Unlimited Fraudster

Chapter 427: The name of the new ability is called [Gift].

"Oh, it looks like you don't want to die as you say..." Feng Xue grinned, her tone full of teasing.

"I want to die, not crazy!" c.c. looked at Feng Xue with strange eyes, and his face was full of disbelief.

Just at the moment when the spirit was in harmony, she felt that countless information was pouring into her mind, and the endless information was definitely not what the human brain could carry. With the feeling that it is about to melt, what is in this man's mind?

"Crazy? You've lived enough anyway, wouldn't it be better to change the perspective of a lunatic?" Feng Xue rolled her eyes at her indifferently, and then began to check the changes in her body.

The previous contract can be said to be a failure or a success. The failure is because he did not connect to the c world, nor did he lead his own wishes, and the success was because he did gain a power similar to geass.

But not relying on c world, but relying on himself.

Through c.c., Feng Xue learned the truth of geass and the basic principles of geass.

To put it simply, every human being in this world seems to be a computer, and the c world is the Internet that connects every computer in series.

As for this geass, it is the equivalent of a computer virus.

Geass holders can use this computer virus to invade other people's computers and control them according to the type of virus. For example, Lolo is the emergency stop of the program, Lelouch is making broilers, Charles is modifying the system log, and Orange Jun's anti-geass is is antivirus software.

Although it is still unclear what connects the human spirits of this world into the Internet, that itself is also one of Feng Xue's goals in this world.

What's more interesting now is that the geass he got is probably because the contract has not been completed. Feng Xue's geass is only a half-finished product, and it is a half-finished product stuck at the beginning, which directly causes his geass to have no specific ability. You can only project your own will through your sight.

To put it simply, it is a skill of private chatting with eyes, and you can only speak for yourself, and there is no way to obtain other people's ideas.

But when this ability fell into Feng Xue's hands, the function was a bit terrifying, because Feng Xue's sanity value was zero! He is a monster that can even pollute the evil of this world in reverse, and the things in his mind are enough to let the human beings all over the world reduce the san value together! This means that when he activates geass, all those who look at him will undertake a san evaluation of the Outer God level (success minus 1d10, failure minus 1d100), and the number of times has not been activated.

What's more, because this geass is only a semi-finished product, it is only a spiritual interaction, so even the c.c. code is not immune. According to Feng Xue's speculation, even if he leaves the c world environment, he can still use his own spiritual power. to use.

"Why do I feel like I'm becoming more and more like a mythical creature... So is the investigator's ultimate form a mythical creature? What is this? He has finally become the one he hates the most?" Feng Xue vomited inwardly. Slot, but still had that nervous smile on his face, and also showed c.c. the bird pattern in his eyes.

"Although there are a few twists and turns, but it seems to have succeeded." c.c. was relieved, and finally did not need to do it again. The moment she saw this man's chaotic spiritual world, she understood that this person has the ability to achieve her own. wish, but if she were asked to do it again... please forgive her for refusing.

"Let's call it a success for now. In terms of ability, it seems to be good, but how do I kill you?" Feng Xue raised her eyebrows and looked left and right at the woman on the prairie, as if she was thinking of some bad idea.

"When the time comes, you will naturally know, but before that, I will stay by your side and wait for that moment to come." c.c. stood up and patted the dust on his body, regaining his proud queen-like appearance again. Feng Xue didn't care about her posture, she just nodded and said:

"It's no problem, or even if you want to leave, it's impossible. After all, I'm in this business, but if I take you in, there must be an excuse... But the original purpose of robbing the laboratory was to tell lies, um, you should You wouldn't mind helping to tell a lie or two, would you?"

"Of course, at the moment of signing the contract, we were accomplices." c.c. said sultry lines indifferently, but Feng Xue smiled when she heard the words——

"Do you want to be an accomplice with me? Do you think you can bear it? I am a man whose goal is to destroy the world!"

"Destroy the world? Do you think you can do it?" c.c. seems to have heard something interesting, and the corners of his mouth are raised like a cat, "Even if you have a **** in your mind, even if you have the ability to project **** into reality strength?"

(The author likes cat-like women, well, except for the orange cat)

"That's what I originally planned. In contrast, you and this power are the surprises." Feng Xue spread out his hands, then took out the experimental paper as a disguise from his pocket and threw it to c.c.——

"You should be a smart person. After reading this, you should probably know my plan."

"Huh?" c.c. took over the experimental paper with a bit of curiosity~www.readwn.com~ turned a few pages and revealed an interested look, "Self-evolution, self-replication, self-proliferation, and the perfection of dual properties of metal and biology at the same time Cells...that is, you already have samples, but there is no reasonable reason to take them out, so you just robbed the Britannia lab and killed all the researchers?"

"You really are very smart, so do you know how to act?" Feng Xue took the experimental paper and stuffed it back into her pocket, obviously testing c.c.

"That's all said, do you think I'm stupid? I'm the body of this strange cell, right? Well, the biological tissue extracted from the immortal people is a good gimmick!"

"That's it." Feng Xue snapped her fingers, with a "I'm very satisfied" expression, "As long as you don't leave my sight, I won't restrict your behavior too much, so you'd better not do something. Things that make you and I feel uncomfortable, understand?"

"Although it was an accident, it seems that I met an interesting man!" c.c. narrowed his eyes and stretched out his hands.

"Oh? What are you doing?" Feng Xue pretended to be puzzled and asked, but c.c. responded as a matter of course, "I should still be a prisoner now? Have you ever seen a prisoner go by himself?"

"I didn't expect you to still have such a hobby, but for the sake of your being in my strike zone, I will satisfy you!" Feng Xue nodded, and in c.c.'s surprised eyes, she re-bundled her into a zongzi, and then looked like It's like carrying a chicken.

"I just want you to tie your hands!" c.c. thought a little crazy, but she quickly realized that this man was definitely doing it on purpose.

If you want to ask why, because if the two change, she will do the same...

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