everyone.

"The protagonist is so easy to kill. If we can really kill the protagonist, we should be afraid of an intruder hiding in the dark? Why don't you sign a contract and never take the lead on the people in the protagonist group, even if you want to do it? We have to agree with everyone, so everyone can rest assured, right? As for the intruders, it's actually very simple. When we meet the protagonist group in a while, we will say that one of us may have been replaced by the enemy, so that the intruder kills the protagonist. Or one of us, the others will not be angered, but will help find out the intruders." The young man's mind turned quickly, and Xingmu immediately nodded in agreement. She is currently the most suspicious, and she did not reject this proposal at all. The reason, in any case, can't be worse than it is now, can it?

Xingmu agreed, and the strong man agreed immediately. Due to the successive attacks last night, he had become the second suspect.

The two most suspicious people agreed, and the tall and thin man and Xiao Zhengtai naturally had no reason to object. If they objected at this time, 80% of them would be regarded as intruders, right?

"Then the next question is, when will the protagonist appear, and where will he appear?"

"This is simple. The space-time crack is a crossing node. As long as you stay near the space-time crack, the protagonist will definitely be able to find it. Before that, let's draw lots to decide the order of the remains."


"Master, they really decided to follow the protagonist group."

"Isn't that for sure? If they don't do this~www.readwn.com~, it will take two days for everyone to have a nervous breakdown. If that's the case, then we'll just use the [Grey Tower] to stab them all to death. It's gone." Feng Xue curled her lips and said, although the substitutes are invisible, they will "materialize" for a short time when they launch an attack. Although they are still invisible, they already have a form and will bring wind pressure. It will also make a sound, and it may be possible for ordinary people to sneak attack, but if they climb to this realm and cannot find it before the attack hits, then this group of reincarnators is too watery.

In fact, if the man named Uncle Li didn't relax his vigilance in order to remove the saint's body yesterday, Pandora's son wouldn't have the chance to inject the vampire essence into his body.

"But in this case, we won't be able to do it, right?" Xiaobai muttered twice, and then controlled Pandora to continue to split the daughter body, Pandora's daughter body will also be worn out, especially the mosquito body used for suicide attacks, It is made to be as fragile as real mosquitoes, otherwise, as long as it is looked at, it will be noticed that something is wrong.

"Silly girl, if we still need to do something at this time, it's too much to look down on these guys. Don't worry, it won't take long for a big guy to help us solve it!" Feng Xue rubbed the little one lovingly. Bai's face, and then patted his little head, before turning around and walking towards the laboratory, some things need to be covered by rain and dew!


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