Unlimited Fraudster

Chapter 477: A tow bottle is also a must

"Why did my brother agree to them? We obviously don't need the help of the six families in the capital." On the way back, Kalian said angrily, but Feng Xue was a funny standout:

"Karen, people from this country of Neon, the cognition of bloodlines can be said to be something deep to the core, even if it is me, it is not because of the name of the Hongyue family that I convened the original team. Is it? If we have the banner of the six Kyoto families, or even the neon royal family, we will at least not have problems in name, especially in terms of communication with other countries.”

"Other countries? Don't other countries have a good relationship with us now?" Kalian asked a little stupidly, Feng Xue sighed suddenly, he wanted Lu Luxiu to explain for him, but Lu Luxiu had seen Tongyuan Taisan's relationship didn't come at all today. Looking at Yucheng and Fan Yao, they were also puzzled. They could only explain:

"It's actually very simple. At present, the relationship between other countries and us is based on our identity as a 'justice partner'. In short, they only treat us as a civil armed group, and their goodwill is also limited to Within this identity, once we want to truly overthrow the rule of Britannia, the sign above our heads will become 'Brittanian Opposition', which is called a revolution in a good way, or a bad thing. Rebellion, under the general environment, no country will support the rebel group, even if they will give some support secretly, but they will never admit it on the surface, even the EU, which is currently in trouble with Britannia, will not. , this is the tacit understanding between the great powers.”

Speaking of this, Feng Xue paused, as if waiting for everyone to digest what he said. Feng Xue is really a little helpless towards these current senior leaders of the Red Moon Group. The political education of the Neon people is ridiculously bad. Ten years after the war, he never went to school. In his eyes, this group of people is simply illiterate. Even if Fan wants to be a teacher, he is still illiterate! Revolutionary illiterate! Political illiteracy!

Feng Xue could almost imagine what would happen when Fan became the head of the Neon in the original book—80% of all the decrees were issued by his first lady from Britannia, right?

Fortunately, Lelouch in this world is not as brainless as in the original...

Feng Xue thought so in her heart, and explained it patiently:

"It's like the ancient rebellion of the big country in the west always had to support the youngest son of a previous king to be the emperor, and then rely on the emperor to make the princes. We also need such a name. In short, if I am the heir of the neon royal family, then The reason for our war will change from simply overthrowing Britannia to taking back our own territory. Now that Prime Minister Shumu has died, and Shumu Suzaku has become the dog of the Britannia, he can take Kagura Emperor Ye is the only one who has raised this banner."

"Even if she's just a teenage girl in addition to her bloodline?" Karen said in disbelief.

"Yes, even if it is only blood, it is the same. This is how the world is. With blood, your independence is justifiable, and you are qualified to speak on the international stage and to represent countries that have 'perished' and establish diplomatic relations with other countries. Accept the help of the other party justifiably, but if you don't, you are just a terrorist. Even if you succeed in independence in the end, you will have to endure a long period of resistance. At that time, countless people will cause us trouble in the name of restoration. I can even imagine Those who lied about having the authentic blood of the neon royal family came to the door, and they could also think that the trash Shumu Suzaku would denounce us under the control of the Britannia..." Feng Xue nodded, fanning for this time. He also reacted, and slammed the palm of his hand hard to—

"So that's the case, Jiang Lihua, the current emperor of the Chinese Federation, is like this, right? In fact, he has no real power, just a temporary name, but as long as he is there, those eunuchs and powerful ministers can easily rule those who have the ability but no status. general……"

"That's it." Feng Xue nodded, but before she could leave the safe house of the six families in the capital, a little girl suddenly stopped in front of several people. She was wearing a traditional white kimono with a The exquisite headdress, although only fourteen or fifteen years old, looks quite graceful and soft, and the black long and straight head is in the middle of Feng Xue's strike zone.

"Mr. Hongyue (but that), I hope to visit your 'underground kingdom' with you." The girl did not intend to introduce herself, but said directly.

"Master Tongyuan agrees?" Feng Xue raised his eyebrows, and the others immediately understood the true identity of the little girl in front of them. At the same time, they also felt ashamed that they spoke ill of others behind their backs but were caught on the spot.

"Compared with this place that will be searched at any time, Duke Kirihara also feels that the underground kingdom that has not been discovered so far is safer." Kagura Huangye blinked playfully, innocent and pure.

"Alright, but we came here this time as a research institute, so we will leave first, and you will go with Kalian in a while." As soon as Feng Xue's voice fell, Kalian was stunned for a moment. She seemed to want to refuse, but she wanted to. After a moment, he could only nod his head.

"I'm fine." Kagura Huangye didn't think there was anything wrong. Instead, he thought that being careful was the way to do it. He nodded cheerfully. Feng Xue didn't say much, and brought Fan Yao and Yucheng to the research institute. The member with the security status got into the business car, and ran two more business cooperation appointments along the way, and then returned to the research institute~www.readwn.com~ At this time, Kagura Huangye was already in Feng Xue. waiting in the office for a long time.


Taking the secret elevator, Kagura Huangye felt that his heartbeat had more than doubled. It was obvious that the elevator was descending rapidly, but there was no tendency to slow down, as if it was going straight into hell.

As the unease and excitement in her heart intertwined, Kagura Huangye's palms and back began to sweat, and almost when she was nervous about fainting, the elevator finally began to slow down.

The steel door slowly opened, and the bright sun-like light caught his eyes. Kagura Emperor Ye, who was already ready to meet the dark underground passage, was flashed, and his eyes were dazzling and he looked at the surrounding situation.

Although there were no human figures in this room, the noisy voices of people were heard from not far away. Under the leadership of Feng Xue, they walked out of the room, but what they saw was a scene like a bustling city——

It was a peaceful scene that she hadn't seen in eight years and belonged to the Neon people.

"Welcome to the Third New Tokyo City - Neon's last stronghold against Britannia."

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