Unlimited Fraudster

Chapter 377: I am a good person

The marshal who was stimulated by Feng Xue frantically waved his arms, and the small sea devils that kept multiplying came up one after another.

However, this was one of Feng Xue's plans. At the moment when these sea demons gathered, Saber finally stabbed the sword in his hand——

"Wind King Hammer!"

With a loud shout, the enchantment of the Wind King wrapped around the Sword of Oath of Victory was sprayed out in an instant, and the violent airflow directly swept away the sea devil in front, opening a short passage between Feng Xue and Caster. .

"I see!" A gleam of light flashed in Feng Xue's eyes. At this moment, the exoskeleton auxiliary armor constructed by Pandora burst out with excellent auxiliary ability, pushing the muscle strength that could only reach B level in a short time even if it broke out, to close to degree of A.

He exerted force under his feet, and the air in front of him instantly became sticky. With a certain feeling of breaking through the restraint, the sturdy armor also began to vibrate violently. Feng Xuezhi's speed was again two points faster, and even the explosion in his ear The loud voice was also left behind.

However, all of this happened too suddenly. In just a few tenths of a second, Feng Xue had already crossed the distance of tens of meters. It was also thanks to his own B-level agility, otherwise it would be difficult for him to move. catch.

But he finally reacted. At the speed of breaking through the sound, Feng Xue stretched out his hand, as if he had experienced thousands of times of practice. hand.

Even without the character panel, Feng Xue's skill at 70 still played to the level it should have.

"Pandora, start scanning!" Feng Xue jumped out three to five meters with the thin human book with few pages, and at the same time directly disturbed the dragon vein of Lalaiye text with his own five elements and seven energy.

As the supply of magic power was disrupted, the regeneration of the small sea monsters also came to an end. Feng Xue turned the pages of the book as fast as the wind blowing in his hands. While Pandora scanned every page clearly, he did not rush into it. The young child's soul, which is the processing center of the small sea devil, was buckled.

The Luoyu City textbook was only dozens of pages, and it was completely recorded in an instant. The whole process did not even take more than three seconds, until the marshal realized that his Noble Phantasm had been taken away, and it was only a moment.

However, the Noble Phantasm itself is an existence with the heroic spirit. Unless you have a Noble Phantasm with the characteristics of capturing such as knights who never died with their hands (father-in-law), civilization erosion (king), and Usurper of the Wind (Vengeance Sea). As long as the Heroic Spirit's thoughts move, the Noble Phantasm will return to his hands.

(There is a very interesting idea here, that is, what would happen if the sea of ​​vengeance, the king and the father-in-law held a branch at the same time, and by extension, what if the three people shook hands?)

However, although the Noble Phantasm was back in his hands, the young child's soul, which was the sacrifice and the core of intelligence, had disappeared. The C-rank marshal without a familiar was no match for Saber at all. After a little thought, he stared at that Huge eyes looked at Feng Xue——

"You **** you **** you bastard..."

Along with his loud scream, bright red blood spurted on the ground, and the liquid transformed by the small sea devil shrouded him in an instant. Whether it was vision, hearing or other perceptions, all lost their locks at this moment. The blood mist dissipated, and Caster had lost sight of him.

"I've got the stuff. After Kariya's hero saves the beauty, let Ryunosuke and Caster leave the stage." Feng Xue in the armor contacted Xiao Hei through Pandora's built-in microphone, and no one knew about it. , the fate of Ryunosuke and Caster has been arranged.

"Damn! What a despicable fellow!" Saber waved his sword to dispel the blood mist, and the anger on his face was still unstoppable. Feng Xue just waved his hand indifferently, and then took out a scarlet stone from his pocket. .

I saw him turning the armor on his body back into a big sword, and then he drew a strange circle on the blood-stained ground.

"Caster, what are you doing?" Saber looked at Feng Xue warily, she didn't forget that the man in front of her was also her enemy, and he seemed to be coveting Irisviel.

"It's nothing, just resurrect those children." Feng Xue put the bright red gemstone in the center of the circle, as if he wasn't talking about resurrection, but lunch at noon——

"It's just the soldiers who died on the battlefield. After all, when they go to the battlefield, they should have the consciousness to die, but these children are different. They are just innocent people who have been involved and should not bear the price of war. ."

"You're right, but resurrection..." Saber stared at Feng Xue's movements, while letting go of her intuition and magic perception. As long as she felt Feng Xue's movement, she would immediately release the vow of victory. Sword, right?

But Feng Xue didn't change. He just picked the flesh and blood scattered all over the place and put it into the circle, and then put his hands together.

"It's done!" With Feng Xue's loud shout, the young child's soul, which was previously used as the control center of the miniature sea demon, was fully activated, mixed with the flesh and blood fragments that Feng Xue picked up and all kinds of organic matter in the forest, and then Under the red electric light, the bodies of young children were constructed one after another.

"This is..." Saber looked at the miraculous scene in front of him and looked at Feng Xue in disbelief~www.readwn.com~ Just before, Bluebeard summoned a large number of sea demons and confirmed the opponent's Noble Phantasm After that book, she even had this thought in her mind that was Caster, but at this moment, that thought had gone with the wind. Compared with summoning a familiar with props, she could complete the resurrection of the dead by just relying on a circular formation. The existence of such a miracle deserves the name of Caster.

"As you can see, the human body is made of human body, but I don't think the environment in this forest is suitable for children, so let them fall asleep for the time being." Feng Xue waved his hand and pointed at the blood-stained ground with some disgust. "Anyway, this is just the periphery of Einzbern, even if I leave behind these children, your Master should have time to investigate, but this is what caused you trouble, so The aftermath of the children is yours! Anyway, they are all recently lost children, so I really don't bother to hand them over to the police station..."

After Feng Xue finished speaking, she turned around and disappeared in place...

Saber looked at the sleeping children all over the floor with a slightly hesitant look on her face. The shadow of "Berserker" buried in the child's body was still vivid in her eyes, which made it difficult for her to bring these children back to the castle. .

After struggling for a long time, she finally sighed and started to contact Emiya Kiritsugu... But then again, what happened to the intruder on the other side?

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