Unlimited Fraudster

Chapter 51: People 1 are easy to die when they are bored

Inexplicably, Sun Yingguang, who seems to be 1,000 points in debt, is actually 4,000 points in debt. At this time, there is no need to say much about the psychological shadow area. Don't think that the debt of 1,000 points is easy to pay back. Being constantly put into new battlefields by Omega consciousness, they have no time to buy intelligence, no time to adapt to strengthening ability, or no money to strengthen at all, and their income will be halved, and the amount of repayment will be doubled. Once, that's four times the difference.

And a newcomer wants to earn 4,000 bonus points...

Thinking that Chotaro is only worth 1,000 reward points, you probably know how much gold this thing has!

With Sun Yingguang's current ability, even if Jiao Talang stops him when he's not in use, he can't beat him. What should I do if I want to get free as soon as possible? Borrow money to strengthen it, but this loan is not a white paper, but as many reward points as you get in one cycle, you can borrow as much as you can. You can pay it off when you reach 2,000 reward points, but you only earned 100 in the last world. In theory, this 100 should go back to the reincarnation space, but the reincarnation space is merciful and allows you to borrow 100. Of course, the book will change. Two hundred, after all, the debt is still doubled! And you are still in a state of halving your income, so the more you borrow, the more profit you will make. Anyway, as long as you start borrowing, few people have been able to climb out of the quagmire.

Of course, Feng Xue didn't know what the child was crying like now. He was just staring at his spoils in a daze.

Since the face of Sun Yingguang was on the face when killing people, the permanent memory ability of the stand-in was not activated, and the reincarnator can be brought back to Austria by the reincarnator except for the equipment (that is, exchange or open from the settlement treasure box after death). Except for the props of the Mijia plane, like Chi Yang's pocket watch and gloves), nothing will be left, and Feng Xue can only watch the slowly disappearing corpse to satisfy the pleasure of successful revenge.

However, this kind of revenge is extremely empty at any time. After a brief sense of excitement, a stronger sense of emptiness permeates Feng Xue's heart. There is only one thought in his heart - it is not enough.

Yes, it's not enough.

A reincarnator who is not even a newcomer, is far from enough to quell the resentment and madness in Feng Xue's heart. Instead, it is like someone who has been hungry for several days eating a small snack that can't even fill the gap between his teeth. Ways to relieve hunger, but it will appear more unbearable.

"No, you have to be patient. The rest of the reincarnators have other uses. They can't be killed... they can't be killed!" Feng Xueqiang endured the killing intent, and suddenly understood Hisoka, the kind of target he desperately wanted to shred. The feeling of being right in front of you, yet being restrained by the immaturity of the time, sucks.

Since the san value had already returned to zero, the psychoanalytic skills could not be activated at all, so Feng Xue could only rely on herself to calm down.

But at this time, he suddenly discovered a problem, that is, a hidden defect of his stand-in, that is, if the dead person is not killed by himself when he activates the stand-in ability, then the memory he saved in the stand-in will be together. Disappearing, it was like the transformed man. Before killing him, Feng Xue kept in contact with him for more than a minute, but after he died, the substitute could no longer pretend to be him.

But at the same time, this also raises a problem, that is, the transformed person does not actually die.

In other words, is this stand-in's ability limited to the current world?

No, it's impossible for the avatar itself to have any connection with the world. Otherwise, after leaving Jojo's world, it is impossible for the avatar to be used again.

But soon, Feng Xue stopped thinking about it, because he suddenly remembered that the substitute and the ability to read are both very idealistic things. In theory, cells that are still active can be sucked out of a living human body. Coincidentally, there is also a strange situation where Jousuke cannot use a stand-in for himself, but can use it on his own blood.

If you insist on explaining it, it can only be as Chrollo said, which is essentially a subtle difference brought about by the cognition and habits of the capable person.

Abandoning this kind of **** that would never yield results, Feng Xue wandered around the island swayingly, practicing the skills he had acquired during his great success in sneaking before.

Although it was just an unrepeatable flash of inspiration, the path forward that has been pointed out is obviously much faster than exploring it yourself.

Full-wavelength simulation is too difficult, so first simulate light waves to make optical camouflage. After all, it is much easier to deceive vision than to deceive other things.

If someone was nearby at this time, they would find that Feng Xue was like an octopus, with strange lights flashing all over his body, colorful and dizzying.

These rays of light are not intentional by Feng Xue. On the contrary, this is more like a failed work. To achieve the effect of the wind flow method of the man in the pillar of the original book with pure ripples, a lot of optical knowledge is required. To integrate his own fluctuations into the fluctuations of light, so that he can truly hide his figure.

However, during this act, Feng Xue suddenly thought of one thing—

Since your own fluctuations can be integrated into the fluctuations of natural light~www.readwn.com~, can natural light also be integrated into your own fluctuations?

Once this idea is born, it is difficult to stop. After all, in the original book, there is also a method of spreading the practice of injecting the ripples of one's life into the body of a partner through frequency modulation (your next sentence is: Xisa!) - The ripples of the immortal path run away, then the other way around Say, can you also actively absorb sunlight to strengthen your ripples?

"It turns out that, no wonder it is called the ripple of the immortal path to sprint away and swallow the essence of the sun and the moon, isn't it the way to become immortal? But why does this feel like a monster's stuff? Shouldn't human beings swallow the aura of heaven and earth?" The nonsensical thoughts were quickly thrown out of Feng Xue's mind. If it was a normal person, he would definitely be cautious about matters involving his life, especially when he was still in danger.

But Feng Xue has gone crazy. As a funny guy from a chaotic camp, it is a basic operation to do whatever he wants, especially when there is nothing to do.

After all, a philosopher once said: When people are bored, they are easy to die.

So Feng Xue responded to the philosophical thinking of the unknown philosopher like this. When the moon was in the middle of the sky, he started to perceive the fluctuation of the moonlight by running the ripple breathing method.

"It's so difficult... Is it because it's been refracted? Damn it, if I had thought about it earlier, I would have been in time to test before the sun went down." Feng Xue muttered, but quickly found a clue, in fact, how to perceive ripples It's not that difficult, Rao, who has only been learning for a month, can also find the enemy's heartbeat through the water in the water glass, and Feng Xue is now relying on the character card to practice the ripple qigong for nearly ten years, looking for possibilities. That trace of moonlight that exists between heaven and earth.

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