Unlimited Fraudster

Chapter 446: leave method

"Are you going to live here forever?" c.c. leaned in Feng Xue's arms and muttered dissatisfiedly, she was too lazy to pay attention to Feng Xue who regarded her as some kind of inflatable product, anyway, in her opinion, this man is so Slam it down, sooner or later you will get tired.

However, it was probably hard for her to imagine that Feng Xue had been having **** for ten years...

However, Feng Xue did not have any thoughts about the issue of c.c., she paused for a while, and then said with a smile:

"It's not possible for a lifetime or something, but in this situation, it's useless just for us to go out. We won't go out until people outside realize where we are!"

"So, where is this place? It seems to be similar to World C, but it is subtly different when you feel it carefully."

"Well, it should be said that it is my soul world? Or the mental image world? Consciousness world? In short, it is similar, right? But because my soul is relatively special, it has a body, so we are probably locked in it... ..." Feng Xue spread out her hands and found that c.c. began to slide, and immediately hugged it again.

"Can't you chat normally? No matter how thirsty you are, you don't have to be like this all the time, right?" c.c. is very dissatisfied with the constant back and forth in his loopholes, not dissatisfied with the feeling of being treated as an inflatable product, but dissatisfied He was obviously being toyed with, but he would be inexplicably happy.

"It's been eaten to the death! This **** spiritual link!" c.c. cursed inwardly, but her face was calm, she obviously forgot that Feng Xue could sense her mood swings... Of course , She may also be deliberately pretending that she forgot to avoid embarrassment, right?

"It's not that I'm hungry, it's just that this is the best way to link, otherwise if they finally find out where we are, it will be a big trouble if the time is staggered!"

"So where exactly is this place!" c.c. asked again. Normally, since it is a soul, it must be in the body, but Feng Xue said that his soul has a body, so he is not sure. Maybe this guy usually uses his soul as a **** toy or something? Anyway, with the current state of this product, c.c. feels that his guesses are not deviating from reality.

"In your body..." Feng Xue sighed, "Don't you think our state is weird? It's obviously in my soul world, but at the same time I can feel your body, plus the special nature of my soul itself. Sex, probably at the time of the previous synchronization, the golden core... well, that is, the soul accidentally flew into your body, so when will my superego find the golden core on you, and then perform double cultivation through negative distance contact Engineering, we can go back when we reach an agreement inside and outside the same frequency. Of course, even if we don't find out, as long as our bodies have a relationship, we can go back as well, so I have to keep the link state all the time to avoid missing opportunities. ."

"Why do you always think it's a plot that will only appear in certain places?" c.c. raised her eyebrows, she is not an innocent girl, but an old Siji who has played everything for hundreds of years.

"Sa, who knows?" Feng Xue turned his head away, who made him now only have the technique of adjusting and educating the black and white sisters to realize the dual cultivation method? After all, it is impossible for him to make a tempering formation within his golden core to temper himself...


"So you mean that my golden core is likely to be uploaded to the c world together with consciousness?" Super me Feng Xue pressed Ritsuko's shoulder and widened his eyes.

"It's only possible, in fact, according to our research, the c world is actually a bioelectric field, which is not the same as the alaya you brought back from the moon world. If alaya is a mysterious personification of group thinking , then the c world of this world is a wireless network connected by the radio waves that emanate unconsciously, and there is no subjective consciousness itself, and there is no **…”

"I'm not having an academic discussion with you now! Talk about the key points!" Feng Xue, the superego, tapped his head hard. He finally understood why Nero couldn't adapt to the C-order. In a state of headache, even if you have a brain in your head The world doesn't have that experience to think about at all!

"The point is that the c world is made up of the magnetic field generated by the special mineral sakura stone, and you are not a person from this world, even if you exist, your essence is not, there is nothing in your body for people in this world. It's like calcium in the bones, so in essence, you are a computer with a completely different core principle (others are binary, you are ternary, others are electrical signals, you are Vibration signal). In this case, the possibility of your soul being uploaded to the c world is very low, but it is the only possibility." Ritsuko has contacted two brain experts, Makase Kurisu and Kiyama Haruo. Help, but everyone is unanimously determined that Feng Xue's body is scientifically speaking, and there is no problem.

As I said before, people in this world are like computers, and the c world is the Internet~www.readwn.com~ But the difference is that these computers can only upload passively because they have no network protocol. Download anything.

Code is a special case. As the only two physical ports on this network, they can be used as a place similar to a usb interface, allowing computers with standard performance to download special Internet programs (or viruses) through a special protocol, and pass wifi. The way the link affects other computers.

In theory, if these computers are always connected to wifi, they keep uploading all the time, uploading everything to the Internet, but Feng Xue does not receive such wifi components, so his uploading behavior is incredible. .

To put it bluntly, it is as strange as an old-fashioned big brother connected to wifi inexplicably, and the phone book was uploaded to the network.

"So the only possibility is c.c.? Because of some interactive behavior, I was connected to the network through this physical interface, resulting in the upload of consciousness? Well, it seems that the woman needs to restore her memory first..." Chao I, Feng Xue, tapped my head hard, turned around and walked towards my room...


"Master, you're back!" Seeing Feng Xue entering the door, c.c. immediately came over, helped him take off his shoes and coat, and then looked at Feng Xue with a weak bunny's eyes——

"Master, yesterday was the first time. I have no experience, and I will definitely not today. So, don't throw me away, okay?"

Saying that, the slave c.c. clumsily took off the straitjacket that looked troublesome, but Feng Xue, the superego, looked impatient—

"This is not..."

"No, what's not? If you have fun, you can push it!"

Well, the ego kicks the superego right away when it hears it's having fun...

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