Unlimited Fraudster

Chapter 458: Sword 1 in action

"Mr. Jianyi, Lelouch is back..." A boy in Ashford College uniform reported with dull eyes, and Jian Yi, who was dressed as an Ashford College teacher, nodded immediately, "I see, It's none of your business."

As soon as Jian waved his hand, the student turned and left. Not long after he left, the young student was stunned—"Uh, why am I here? Forget it, don't care, the dormitory will close in a while!"

On the other hand, Jian Yi, who was wearing a teacher's uniform, had already walked inside Ashford College. Of course he didn't get the teacher's status in this school, but that didn't mean he couldn't dress like this.

After the world of jojo, Jian Yi had the habit of changing clothes in any world, not to mention whether the characters in the plot can notice him or not, and it is good to avoid the sight of the intruders, not to mention, when he takes the initiative to interact Wearing a suitable outfit can also make the rationalization buff of Omega's consciousness more convenient.

(Simply put, if you wear a suit of armor, if you find someone to communicate with, the other party will subconsciously rationalize your dress, thinking that you are an oser or a middle-aged person, but if you wear a teacher's uniform, the other party will treat you as someone who doesn't know you. Teacher, the disadvantage is that if the other party knows the teachers of the whole school, it will attract attention to break the rationalization buff of the Omega plane)

But now Jian Yi obviously did not intend to interact, he just gently pulled out the cork of a small gourd in his pocket.

At this moment, Lu Luxiu, who had just returned to the student union, had a faint wisp of dust floating on his body. The dust seemed to have melted into the wind, passed through a distance of thousands of meters, and finally condensed into a small ball that fell. In the small gourd in the pocket of Jian Yi who had been waiting for a long time.

"Photo Gu on the self-cultivation side, this thing can't be seen by means of the technology side, right?" Jian Yi was secretly proud in his heart, but on the surface he still seemed to be wandering. He knew that Shen Er was probably monitoring him in some way, so Everything is done very covertly.

Calmly returning to the station, Jian Yi took out an incense burner, then poured the "mud ball" in the small gourd into the incense burner, and then lit it with a fire. It's incense.

The ball of mud burned slowly, Jian Yi sat cross-legged beside the incense burner, wisps of blue smoke got into his nose and mouth, and then in his sea of ​​consciousness, he constructed a realistic illusion——

That's exactly what Lelouch is going through today.

A human-dominant scroll, a set of photo Gu, the total value is more than 10,000 reward points, and if you replace it with toilet paper, it will be 300 scrolls! Enough for a reincarnator to eat four dishes and one soup for more than half a month!

But all this consumption is just to get a little information.

But spending it here, Jian Yi felt that it was very worthwhile, because he had already made up his mind that this world could not go back alive.

Since I can't survive, no matter how much things in the space bag are swallowed by the Omega plane, I don't need to keep it for the New Year, right? Well, it seems like I can't live to celebrate the New Year...

So, after learning that Lu Luxiu was going to go to the research institute with Karen today, Jian Yi took a risk and placed a Gu on Lu Luxiu at the school gate, and then used the dominant human to catch a student who was at the school gate to help monitor , I finally got Lelouch's activities for the whole day today.

Then, he was stunned.

"What kills human beings all over the world is really a lie! This is definitely the legendary eva? What about the λ-driver system, that is actually the at force field? (In fact, it is really λ-driver, sword One is preconceived, after all, λ-driver does not have the ability to make everyone understand each other Jian Yi screamed wildly in his heart, but he didn't dare to make a sound at all, he could only try his best to hold the fear in his heart.

As the young master of Jiange, Jian Yi has been taught the secret information of the family since he was a child, and of course he also understands the general information of eva.

Although the size of the body in Lelouch's memory has decreased, and the cockpit structure is slightly different, both the characteristics of the biological mecha and the nt plan he described are the same as the human completion plan in the eva intelligence. As for the discrepancy, it is probably that Naoto Hongyue was deceiving him, right?

No, no, if it is really spiritual sympathy, then the deception will definitely be detected, so there is only one truth - this Kazuki Naoto is just a pretense, just a spokesperson introduced by Matou Shinji!

I originally suspected that Naoto might be an intruder, but now it seems that Matou Shinji, who handed things over to him, didn't tell the truth at all, right?

But this is also right, Matou Shinji can't tell the other party, "This technology is used to destroy all human beings", right?

The more Jian Yi thought about it, the more scared he became, but at the same time he was also inexplicably excited. Obviously, this world could not have the technology to make EVA, so the so-called EVA body was probably brought in by Matou Shinji, maybe not the whole one, but at least the original There are strains, in other words—

Get this stuff and you can give it away!

As soon as this idea appeared, it was like a little spark on the winter grassland, which instantly ignited a raging fire.

At this moment, Jianyi seems to have found his way to survive. Yes, as long as he can get the original plant, he can send out the information about the rise of him and Matou Shinji, even if the family who got such valuable information is just for the sake of the daughter If you buy horse bones, you will definitely revive yourself, not to mention that your father is still a Jiange talker?

Jian Yi's thoughts became more and more excited, but soon, he calmed down again, because it was too difficult to get the original plant.

"I'm under complete surveillance now, and even just approaching the research institute may arouse the vigilance of Lan Lingzhi... Forget it~www.readwn.com~ I'm sure I'm going to die anyway, no matter how much I pay!" Jian Yi exerted force. He gritted his teeth and made a very difficult decision, but now is not the best time to start, all he can do is wait...


What Jian Yi didn't know was that everything he did was under Feng Xue's surveillance. Although he didn't understand the specific structure of the Gu worm, it was still very easy to find out that there was a foreign object on Lu Luxiu's body based on his perception of the dragon veins.

Therefore, he simply planned on the plan. While telling the plan (on the surface), he attached some ultimate creatures to the Gu worms. Although the Gu worms are very high-end, but they are not lethal, they can't get rid of those ultimate creatures. They can only Passively brought back the ultimate creature, and finally was actively incorporated into the body by Jian Yi.

Yes, Feng Xue didn't plan to fight with Jian Yiming from the beginning.

Jian Yi is a swordsman. He has been trained in the sword pavilion since he was a child, and has digested an A-level or even S-level plot gem. No one knows how strong his true strength is. Although Feng Xue is confident of destroying the star, but Gao Wu is this Things never make sense. If Jian Yi mastered the fifteenth sword of the Thirteen Swords of Death, or the twenty-three swords of the Heaven-destroying Jedi or something, Feng Xue could only perish even if he blew up the earth.

Although such a possibility is very small, Feng Xue has deeply understood the importance of following his heart since he experienced the failure of Jojo's world back then. Without absolute certainty, he will never contact his goal with his body!

He will only constantly put pressure on Jian Yi, let him weaken himself, and finally, together with his family, use the most terrifying and **** means to completely erase it!

Let the enemy die ignorantly in endless fear, this is revenge!

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