Unlimited Fraudster

Chapter 410: spare tire

"How dare I do this!" Matou Shinji smiled bitterly. Even if he really thought so in his heart, it was impossible to admit it, right?

In fact, the reason why he chose this time for the showdown was that the three Command Spells in his hand accounted for a large proportion. Although he also understood that it was impossible to make the opponent commit suicide through the Command Spell like an ordinary heroic spirit, but there were three Command Spells in his hand. If it is, it is not difficult to delay for a while if it is ordered not to move, stay away from me, and become a spiritual body. If the situation is really bad, he will at least have a chance to escape while the command spell is in hand.

"Whether you dare not or not, let me remind you that the entire Holy Grail Command Spell system was developed by me. Do you think there is no one behind me?" Feng Xue rolled his eyes, but he clearly felt Matou Shinji floated an immortal spirit power indicator on his body.

He didn't lie, because now the Command Spell of the Holy Grail system was indeed developed by him. If it is for other Heroic Spirits, even for Saber with the highest magic power, it can still make her pout and bend down, but if you dare to use him against Feng Snow himself, the consequence is to directly turn into a stone.

Yes, after all, the triggering Sage Stone is buried in the Command Spell to form a formation.

Matou Shinji was suspicious, and even thought that the other party was bluffing, but he didn't dare to gamble, at least before the other party made an attack.

So, he sighed and turned the topic back to the original track——

"You didn't kill them directly like a normal intruder, which means you can communicate, right?"

"Well, for smart people, I can communicate, but the weak have no value in survival." Feng Xue nodded, her tone unceremonious, Shen Er couldn't help laughing twice, saying "of course", as for what was in his heart Think about it, that's another story.

"Since that's the case, can you tell me the purpose of your coming in this time? We are still alive at this time, you shouldn't just plan to hunt reincarnators, right?"

Shinji didn't ask the whereabouts of the thorny yellow hair, and he should have understood with his **** that the intruder in front of him did not arrest others but caught him. It must be that he touched a sensitive issue intentionally or unintentionally, whether it was the ultimate goal or not. Well, it's still a weakness that he may be jealous of. It's not something he can inquire about at this time. In other words, once he inquires, it means that he should die.

"The purpose? Of course there is." Feng Xue spread out his hands, showing a smile like the final boss, "I want the root cause, do you believe it?"

"..." Matou Shinji was silent again. It's hard to describe what the root cause is. The first cause, the starting point of all things, the ultimate knowledge, the complete existence... These words can only be approached, but It cannot be completely described, because the infinite itself needs to be defined by the finite, and the existence of the ultimate needs to be set off without the ultimate, but the root is a state of existence that cannot be measured at all, so the description of this word will always be You can only approach, but not reach.

The ultimate pursuit of the magician of the Moon type is to reach the root, but in Shinji's view, the meaning of the other party's words is not just to reach.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but think of the tempering formation in Matou Kariya's hand, which made him suddenly think how close the truth of the steel world is to the so-called root.

It's just that truth itself has a certain personification or deification, but the source does not. Although it has the special existence of the source, it itself is only the outflow of the source. The source is the source, but it is not the source itself.

The Flask villain can use the land to refine the massive sage's stone and take the truth as his own. Can the intruder in front of him also get the root in the same way?

Or go one step further and completely swallow the source of unconsciousness?

Thinking of this, Shinji shook his head again. Although the root of this world has no personality, it has two major restraints, Alaya and Gaia. If you try to swallow the root, there is no reason for the two not to interfere, unless...

Shinji's thoughts stopped here, because he didn't dare to think any more.

unless what?

Unless you have the power and means to destroy the planet and destroy all human beings, only in this way can it be enough to deter Alaya and Gaia.

The immortal spirit power indicator on Matou Shinji has faded, and Feng Xue's evaluation of this person is two higher. If not, the possibility is completely denied.

All in all, it's cowardly.

Feng Xue has been an intruder for decades, and has cultivated a Zuozi, but Zuozi's disadvantage is that she is too easy to swell, perhaps because she has helped her too much, this woman seems to have determined that she is the son of destiny/ Now that she is a girl, even if Feng Xue doesn't have many opportunities to really contact her, she is aware of the "recklessness" that is buried in her subconscious.

If you are too reckless, it is easy to be beaten to death. Even if Zuozi came all the way under Feng Xue's help, but the reincarnator's road, the further back, the greater the danger encountered, if it is only In the early stage, even if he was recklessly dead, Feng Xue would be able to revive him with a single slap of both hands, but in the later stage, he could play with his soul when he met any big boss, and if he died, he would really die.

It was precisely after realizing this that Feng Xue planned to find a spare tire so that if Zuozi killed himself, there would be new "stones" to touch. Of course, this did not mean that he gave up on Zuozi. , if there is a chance, he will conduct a head-to-toe, thorough adjustment and education for Zuozi to ensure that her inflated subconsciousness will be corrected back, just be afraid, before that, Zuozi will play Dead ~www.readwn.com~ Seeing Feng Xue seems to be lost in thought, Shenji gritted his teeth, tried to activate the return permission several times, but lowered his arm again, after a while, he finally made a decision: "I don't know. Do you need my help?"

"Oh?" Feng Xue raised his eyebrows, "What do you think you can help me with?"

Matou Shinji wanted to speak, but suddenly found that he really didn't have any bargaining chips, and the other party probably already had the information of the reincarnator. If it is true that there is a backhand in the Command Spell as he said, then other Heroic Spirits and Masters will also Also under his control, the conversation with Emiya Kiritsugu today is probably inseparable from Illya, which means that the outcome of the Holy Grail War has actually been decided.

"I don't know, you have already made a comprehensive plan. I really don't understand why you keep us reincarnators." Matou Shinji seemed to be resigned to his fate. Live sacrifices and other things are sacrificed, but if you think about it carefully, if even the missing yellow hair is still alive, I am afraid that there is only a possibility of living sacrifices, right?

"Would you like to fight?" At this time, Shen Er only felt that this return authority was so useless, and swore in his heart that if he could go back alive, he would immediately participate in the elite reincarnation assessment!

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